Wednesday, January 3, 2018

IWSG: 2018 #1

Can you believe it? I guess so since we're all here. It's the first Wednesday of the month and of the new year. That means it's Insecure Writer's Support Group posting time. Share your victories, rejections, hopes, and plans with this wonderful group started by Alex J. Cavanaugh. Find the entire list of participants here.

Don't forget the IWSG Twitter Pitch fest coming on the 18th of this month. It's bigger and better than ever. Wish I had something ready to pitch. Maybe by the time the next one comes around.

As usual, each year I make plans for what I hope to accomplish in the coming year in regards to my writing. I'm working on a new epic fantasy series. I'm just in the plotting stage but hope to get working on it soon. I finished the first draft on my latest romance novel and need to do the second draft with some major rewrites as the first order of business in 2018. After that, I already have the general world building for my next romance series figured out. I'm also looking for home for my fantasy series that lost its home with its publisher closed after publishing the first book of three. Those are my plans.

"Of a good beginning cometh a good end." John Heywood

On the personal front, I was disappointed (hugely) when my old knees said no more jogging last summer. Walking doesn't give me the same workout without putting hills into the mix. But those of you with bad knees know that going down hills is the worst. So I bought myself a mini-machine that is a combination of a stepper and elliptical. It takes up almost no space and I can move it easily. Love it so far though my calves complain every day.

Looking forward to more time with my grandchild this year. Also looking forward to the latest Avengers movie coming out in May.

I saw Amazon has come out with a water proof Kindle so we can all read while in the pool. Sounds good. On the less great front, I saw a statistic that claims that 17% of all eBooks have been illegally downloaded. That's depressing.

And happy days, after an entire year of missing it, in 2018 I'm using the Old Farmer's Almanac as my desk planner again. So get ready for some great factoids. Did you know that today at 12:35 am EST, the Earth reached perihelion, the point in its orbit when it's closest to the sun. Doesn't feel very close here in the frozen lands of Pennsylvania. Did you know that one quarter of your brain is used to control vision? And a group of frogs is called an army?

Wishing you all a happy and productive 2018. Have you made plans for the year? Would you like to have a waterproof tablet? Every heard of the perihelion? Ever seen one of those frog armies?


  1. Happy New Year Susan, may all your plans go well.
    Wonderful happy post to read.


  2. Sounds like you have some great plans. I love epic fantasy. Hope you enjoy writing yours. Sorry that you can't jog anymore. I'm a dedicated walker. Hoping you have a great year. Enjoy your grandkids too.

  3. Susan, that is fun that you're a multi-genre writer. How do you enjoy bouncing from romance to epic fantasy? Any other genres in the mix?

    I had to stop jogging about 10 years ago due to my bum back/hip and my waistline definitely misses that intensity of exercise. I can do about everything else, and I'm pretty fit, but I miss that quick workout of jogging! Hope your new exercise machine works out well for you.

    Wow, 17%? I wish something more could be done. Great news about the waterproof Kindle though!

  4. We are certainly freezing here.
    Hope you find a home for that series.
    An elliptical is a great workout! Keep at it.

  5. Wow, you are all set with your writing and workout plans! And I have no doubt you'll accomplish them all.

    I had never heard that about the frog army. Sounds like a horror story waiting to happen...hmm... :)

  6. I love jogging too but can't do it like I used too. So, I have started using the treadmill in the fitness centre I attend. That is fantastic for me. I like the fact also that you're still in your plotting stage. I am too. I never really just jump in there. So I'm puttering around.
    Wishing you a great 2018.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G

  7. I'd love to know what machine you got; I want one since I haven't been able to run in years due back issues and I miss it! Did not know a group of frogs was called an army!

  8. It's great to start out the year with a solid plan and it sounds like you know exactly what you need to do. Good luck with it!

    I guess that's why they call it "frogmarching". Sorry, could not resist that (but maybe something in it?)

  9. I, too, am looking forward to the Avengers movie this May.

    I have seen a frog army. I couldn't believe how many frogs there were. Never forgot it, either.

    Happy writing—best of luck with all your plans!

  10. I've been wondering about Firetv too. How can all those new flicks and tv shows be available for free? Course, we cablers pay a small fortune. I think we live in a new pirate society. Someone told me the other day that I might as well get used to it. But it makes you wonder how artists of all genre feel when their books/records/painters are downloaded without their permission. Happy New Year anyway, Susan. Best in 2018.

  11. Happy New Year, Susan. I should tell my one friend who likes to read in the tub and always drops her books about the water proof kindle.

  12. I wonder if the earth being closer to the sun had anything to do with the supermoon the other night?

  13. An army of frogs is a new one for me!!
    Good luck with all of your plans for 2018 - hope the knee is coping :)

  14. You have a lot of hot pens in the writing fire! Mercy. Here's to seeing all of those project through to the end. Happy New Year.

  15. Sorry you can't jog anymore, but that workout machine sounds great. I've always wanted one.

    Happy New Year, Susan!

  16. Sure not warm here. Lots on the go at your show writing wise, a win indeed. Never knew any of those. Yeah, going down hill is hard on the knees indeed.

  17. I think I heard somewhere that a group of frogs is an army, although I've never seen more than one at a time (I guess it's an army of one). Good luck finding a new home for your books. I hope it's a good 2018 for you.

  18. I'd buy a waterproof Kindle if it meant I also got a pool in which to read it.

  19. Happy New Year, and happy new publisher!

    Yes, i want a waterproof way to read in the bathtub.

  20. I love trivia facts. Good that you already have a start on the next book. Yeah, finding time to complete it is the real trick.

  21. Even Florida is hitting the 30's so chilly. Wishing you joy and much success in 2018. Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  22. Hi Susan, good luck with your writing goals for 2018, you are a very prolific writer.

    Rachna Chhabria
    Co-host IWSG
    Rachna's Scriptorium

  23. I had to give up running years ago because of my knees. Apparently I inherited my dad's knees, and he had to have them replaced in his seventies. Gulp! I'm trying to take better care of my knees now.

  24. Happy New Year. I swear I thought this sentence was going to end this way: I saw Amazon has come out with a water proof Kindle so we can all read while underwater.

  25. I've marked the twitter Pitch Fest sure wish I has something new but only WIPs there is no way to finish in time. Best wishes to all particpants.

  26. The stair stepper sounds great, and yeah, I bet your calves are killing you! But yay for finding a non-knee-damaging solution for exercise!

  27. A water proof tablet? Nice! I need a stepper like that so I can use it while watching a show.

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