Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Keep On Digging

Non-writing Work
I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed the last few weeks. Did I take on too much? I finally finished the third draft of my novel and am ready to send it to my publisher. The book took me longer than I expected so I'm glad to shove it out the door. But it wasn't actual writing that had me feeling inundated.

"Pressure is something you feel when you don't know what the hell you're doing." Peyton Manning

I serve as secretary to two different writing groups. They're volunteer positions and I thought it would be a good way to help out and give back to two organizations that have helped me so much without being responsible for the big decisions. You know about good intentions. Without whining and complaining, I'll just say it's much more work than I expected and that work bites into my writing time. At least for the one group, I'll be able to complete a large portion of the work this month. For the other position, I pretend to know what I'm doing even though I'm lost. Too much chaos for my comfort.

"If you can't convince them, confuse them." Harry S. Truman

Another thing contributing to this pressure is being trapped indoors by the weather. I love the outdoors. Even when it's not cold, it's been a very gloomy winter with cloudy days and cold rain if it isn't snow. I need some sunshine!

But good things are happening. I received a contract for my fourth and final book in The Futhark Chronicles, Heir of Futhark. I roped in a great guest to appear on IWSG next Monday, Andrew Grey talking about plotting.

Pat Hatt has a new book out, A Not So Realistic World.  I'm  hoping he comes out with a new Profanity Granny soon. I wish my mother-in-law was still around for many reasons but she would have loved Profanity Granny. Did Pat know Hellion Helen Gourley?

Other things keeping me upbeat,  I received an invitation the York Book Expo in the mail. It's not until October but it was a lot of fun and reasonably profitable. Sign ups for the A to Z theme reveal is happening next Monday. You can sign up even if you haven't decided. You still have a month to make up your mind since the actual reveal occurs on March 21st.

I finally watched The Martian. It was okay and as uplifting as the book. But like in most cases, I much prefer the book.
I always look forward to the Olympics though there's always way too many ads. I'd rather seem more events. But I know it's all about the money. However, I wonder how much the Zika virus will cloud the games.

Are you looking forward to the Olympics? What non-writing part of the business of being a writer frustrates you? (You're not allowed to say promotion) Are you involved in any book events this year? Ready to sign up for theme reveal?


  1. Hi Susan - that's great you've got a contract for your fourth book in the series - that's great.

    The York Book Expo - sounds like something good to look forward to - and then the A-Z - is getting nearer - yes I did sign up ..

    We've sprinkling of snow up north I gather, but here it's been cold - but living on the edge of the town is ok - I can get out and about ... and today it's warming up ..

    Cheers Hilary

  2. It's like public speaking. If you know what you're doing, there's no big stress. That position with the writer's group might be something to dump in the future.

    Where is the York Book Expo held?

    1. The York Book Expo is held in York, PA at the York Fairgrounds in October. Had a great turnout last year in it's first year. I'm trying to line the organizer up as a guest on IWSG.

  3. Yeh on the book contract!

    I find I'm not able to concentrate as well on my writing as I used to. I get distracted by things too easily. That has got to change! :o

    I like THE MARTIAN better as a book, too. Even thought the book was too science-y, it had more of the element of people coming together, helping each other etc. I was surprised that didn't translate as well to the screen as I thought it would.

  4. Congrats on your contract for your fourth book.
    Good luck.

  5. I enjoyed The Martian, especially the parts where he figured stuff out for himself, but I was surprised I didn't love it as much as I thought I should.

  6. Thanks for letting me know when the A/Z theme sign ups will be. I got to get working on stuff since I think I'll be moving some time towards the latter part of March.

    I agree, I'm one that needs sunshine. I can handle cold weather if the sun is shining, but if it is cloudy out, always feels colder than it actually is.

    Congrats on getting the contract for your 4th book in the series!


  7. haha like the confuse them quote, that the cat can do. Congrats on the contract and thanks for the shout. I have the idea for the next Profanity Granny book, so it will come to be. Promotion is the only thing i have that I hate, but can't say that so, I'm good lol

  8. Hey, we must be in the same place, timing wise because I just finished and am sending my 3rd draft to the publisher this weekend. (After it's had a day or 3 to quit smoking.)

  9. I've been in the same boat with some of my newer responsibilities that turned out to be a lot more work than I thought. I've been burning myself out lately. We need a girl's night, Susan, to unwind from these things. ;)

  10. I've been in the same boat with some of my newer responsibilities that turned out to be a lot more work than I thought. I've been burning myself out lately. We need a girl's night, Susan, to unwind from these things. ;)

  11. You have a lot of responsibilities. No wonder you're feeling overwhelmed. And I know how anxiety inducing chaos can be. No fun. Good luck with everything. I hope your writing works out well.

  12. I know what you mean about volunteering secretarial work. It can end up being a lot more than expected. Good news about the contract. Hope the weather cheers up for you soon.

  13. I hope the weather starts to pick up so you can get out more freely. I think whatever work you are doing voluntarily for the writing groups should be appreciated. If it gets too much, gracefully step aside and let someone else take the strain. It shouldn't become a pressure in your life. Take care.

  14. Ooh, I forgot the Olympics were this year. Yes, I do wonder how the virus will affect things. Looks like some warmer weather is moving in. Hopefully that will help. And I agree with the others who say if the pressure is too much, step aside. Maybe get a partner to help out.

  15. I love the Olympics, both summer and winter. I hope a lot of athletes don't bail out because of Zika, but at the same time, I want everyone to be safe from the threat of this horrid virus. It's a tough call for the young athletes who might be affected.

  16. I'm thinking the Olympics could be a fiasco this year. I usually don't keep up with them very much. This year it's quite possible that I'll be traveling cross country when they are going on.

    Love the Truman quote. Sounds like the typical election year philosophy--more so this year.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

  17. Does editing count? Because editing is my answer. Mostly because I have a lot I need to be editing right now, and I procrastinate like crazy. I've several times gotten in over my head with volunteer positions for writer's groups. I'm in that position right now, because I couldn't say no. In May, I get to pass one of those positions back to the person who originally had it. Shew.
