Monday, January 29, 2018

Third Drafts and The Business

I took last week off from blogging and finally got through the third draft of my WIP. Which is no longer a WIP but is now complete and with my publisher. In the third draft, I found a good-sized plot hole. I don't know how I missed it when I was doing the second draft. Glad I found it and fixed it.

I put my tax stuff together a week ago also. It's ready to go for whenever we decide to torture ourselves and do it. If you're a numbers person and want to see if any writers were making money last year, here is an earnings report. It's complicated, but it does point out something that is often overlooked. If you look at print sales in general, the earnings are skewed by the sale of academic books. Textbooks costs are outrageous as any college student knows. If you look at fiction book sales, you notice that eBooks command a great percentage of earnings.

In good book news, I went to Barnes and Noble yesterday, and it was as packed as ever. I wish my are had independent stores that sell new books. All our independents sell mostly used books and only have new books when they have an author signing.

The outlining and world-building for my next fantasy series has started. Already have about twenty pages in a spiral notebook. It's going well.

I'm reading a lot and spent some time updating my Goodreads. I've really let it fall behind and that is not a good thing. Did some work for one of my writing groups. I also scheduled two appearances at local libraries. One in February and one in April.

"The only thing you absolutely have to know, is the location of the library." Albert Einstein

Speaking of the library, my granddaughter broke her first heart last week. A very cute and sweet little boy named Liam invaded her personal space. She pushed him away. Actually, she knocked him down and made him cry. Her dad, her grandfather, and four uncles were all very proud of her for standing up for herself.

I heard the rumor that Game of Thrones will return in April of 2019. Torture. But here are some funny Twitter moments from last season to make you smile while we agonize. Haven't heard any speculation on when Stranger Things might return in 2019.

Wednesday is a Blue Moon. A Blue moon is when a month has two full moons occur. There are actually two this year. This month and in March. Also, this Friday is Groundhog Day. If you don't know what that is, you're not missing a thing. It's really silly.

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein

I won't be posting next Monday but will be back next Wednesday for IWSG day. Do you keep your Goodreads account updated? Do you know what Groundhog day is? Do you think my granddaughter is being a bully at 10 months old?


  1. Pleased you managed your third draft and hope all goes well with it. I think your grandaughter is lovely, I expect she'll break many a heart in the future,


  2. Glad you found the plot hole and it's with your publisher now.
    Groundhog Day is good for something - watching the movie Groundhog Day.

  3. Sounds like you had a really productive week. Glad you got your manuscript done and to your publisher. And I didn't know this is a blue moon month coming up.

  4. I was in Barnes and Noble the other day, too, and it was crowded. Yeh! :)

    I'm on Goodreads all the time but more as a reader than a writer.

  5. Wonderful that you filled in that plot hole and got it done. Groundhog Day is super silly, and I always watch that rodent when it's pulled out!

  6. I need to tend to my Goodreads account, too.

    Your granddaughter is off to a good start I see.

  7. Great news about the edits and the spunky granddaughter. Now that you've reminded me, I have to dig up all my tax stuff. Yuck.

  8. If text books start becoming more common as ebooks, I bet they'll still be three hundred dollars.

    Of course I know what Groundhog Day is. It's a movie :p

  9. haha she knows how to put those boys in their place already. And pffft to Groundhog Day. Only good thing about that is the movie. Sometimes plot holes can sneak in there indeed, but always good when they are found.

  10. I think your granddaughter is adorable!! :)
    I do try to keep my Goodreads up for the most part - if I let it go I completely forget what I've written!

  11. It sounds like good things are happening, especially with your granddaughter!

    Groundhog Day is my favorite holiday, i don't have to do anything to celebrate except enjoy the weather prognostications.

  12. Glad you found the plot hole. Funny how one can miss something like that. I totally believe in Groundhog Day, I think all the groundhogs are good prophets!!! Nope, I don't keep my Goodreads up to date, seems to take so long. At 10 months, I doubt it.

  13. I'm just now getting around to watching last season's Game of Thrones on DVD from Netflix. First I had to watch all the new episodes of Longmire, Orange is the New Black, House of Cards, and the limited series Godless. So much to watch, so little time. :D

  14. Congrats on finishing your third draft and sending it to your publisher!

    I love that all the guys were proud of your granddaughter.

    Yes, GoT...I plan to read the books to tide me over.

  15. I put a book away for about a year, and when I went back and re-edited it, I could not believe the plot holes I missed. Distance is good for a third, or 15th, draft.

    I don't have any novels published, only short stories, and I forget to update my goodreads with books I've read and reviewed. Ugh, thanks for reminding me of another chore to complete soon, lol.

    I am also eagerly awaiting GoT. Last season, but it will be spectacular.

  16. Yeah, this. We should always put away our first or whatever drafts and come back to it after working on another story. We will see it with fresher eyes.

  17. Hi Susan - tax ... yugh - ours is slightly different thankfully. Congratulations on getting your book in to the publishers. While your grand-daughter sounds as though she knows her mind already! Cheers Hilary
