Wednesday, September 6, 2017

IWSG: September Already

Summer flew by and not it's the first Wednesday of the month and time for Insecure Writer's Support Group. This amazing group was started by Alex J. Cavanaugh for writers to help each with advice, sharing good news and bad, but mostly for helping each other even if just to listen. You can find the complete list here.

I'm skipping the suggested question today to share my Labor Day experience. I've heard this suggest by other writers but never tried it completely. So on Monday, I unplugged. No checking email, no Twitter, no writing or even thinking about it. I read for hours. Took a walk. Did some cooking. Watched some TV with my husband and sons. Drank coffee all day long. I didn't even go in my writing office. And I woke up Tuesday refreshed and ready to dive back in. I highly recommend it. So my IWSG post is to suggest everyone try it for at least a day. Next month, I'm going to do if for an entire weekend. For me.

Random going on stuff
New computer is working pretty good. I'm still not use to the keyboard but I'm getting better. My house is really clean because I have to keep it so for my granddaughter who is crawling around like a new puppy and chewing on everything like one too. One of my sons quit his job with AT&T and I'm glad. They are not good to their employees. He starts his new job next Monday and is supplementing his income by being an Uber driving. Lots of good story material there.

I'm seeing lots of TV ads for new fall TV shows and nothing is rousing my curiosity. There's not even any show I'm really looking forward to returning. Sad. Killjoys ended on an intriguing note and I like that we know it has two more seasons to go. Looking forward the Salvation tonight.

Have you ever unplugged completely? Ever ride with Uber? Are you looking forward to any new fall TV.


  1. With DLP, I can't completely unplug, but I was away for almost a week this summer and it really cut into the computer and work time. But it left a lot more time for family and fun.

  2. I don't completely unplug, but I did read for hours last night without looking at my computer. It was great. I plan to do it more often for the same reason that you did on Monday.

  3. I usually take one day where I don't put my computer on at all, but I do check email on my phone - much less often, though. I don't know if I'll be able to totally unplug, but I'm getting better/closer. :)

  4. That is great you took that day to unplug and you saw the difference it made. Isn't it fun when the grand kids become mobile?


  5. No sure I've unplugged for a full day. I've done it for most of a day, that count? lol

    Uber must bring quite the stories indeed. Yeah, most new shows this year look meh or humdrum.

  6. Your son will have some interesting stories from being an Uber driver.
    I was mostly unplugged from the blogging world these past few weeks and it was great.

  7. That sounds like a heavenly idea, just unplugging for a day...I may have to try it!

  8. I feel like I've unplugged too much this year and this summer when I planned to do the opposite, but lately I've been feeling a need for writing so maybe all the unplugging is building up into something good.
    I haven't ridden with uber but my daughters did when they were training in Hawai'i (without me) and they liked it. I can imagine there are a number of stories that come from that.

  9. Sounds like a lovely Labor Day. I unplugged for a week this past summer, and I'll be doing so again when I visit my family next month. I'm always eager to come back to it after being away.

  10. Unplugging is my favorite. :)

    Oh my gosh - my husband was soooo close to starting a job with AT&T! But then his current employer stole him back. Sounds like he dodged a bullet.

    I think I might be the only American who's not yet ridden in an Uber - but I've got the app loaded and ready-to-go for whenever I need it.

  11. I haven't unplugged completely in a long, long time. I'm such a social media addict that I'm sure that doing so would do me some serious good.

    And I can't think of any fall shows that I'm interested in seeing. Weird. Usually there's one or two.

  12. I actually love to unplug, it's a big relief in a lot of ways. Normally I only do it on holiday, but taking the odd day here and there sounds like a good idea too!

  13. Hello, Susan. I can't say I've unplugged completely, but my mom's recent visit forced me to put aside my writing for a whole week. (Well, she didn't force me, but I was determined to give her my full attention.) I agree that a day away now & then can give me new perspective and energy. It's funny, though--after a week away, I found it hard to start writing again, kind of like resuming a running routine after an enforced break.

  14. Hi,
    Right ON! I take Sundays off and I do mean every Sunday. It's my day to stay away from my computer and I absolutely love it. I'm glad you enjoyed your day.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Patricia Everything Must Change

  15. I step away from social media on the weekends, but I have too much to do on the rest of the internet to unplug for a whole day. It must be fun to have your granddaughter crawling around. Just think, she'll be walking soon!

  16. It would be nice to unplug (or leave the phone behind), but i'd have family calling to report me as a missing person!

  17. I missed the last episode of KillJoys - hoping it will be repeated soon!
    Unplugging is a very good idea - clears out the fog (for me anyway) :)

  18. I never unplugged for the entire day intentionally. Sometimes, it happens when I don't have access to the internet or when I'm traveling, but consciously, never. Maybe I should.
    As for TV shows - have you watched Bull? I love the show, and they're coming for the second season in the end of September. Can't wait.

  19. I've unplugged before, and it is great! Until I come back the next day and see all the emails. haha

  20. Ah! I WANT TO DO THIS! I'd like to do it for a few days, maybe after nanowrimo, when I really need it. :)

  21. Hi Susan - sounds like a very good move ... I often go out without my phone or any other connective device ... so do switch off quite regularly. Catching up is a pain - I guess I just move on a day and forget most of the emails and feeds that blogging sends through ... but does make sense. I've never used an Uber driver ... still take black cabs in London - rarely though! Cheers Hilary

  22. Never totally unplugged but your accounts makes think I need to try at least once. Uber driver sounds interesting. Wishing you the best
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  23. Have you ever unplugged completely? The one December I unplugged for two weeks, but then struggled to get back into the swing of things. Maybe two weeks was a bit too long...?
    Ever ride with Uber? Yes...and it was a good experience. Though there are those who've had some bad Uber experiences. Depends, I suppose...
    You're right about Uber providing opportunity for lots of good story material.

  24. Can't unplug completely. Hubs would go nuts. LOL Actually, I'm thinking of adding Netflix and Acorn. I'm bummed that SyFy didn't renew Dark Matter. I liked that better than Killjoys.

  25. Hi Susan, it sounds like you had a nice, relaxing Labor Day. Yes, I've completely unplugged for a day and loved how invigorated I felt the next day. Being constantly connected and always accessible makes me jittery and anxious. Do you have any of those family members who go ape shit crazy when you don't answer you phone or text immediately? Well, I do and it's nerve wracking. An explanation, " I was in the bathtub." Or "Was throwing a load of laundry in a wash." Or "Hey, sorry I was taking out the trash or even I was driving home." Never appeases them so when I hear my phone from across the room my stomach tightenes . I hate it. You're gonna get some amazing story ideas from him working as an Uber driver. That should be fun. Too bad about the fall TV line up. I haven't seen anything worth watching either.

  26. I've never unplugged completely, but there are plenty of places around me that have no cell reception, so visiting them is like unplugging.

  27. I've also never unplugged completely. Even if life happens, I would at least check in email etc once or twice a day!

    I had very positive experience with Uber. We don't have Uber in our country so it was new to me in London. I downloaded the app and was surprised by how fast the service was when I would ask for a ride! I wish we had it in our country!

  28. Unplugging wouldn't help me much. My wife would just find more things for me to do. :) Actually I don't spend that much time on the internet, so I can't really blame it for my lack of productivity.
