Monday, November 21, 2016

Give Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving a few days early. This is a very busy week when you're the one hosting Thursday's feast. It's also a week when a lot of people are traveling. At least this year, I don't have to pick someone up from college. I feel for all of you that have to fight traffic.

Holiday menu at our house. Lots and lots of turkey, baked corn, mashed potatoes, candied sweet potatoes, stuffing, gravy, monkey bread, fresh fruit(so we feel like we're eating something healthy), pumpkin pie, apple pie and ... that's enough. Then rolls and sliced cheese for cold turkey sandwiches later in the day. Unlike many families, we have our Thanksgiving meal at 11:30 am. It was a tradition started years ago so my stepsons could have dinner at our house and their mother's house. We kept it up as they married so we could all be together.

Though I do a lot of work for that one meal, for the rest of that day and the entire next one, I do no cooking. It's leftovers for everyone.  It gives me a break from the kitchen and all the cleaning I do before Thanksgiving. I deep clean so I can decorate for Christmas the Sunday after Thanksgiving. Yes, it's that time of year.

On Friday, I'm sure my daughter and I will watch The Gilmore Girls on Netflix together. I'm excited for that. I haven't done any Black Friday shopping since I can't remember. Never really had much success on that day anyway. There are a few places I might visit on Small Business Saturday, mostly because I want to support them more than I want to find special deals.

I'm getting some guests lined up for the new year. I'm making plans. Still working on my edits for the last Outlaw book. I hope to have it done in another week. Not sure what I'm working on next which is unusual for me.

Still doing the 50/50 writing challenge with my local writing group. My numbers are lower as I work mostly on edits, but I'm writing every day.

Happy Thanksgiving to all, be you American or not. I have so much to thank God for, I wish I could spread the joy to everyone.

What are your Thanksgiving plans? Are you going to dare the Black Friday crowds?  Are you a Gilmore Girls fan? Do you have to do any traveling this week?


  1. I wish you a Happy Thanks Giving Susan have a wonderful day.We all have things to be thankful for though at times I do wonder.
    Happy week to you.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving and have a wonderful day with your family :)

  3. I kind of like the idea of eating early for Thanksgiving. We will be eating around 5:30, but I imagine it could be later. We do have so much to be thsnkful for indeed. Happy Thanksgiving!


  4. Happy Thanksgiving!

    No Black Friday for me. This year I bought everything online. Yes. I am finished with shopping!

  5. Now I'm super hungry! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Susan. It's such a pity we don't celebrate it over here in Europe. We have to wait until Christmas for our delicioius Turkey and all the trimmings.

  6. haha those woodland animals aren't potty trained anyway, causing way more mess. Hope a great Thanksgiving is had at your pad!

  7. What a feast! My husband's family used to do their meal at one or two in the afternoon so everyone could move on to their next destination. This year, with my MIL now living in town, I'm grateful we don't have to travel, and we get to make dinner. Plus we're having a friends' feast on Friday with with a brisket. Yum! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  8. Yes! Gilmore Girls. Can't wait to see the new shows. We won't be traveling for Thanksgiving either and our family is far, far away. (We'll see everybody next month for Christmas.) So it's just going to be a turkey breast baked with garlic, mashed potatoes, canned cranberry (the only kind my kid will touch), some veggies, and my favorite part: homemade stuffing. Maybe my husband and the girls will make an apple crisp for dessert. I hate the idea of Black Friday shopping unless it's online. I've already finished my Christmas shopping. I think.

  9. Wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday, Susan!

    We'll have a quiet one here, with maybe a bike ride or a walk on the beach in addition to yummy food.

  10. I'm seconding what that Snow White poster says.

    We're doing a very different Thanksgiving this year and hoping to make it a tradition. I'm working on "out with the old and in with the new" in a lot of things .

    Enjoy your day with the Gilmore Girls and your daughter!

  11. Having a meal at an off time is a good way to get more people together :)

  12. Am so looking forward to watching Gilmore Girls with my daughter who will be home. Prior to that, 24 at our house for T-Day, so some lounging and watching a long-awaited TV show (or four) sounds fine for my Friday.

  13. My mother always had an early dinner--about 12:30 PM--when I was young, but later as my sibs and I all got married the dinner was changed to about 6 PM to accommodate everyone with a best hour. I still preferred the earlier dinner so I could eat more in the evening.

    Your menu sounds close to what I'll be preparing except this year it will be just my wife and I--that is unless she decides to invite some of her family members at the last moment. She seemed pretty adamant against doing the big spread we've done in past years. I'm fine with just my wife and I. Besides if more come then that means I've got to go back to the store and get more food.

    Have a great Thanksgiving with your family!

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  14. Happy Thanksgiving. I'll be doing dinner with my family on Friday instead of Thursday. No plans for the actual day either. Hubby has it off, so we'll probably chill at home.

  15. Happy Thanksgiving, Susan. I love the Gilmore Girls! I love turkey. We had our turkey a few weeks ago on Remembrance Day. Hope yours is just as delicious. Blessings.

  16. Hi Susan - have a lovely Thanksgiving with your family and friends ... we don't celebrate here - but only a month til Christmas ... cheers Hilary

  17. Happy Thanksgiving! The leftovers and not having to cook for a few days is one of the best parts, isn't it?

  18. Hi Susan -- I wish you and all your family a wonderful Thanksgiving. I'm totally off the hood for cooking this year. Since I moved my mom from Illinois to Colorado in September, we're going to join the festivities at the heath care facility where she lives now. A nice dinner and then, if the weather cooperates, some time sitting outside to soak up a little sunshine.

  19. Hi Susan. That's the good thing about preparing for feasts. You knock yourself out, but the leftovers just keep on giving, don't they? We don't celebrate Thanksgiving Down Under, but I'm thankful every day for living down here and just popping up into the Northern Hemp occasionally! Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Writing/Editing!

  20. happy holidays from one who hosted too. very exhausting work

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