Monday, January 2, 2017

2017 We've Been Waiting for You

Happy New Year, dear readers. The calendar finally turned over to 2017. I hope no one jinxes us by asking how it could possibly be worse than 2016. I'm sure there's a way so let's not tempt fate.

Tempting fate ... after proudly saying I hadn't had a bad cold in a few years, I'm suffering through my second in less than a month. Darn germs. Go away.

Don't forget the 4th is the first Wednesday of 2017 and that means it's time for IWSG monthly blog hop. It's also the day the winners of the anthology contest will be announced. I was humbled by the talent of our members. So many excellent writers and stories. The question of the month should you decide to use it: What writing rule do you wish you'd never heard?

Looking back on 2016, there are lots of things to be depressed about. I spent yesterday thinking of all the good things that happened in 2016. (In between blowing my nose.)

We learned we were expecting our first grandchild. My daughter graduated college with highest honors which also means no more tuition payments. I reconnected with an hold friend and have enjoyed a number of lunches with her as we catch up. I read some really terrific books. I only wrote two books last year but I received a contract from my publisher for both of them. My children and my husband are healthy as everyone loves everyone, faults and all. So on a personal level, 2016 was pretty good.

In the professional area, 2016 threw one more fastball at the head. And it hit a lot of writers. All Romance eBooks, a distributor of ebooks, announced it was closing its door on December 31st and would not be able to pay anyone the royalties owed to them for the 4th quarter of 2016. Wow! This hit a lot of indie writers but also publishers of all sizes who sell their books through ARe. They don't just sell romance but also sell other genres on their sister site, OmniLit. There is more fallout from this coming out every day. Mostly what it confirms is how few ways there are for writers to protect their work. Pirates steal and now legitimate sites can't be trusted? How many people now believe the owner of ARe was paying them all monies owed before this? Here is an article discussing the closing and another with further information. I'm waiting to hear from my publisher when they figure out what it will cost her and me. I hope it didn't hurt any of you.

"Yesterday's home runs don't win today's games." Babe Ruth

What can a writer do? Just keep on writing. I'm starting a new romance series set in a post-apocalypse America. The apocalypse seems to be on a lot of minds these days.

Not setting goals for this year. I'm going to write as much as I can and regain the energy I couldn't seem to find in 2016. I need to get more done.

"Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda

One more thought before tonight's football game. Go, Penn State!

Are you tired of football bowl season? I am. Were any of your books for sale on ARe? Are you entering 2017 with hope and a positive outlook? I hope the Force is with you all in 2017.


  1. Hi Susan - Happy New Year to you and yours ... and good luck with settling to more writing - it's great you've got the contracts to go forward with. Wonderful about your daughter ... and such good news re grandchild on 'its' way ... have a great 2017 - cheers Hilary

  2. Oh, yikes, sorry you've been feeling so ill lately. Glad you have so many positives from 2016 to reflect on, though! Hope 2017 treats you well, and that those germs finally start leaving you alone, too!

  3. Happy New Year Susan, hope your cold hurries up and leaves you. I also hope this year will see much success with your writng. Godd New Year wishes also to your family.

  4. Sorry you have a cold :( Congrats to your daughter and here's to hoping 2017 is better than I think it will be!

  5. Hope you feel better soon and the New Year is good to you. Since Hubby and I don't watch football I can't say I'm tired of it... As for the New Year, it's one day at a time.

  6. I'm hoping to gain some more oomph for 2017, in both writing and life. Hmm, sounds like a good topic for my IWSG post, which I have not written yet.... :o

    Wishing you all the best for 2017! Get well soon - knock that cold out! :)

  7. I would be thrilled if I could write two books in a year. Or one book in a year. Or half a book in a year. Two books in a year is amazing.

    Happy New Year, Susan—Feel better soon!

  8. I wasn't aware of the ARe debacle. Sounds awful. I didn't get enough written in 2016 either, but I did a lot of blogging to promote my short stories. Since that didn't exactly translate into tons of sales, I will have to rethink my marketing strategy for next time. Here's to more writing in 2017!

  9. Wow, can't pay any royalties. That's a big blow.

    Happy New Year.

  10. Blah to the germs. Damn ARe is quite the debacle. Just never know with anything these days.

  11. Hope you're feeling better soon! I have a few friends affected by ARe - so frustrating!
    It's always good to look for the good and the balance when the world is crazy.
    Wishing you all the best for 2017!!

  12. Sorry you're sick again, hon. Feel better soon.

  13. I was on ARe for a little while years ago, but never sold anything so I took the books down. Very glad I did!
    Sorry to hear you're sick again. Sending healing vibes.

  14. ARe used to be a huge seller and provided a nice chunk of a change as a vendor. Luckily?? for me this year wasn't overly great but I will lose out on money with the no royalty payment deal for 4th qtr sales. I guess I'll count those as "free" books. Nothing I can do about it and many more authors will feel the impact a lot worst than me so I'm deeply saddened. Congrats on the contracts :) I only managed 2 books this year as well so hoping for better in 2017

  15. I heard about ARe. Really sorry to hear the bad news. Also sorry about the cold. Those always come at the very worst times. . .well, any time is a worst time to be sick. Recover. Stay healthy. Write up a story in 2017.

  16. I'm so sorry about ARe and the cold. I think the "world" news of 2016 was just awful, all year and at the end, too, losing two great actresses at once (Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds both star in movies that are in my top ten list of movies).
    Like you, though, in my personal life, 2016 rocked. My daughters both went to Hungary to compete in an international, Olympic Hopes Regatta and I got to watch them. We had a good year just doing our "usual" stuff, and our family got bigger with a grand-nephew added into the mix.
    Write well, write often, and may the force be with you, too, in 2017!

  17. And 2016 gets another hit in on writers. That stinks. Be sure to get lots of rest so you can feel better.

  18. Happy New Year! That's terrible about ARe. Hopefully you start to feel better soon, too! It seems everyone I know (including me) has been hit by a cold lately.

  19. Happy New Year! May 2017 bring you much joy and peace, and a great publisher.

  20. Sounded like 2016 was a good year for you and your family in the personal sense indeed! Nothing better than a new grandchild coming your way! I'm feeling "positive" about 2017 and someone else in our extended family is feeling too that this could be "our" year through his prayers. I'm so very hopeful because the last 4 months of 2016 about killed me.

    Happy New Year!


  21. I have a nasty cold too, we're about to get a big, big snow, and the Broncos did not make the playoffs. I predict the rest of the year will be calm, joyful, and productive. :D
