Monday, February 20, 2017

Triumphant Return

I didn't post last Monday, but with good reason. A young family member had some very serious surgery scheduled for last Monday at a children's hospital out of state. We spent most of Valentine's Day in a hospital waiting area. Everything went well and the child is now home again though a long way from recovered. Prognosis is good. You can imagine how stressful the past month has been while waiting for this dangerous surgery. But all is well. Apologies to those I didn't get around to visiting last week. I'll do better this week.

Some great news to share if you didn't hear. Insecure Writer's Support Group made it onto a 100 Best Writing Websites in 2017. I hope you'll check that out and share it around. I also received my IWSG pens. Really cool.

I know we all need to be concerned about climate change, but my long time readers know how I hate the cold. The weather has been so lovely and mild. It finally stopped raining and the sun even showed its face for a few days. It also made me anxious for spring.

Work on my WIP took a hit last week with everything going on, but I'm back on top of it now. I mucked through the ugly middle and am working on the last quarter of the book.

“It is better to write a bad first draft than to write no first draft at all.” ─ Will Shetterly
“Getting a first draft done is like pushing a peanut with your nose across a very dirty floor.” ─ Joyce Carol Oates
If you didn't get a chance, visit IWSG post from last week and read about cover designs and what you need to consider if you do your own. Very interesting.  And of course, read the new post today.

A TV show I forgot to mention that I've been enjoying is Timeless. It involves time travel to the past where the heroes bumble around and too often change history as they try to prevent the bad guy from doing exactly that. Each week we meet historical figures like Abraham Lincoln, Bonnie and Clyde, Hemingway, and Houdini before he was famous, and witness historic events. And recently it seems the 'big' bad guy might not be the biggie at all, though still pretty ruthless in his own right. And they don't avoid the prejudices and sexism of the past either as they encounter lots of it. It's fun.

Are you enjoying unusually warm weather this winter? Ever try pushing a peanut across the floor with your nose? Did you share the good news about our terrific IWSG? Do you have the day off for President's Day?


  1. Pleased to hear that your relation is doing well. Must have been a very worrying time for the family.

    Also good news about the ISWG. ALL of you concerned with the group must be over the moon.


  2. That's good to hear the surgery went well.

    This weather has been crazy. We're to hit 80 sometime this week. In February!

  3. Thankful surgery went well; hope the little one makes a complete recovery down the road! Glad to hear the weather has been pleasant too; spring is literally around the corner. We did have warmer than usual weather last week and then a terrific rainstorm with colder temps this past weekend. Supposed to be warming up now this week. I'll be working today :)


  4. Glad to hear your family member is home and healing!

    I've been enjoying our weather overall. My husband and I participated in another 5K recently and the weather was actually chilly in the morning, which worked out well since we were sweating by the end. :)

  5. Many prayers for a full recovery of your young relative! No day off for Presidents' Day, and the weather is mild which has me concerned.

  6. I'm so glad to hear all is well again in your family. Nothing is so stressful than when family is hurting.

  7. Glad the surgery went well. Never something anyone wants anyone to go through.

    We got tons of snow, so can melt any time now. Timeless is a good one indeed.

  8. Glad to hear everything went well with surgery! Family takes priority over blogging any day. And writing. Good luck getting back into it. I'm with you on the cold, and I'm enjoying this sunny winter weather we've been having. Fingers crossed we've already seen the worst winter has to offer.

  9. Hi Susan - so glad to hear all has gone well and may that recovery heal up easily too ... so pleased for the family - no wonder you've been 'away' ... family are way more important. All the very best for the coming months ... cheers HIlary

  10. So pleased the surgery went well. A friend told me her 3 yr old daughter had just been pronounced legally blind. Wishing your family all the best.

  11. Wonderful to hear the surgery went well. It's been very warm and mild here too. It feels more like April. I worry how hot the summer might be!

  12. How scary. I'm glad they're all right and I hope it stays that way.

    All first drafts are bad :P. It's just how they are.

  13. It's great to hear that the surgery went well!
    It's been warmer this past week or two here - crocuses are sprouting up in a few places. However, we have had snow in March after a mild February before this, so I'm not sure what will happen next. Weather is delightfully wacky sometimes - I mean, I don't always love knowing the ending to book, so I think I should cut the weather forecasters a little slack when they are wrong.
    All first drafts are really bad - especially if they are novel length. Short stories are sometimes okay, but novels - ugh. That's how mine feels at the moment.

  14. Glad to hear the surgery went well! It was warm here over the weekend but the cold seems to be coming back. I definitely prefer the warm weather! I love that first quote! I should keep it in mind when I'm trying to make every word perfect in the first draft and wondering why it's taking me so long.

  15. I'm glad the surgery went well. It's extra stressful when it's a child. My nephew has had 5 surgeries and each time was so scary to wait through.

  16. I'm very glad your young family member is recovering. There is nothing like a serious medical crisis - especially involving a child - to remind us what's important in life.

  17. so glad the family member is on the mend. there is no relaxing in a situation like that until you feel like the loved one has pulled through.
    I'm particular stuck on the quote that a bad draft is better than no draft. Its right up there with just keep writing. the warm weather is slightly freaky I admit. Today and tomorrow especially have me looking around to see if it really is February and not April. LOL

  18. The kids had the week off, which meant no computer time for me. I'm hoping to get back to work on Monday. Glad to hear your family member has gotten through their surgery. I did enjoy the unseasonable warm weather last week by bike riding and playing badminton with my daughter. It's still warm-ish but we're having lots of rain.

  19. glad to hear surgery went well and things look positive moving forward!
    and yes, first drafts are messy!
    great news for IWSG - will have to catch up on the articles, they're usually very useful.

  20. It's been spring here, so weird. The ants, bugs and flowers are popping about.

    Glad that the little one is doing well. Here's to the child getting all the way better.
