Friday, July 29, 2016

Cherished Blogfest 2016

This is my first year participating in the Cherished Blogfest hosted by Dan AntionSharukh BamboatDamyanti BiswasMary GiesePeter NenaCheryl Pennington and Kate Powell where a group of bloggers write a short post about something they cherish and why, picture included or not.

On my writing desk, I have a 4 cards my daughter made for me for Mother's Day during her years at college. A little background here, I have five sons older than my daughter. To say we are close is a vast understatement. We're not needy but sometimes it seems like we're of one mind. We share so many of the same interests and that includes numerous TV shows. Once she went away to college, we couldn't watch them together anymore but we would often call each other the next day and discuss plots and make predictions. For Mother's Day each year, she would pick our current favorite, copy a picture from the show for the front and then write very heart-felt words of her own inside. Doctor Who, The Musketeers, Once Upon a Time, and The 100 have all provided inspiration. Can't share the words, they're too private, but if you're a mother, I guarantee tears. I look at those cards and I see love.

Thanks for those hosting this blogfest. And don't forget to read some more inspiring and lovely posts on the constantly updated list.

What thing do  you cherish?


  1. It's amazing how small things can hold such a big place in our hearts. Since I have only two sons (of my body), those mementos are few and far between - and cherished all the more.

  2. Now those are meaningful cards you keep! Your daughter scored big there.

  3. I cherish some small gifts from my children. I also keep two postcards from my daughter on my refrigerator. I've had them for many years. She sent one from England when she visited a donkey sanctuary, and she sent the other from Italy. It has a painting of Leda and the swan. I read her the poem by Yeats not long before she visited Italy. I was so pleased that she saw the painting and remembered the poem.


  4. I'm not a mother, but I can totally understand why you would cherish them. :)

  5. So sweet. I have two girls and one thinks like me and we share a love for movies and TV shows. The other one looks more like me but thinks more like her dad. They are both history buffs. So it goes. Daughters are often and heartbreaking at the same time.

  6. Aw, this is so touching and sweet. Glad you have such a close relationship with your daughter!

  7. Aw, what nice gifts. No wonder they're cherished.

  8. This was magic to read, it's the little things in life that is so important and what one remembers most.

  9. That is so sweet of your daughter to have started this with the cards! I bet the cards will always be something you cherish and never part from.


  10. Those are sure keepers indeed there at your feed.

  11. We have kept cards, purchased and handmade, for years. It's amazing how much emotion and meaning can be conveyed in such a small thing. Thanks for joining us and for sharing your tradition.

    Dan - cohost - #CBF16

  12. That's beautiful Susan. I can imagine. I have three daughters and cherish so many things. :-)

  13. That's beautiful and so thoughtful of your daughter. I am sure they mean so much to you.

  14. Hi Susan - I can imagine the camaraderie the two of you have - and will continue to have - no wonder the cards are special ... lovely to read - thank you ... cheers Hilary

  15. Things like this from our kids are so precious. I can imagine how much you love those cards.

  16. Hi, Susan - When my son went off to college, it was often television show plots that connected us. Something we could watch apart, but then share together when we talked on Skype, or met up again. Because of this, I watched MANY shows that I would never have otherwise seen. Just the mention of these shows still reminds me of our amazing mother-son bond. Thanks so much for sharing this very heartfelt post!

  17. Wow - I would cherish those cards, too. It's wonderful that she took the time to create something so meaningful for you. I can imagine the closeness you have. Thanks for sharing, Susan!

  18. Great post. As one of the co-host of the blogfest I sincerely thank you for participating in the Cherished Blogfest. Hope you have a great time making new blog friends and reading great content.

  19. That's very sweet. I'm glad you have such a good relationship with your daughter. I'm not a mother but I can certainly understand the joy you find with a special daughter.

  20. How wonderful to have a closeness with your daughter, and I'm sure those cards bring you joy.

  21. How nice -- I can see why these cards would mean so much to you, capturing such important moments in time.

  22. This is such a unique idea. I can understand why you cherish these cards. You and your daughter obviously have a wonderful relationship!

  23. How lovely. What a great idea for Mother's Day cards too. Wonderful to have that kind of relationship with your daughter.

  24. Homemade cards are the best! Definitely something to treasure. Cheers - Ellen

  25. It is nice that she was so thoughtful creating shared memories by placing them on the cards. How nice.

  26. Cards made with love are very precious. Thanks for sharing.

  27. It seems those delight, custom-made cards still provide inspiration. Glad you shared their importance with us.
