Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Looking Forward

The TBR List
Barreling ahead into 2016, I have a stack of books on my TBR shelf. My daughter has insisted I read Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo. I'm surprised she liked it because it sounds pretty dark. I also read the first book in a steampunk series by Julia Knight. The Duelists Trilogy starts off with Swords and Scoundrels. It is the tale of a brother and sister, both flawed emotionally but very talented with a sword. The first book was fun and I look forward to the next two. I like how Orbit often puts out fantasy series by publishing one book per month instead of having to wait a year in between.

Our first measurable snow arrived last night. Quite a change from last year when we were buried in the white stuff. It was less than half an inch but enough to make the roads really slick. Not having any snow cover when the temperatures get really low can kill shrubs and perennials so I hope the temperatures stay warm or we do get a little more snow. Never expected to say that after last year.

Fun Fact from The Old Farmer's Almanac:
Walking a mile through 6 inches of snow is the same as walking 2 miles on bare ground.

My daughter went back to Boston to start her last semester at college on Monday. She left a week early to start an internship with a refugee resettlement nonprofit. Her heart is as wonderful as her GPA. But I miss her. This was our last winter break when she had no responsibilities and we could stay up late watching movies, eating popcorn and drinking wine. I do want her to get a job as soon as she graduates but it all went by so quickly. This purple desk chair is the one she would pull up to my writing desk so we could work side by side. It's unlikely we'll do that anymore but I'm keeping the chair in the room. Just in case.

My big wooden rocking chair usually sits on my front porch where I read and sometimes write and blog. I love it too much to leave it outside so I always drag it inside for the winter. It makes a comfortable seat on the porch but not so much inside for some reason. Probably because I have cushioned seats not far away. But I do miss those evenings on the porch at this time of year.

Happy Birthday, Ben
Benjamin Franklin's birthday is coming up this Sunday and it is the time of year we all dread. Tax time. Being self-employed, my husband and I suffer the double whammy of complicated filing and paying in beyond what was already deducted. Sigh....

"In the world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." Benjamin Franklin

Any book series you're looking forward to this year? Do you like walking through snow or are you more into the joy of shoveling it? Do you do your own taxes?


  1. Hi Susan - so glad you had that special time with your daughter when life is free and easy for her ... wonderful memories for you both. Good luck with those dreaded taxes ... and hope the snow keeps your plants alive ... cheers Hilary

  2. I loved hearing about your time with your daughter. Wishing her a wonderful last semester!

  3. Six of Crows has been on my TBR list for a while now. Someday, I hope to actually get to read it. I'm looking forward to Maggie Stiefvater's new book—the fourth in her Raven Boys series. Its release date has been pushed out a couple of times now, and I'm hoping they settle on a final date sonon.

  4. I wish we lived where it snowed more - I wouldn't have to jog as far.
    Glad you had some quality time with your daughter over the holidays.

  5. I'm hoping we don't get too much snow this winter. It was brutal last year.
    I have several books on my shelves and Kindle that I need to read, but I don't think there are any releases I'm looking forward to. I really need read more and get into some new books.

  6. I believe I have Six of Crows on my TBR list.... Just finished Tawni O'Dell's new novel and it is excellent! Right now, I'm really enjoying Chris Bohjalian's new one.

    I don't miss snow. At all. Okay, maybe to look at but that's it. :)

  7. So much to read, so little time. I'm scooting back in time and reading a Thomas Wolfe novel which will take awhile. His books are tomes.
    Sounds wonderful to have your daughter home. She is at a wonderful part of life. Everything is an adventure, school, work, love.

  8. Never knew that about walking in snow, had our first blast last night too, ugg. Ugg to tax time as well, as I do my own and everyone elses in the family haha

  9. That is so sweet with the time you got to spend with your daughter :) Wishing her a great last semester!

    I walk like a penguin in snow, LOL. I'm so afraid of the ice that could be under the snow and slipping and falling and breaking something so I gingerly walk through it. When we lived in Montana and I walked the dog, I always tried to find a place that had the least amount of potential ice beneath the snow to walk him at :)

    We are going to do our taxes early this year; usually I wait until April 13th, but because of certain things that happened in the last year with hubby and new job, selling a house, etc., we want to be prepared earlier than later if we end up owing, which I hope we don't since its amazing how much money comes out of his biweekly checks for taxes.


  10. I'm going to have to look into Six of Crows. I tend to get drawn to dark stories.

    I think it's sweet you're keeping her chair in your room. I would too. :)

  11. My TBR list is huge. I'm slowly whittling down the ebooks I have on my Kindle, but there's so many good books out there. I'm same as you about the weather. Either warmer or more snow. The snow we've had hasn't been any good except for mucking up the streets.

  12. I want to read The Six of Crows, too, and we got snow last night as well. Not much but everything is white again.

  13. I have 65 eBooks loaded (say nothing about the ones waiting in the wings), and several print books hanging around. I suppose that's why I read 50 to 120 books a year, because otherwise I'd never get through them all.

  14. I do do my own taxes, although it's getting to the point that I need to delegate that out.

  15. I keep hearing good things about Six of Crows. I might just have to read it. And I'm sure your daughter will find reasons to come work in her chair next to you :)

  16. I'm sure those memories of sitting next to you at your desk are just as special to her as to you. She sounds like a wonderful daughter and I bet she misses you lots.

  17. Susan, it is so wonderful you have a darling daughter to share so many future adventures with. I know it must be lonely without her, but thank goodness for FaceTime or Skype. I hadn't heard of Six of Crows. Sounds intriguing.

  18. Aw, your daughter sounds like a wonderful person. I live an ocean away from my Dad and I miss him terribly, but we manage to see each other once a week on Skype and I'm grateful for that. We're scheduled for snow this Monday... I'm not looking forward to that.

  19. Free time with loved ones always goes by way too quickly. At least you got to enjoy it. Come to think of it, so does porch sitting weather. I haven't been out in the sun in weeks (because there is none). I'm so pale it's a miracle I'm not translucent.

  20. We've had more snow, less sunshine, and extra cold this year so far than we're accustomed to in Northern Colorado. I'm already wishing for Spring.

  21. This year will be the first I do taxes as an independent contractor, so I'm not looking forward to figuring that out. I'm glad you got to enjoy some time with your daughter!
