Monday, March 19, 2018

Spring, Please Arrive

Winter has seemed so long this year. Though we didn't get a lot of snow, there were a few long stretches of frigid weather and recently, the most relentless wind imaginable. Tomorrow is D-day for spring's arrival on the Vernal Equinox. I believe we're expecting spring to magically start at 12:15 PM EDT. I'm ready. If you want to know more about the Equinox, my go-to source of information is The Old Farmer's Almanac. Check out this quick easy read.

Then came the lovely spring with a rush of blossoms and music.  Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

In other important news, my new printer was easy to connect and set up. I'm pleased with it for now. And still average 1000 words per day on my next WIP.

Combing spring and writing news, spring is a favored time for writing conferences. IWSG had this great post about organizing so you get the most of any conference you attend. Pennwriters, a state-wide and beyond the borders of PA writing group, has one large annual conference and also puts together two smaller mini-conferences.

The first mini-conference called Writers Project Runway is happening in Leesburg, VA on April 7th. They still have room if you're near there and interested.

The large annual conference is being held in Lancaster, PA this year and filled with great workshops, speakers, as well as agent and editor pitch appointments. Gayle Lynds, a very successful thriller author, is this year's keynote speaker among many other opportunities to advance your career and network.

Anne R. Allen posted about word count by genre. It's always good to keep those in mind. I've read a few thrillers lately that were good books, but I wanted them to be longer. Even with writing a thousand words per day and watching my granddaughter for eight hours, I can read a 70K book in 2 or 3 days.

I also read this interesting post by Eli Landes that says there are only two types of stories. We've all heard before that there are a limited number of plots in stories. Her theory is that there are only two types of protagonists in stories. Very interesting and I couldn't argue with her ideas.

Are there any conference plans in your future? Do you like reading long books? Are you excited about spring arriving?


  1. I told my husband the other day that as much as I don't like our hot and humid summers, I am so ready for warm weather to arrive. And the wind to stop! Yes, it's blown constantly here the past couple weeks.

    I have two conferences this year and speaking at both.

  2. I can't wait for Spring too. But it is finally getting warm enough to walk outside and the roads are dry. Sounds like you're being super productive. Hope you enjoy the conferences.

  3. I find some books to be too long. I started a thriller the other day - the concept was intriguing, but the story felt too drawn out. I find the same thing with action/thriller type movies as well. There's only so many fight scenes/car chases etc, I can take.

  4. Spring is so close! My daffodils are blooming, and the tree buds are ready to do so too. I like reading long books, and I'm a fast reader like you. Have a lovely week!

  5. Hi Susan - the east coast seems to be having more than its fair share of weather this year. Those Spring bulbs and the greening will be with us all soon. I seem to be reading and enjoying movies more from a documentary aspect ... but having joined a book club - we'll see where I go! Cheers Hilary

  6. Yay for a printer that's easy to set up. Sometimes technology really makes you jump through hoops.

    I'd be more excited for spring arriving if it was more spring-like out.

  7. Alas, I had to miss my favorite conference this year. I do enjoy them and always come away energized and with some new information.

  8. The wind is soooooo friggin annoying. Ready for it to stop any day now. That and the crummy snow that keeps wanting to come haha I enjoy a book being longer if it can keep the steam all the way through and isn't just filler.

  9. I cannot wait for spring and green and warm. And I love a good long book, with the emphasis on good :)

  10. Some long books are great, and some are just frustrating, i want them to get to the end already! May spring come to you soon.

  11. I thought spring had arrived on Friday until I saw the snow on Saturday and Sunday.
    Loved the post Susan.


  12. I've been ready for spring to arrive too! Funny thing is, it's been the coldest lately than it was in January or December.

  13. Spring was supposed to have sprung here today, although it was sunny, that is all I could say in it's favour. It was freezing cold when we had to walk into the hospital this morning. Later had to get gas and froze to death again. But, it will come one of these days.

  14. I'm going to a Seattle Writer's Workshop day in late April, and I'm super excited about that, although a bit nervous, too. It's been a few years since I went to anything resembling a conference.

  15. It iced and snowed here in St. Louis for Easter. EASTER! This winter will never end. I have only been to a handful of writing conferences. I'd like to go to more, but I just don't have room for one.

  16. Wow !!! absolutely fantastic blog. I am very glad to have such useful information.


  17. Yay!
    yoo RITE!!
    Gotta lotta
