Wednesday, June 5, 2019

IWSG: June 2019

It's the time of month again when this awesome group of writers join in the IWSG blog hop. Alex J. Cavanaugh started this group where everyone gets to share issues with their writing careers, good, bad, and just fun. Fine all the participants on this list.

This month's optional question: Of all the genres you read and write, which is your favorite to write in and why?

I write in two genres, science fiction romance and epic fantasy. I love both. Science fiction gives me a chance to include my science background and the space to make up some science. Almost all my science fiction is space opera though I have one dystopian series. I love epic fantasy with the chance to build a word and invent a magic system. I also love the idea of heroes and heroines that go on a journey to grow into the people who will defeat evil so good can triumph. I really like the tales where the protagonist starts out as a nobody who becomes the most important person in the world.

When the chess game is over, the pawns, rooks, knights, bishops, kings, and queens all go back in the same box.  Italian proverb

Hope your summer, if you're in the Northern Hemisphere, offers you some time to relax. I also hope you're not getting wet every day like we have been in the northeast USA. We had nearly twice the average amount of rainfall for the month of May. I have one more week of watching my granddaughter before summer vacation is here for her parents who are both teachers. I love her, but I'll enjoy some time without my adorable little shadow on my heels.

The new season of Luther is here and next month we have Stranger Things season 3, so something to look forward to. In the meantime, I'm doing some re-watches of my favorite shows like Haven. Poldark's most recent season is on Amazon Prime, so I'll take that in also. Anything you're binge watching or catching up on during the summer months.

Do you write in more than one genre, and if you do, do you prefer one over the other? Have any vacations planned for the near future? Are you in a part of the country that has been inundated recently?


  1. I love writing fantasy for the same reasons as you. I've been reading a lot of mysteries lately too so may want to try writing one or a fantasy/mystery in the future.

    Ooh, I didn't know that Stranger Things is coming out again next month. I can't wait! I just saw Outlander is on Nexflix too. I'm going to start that soon.

  2. Hi,
    I love the Star Trek Voyager series so much that I went out and purchased every one of the shows that belong to the series. There is really some good Science Fiction that fascinates me even though I don't write in the genre.
    All the best.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

  3. Space opera is a great genre - my favorite as well.
    Looking forward to Stranger Things. Will try not to binge watch it all in one day.

  4. It's always a great thing when you can include knowledge from your own background into your writing. I truly admire epic fantasy, yet I'm not sure I could write in with confidence. I love writing fantasy, but both my pubbed books also have a contemporary flare to them = take place in the real world, but travels to other worlds and/or realms in the mind kind of thing.

    I can't wait for the new Stranger Things!

  5. You'll have three months worth of writing to do this summer then.

  6. Send some of that rain down here, please! :)

    We started watching the first season of The Terror - enjoying it so far!

  7. My reasons for writing fantasy are the same as yours. As for science fiction, I want to write one book atleast.

  8. I've always liked fantasy but I haven't really had any ideas for stories since I was a teenager. I'm sure I'll tackle it again someday.

  9. I write fantasy and sci-fi too (but you already knew that), and for many of the same reasons you stated. Loved the proverb! :)

  10. I've had a little bit of rain here. We could use more.

  11. I love sci-fi. And I love space opera. So, you hit on my favorite genre. Hubs keeps trying to work in our yard but the water table is just beneath the surface. Squish, squish, squish. The rain can stop any day now.

  12. I like writing in fantasy and supernatural genres, too, because I get to make stuff up and put twists on familiar creatures.

  13. We watch that same things. I mean three for three. Thanks for all the happy news. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  14. I'm still upset Haven was cancelled when they got to a really good storyline!

    No rain here. Sorry you were drenched.

    I'm hoping to take a road trip next month. :)

  15. We're wet up here in Northern Ontario, too!
    I love so many genres, haven't put my hand to all of them, but one day!

  16. I've only managed to finish fantasy WIPs, but I do have some hope that I may one day finish a contemporary romance novel. It's been a real challenge thus far, though, so we'll see.

    I'm looking forward to the Veronica Mars revival on Hulu next month.

    Hope you get some drier weather soon!

  17. I don't think the world can get enough of the hero and heroine stories, so I'm glad you're out there writing!

  18. I enjoy writing in a lot of different genres. I'd be hard pressed to pick a favorite. Also did you see the above comment? Never gotten spam like that one before.

  19. It's good to have different genres to write in to keep us entertained! We're having a soggy summer so far in Scotland too, but we had a heatwave a couple of months ago so not complaining... yet. We've been watching Good Omens, Pratchett/Gaiman adaptation, which just came out on Amazon Prime. Great stuff!

  20. We jumped on top of Good Omens as soon as it came out. Definitely recommend that!

  21. Stranger things is sure on my list to watch when it comes out. Ones where the nobody becomes the much needed hero are fun indeed.

  22. Don't have Amazon Prime, so I'm waiting for Poldark...but my husband bought me the whole entire book series for Christmas. Twelve books and I read them all! We are watching Broadchurch on Netflix right now. Really good! Happy summer. I like you, could use some consistent warm and dry weather!

  23. It will be good for your granddaughter to be able to spend the summer with her parents :)

    I like women fiction; something light that I can read while on the treadmill.

    We just got back from Southern California for a few days. I got lots of fodder for blog material LOL down the road :) It was so cold and damp there compared to where we live (its notorious for being cool in May and June with lots of clouds; its called May Gray June Gloom). I was never so glad to get back to hot weather today :)


  24. Getting to invent a world must be such fun. Hope you enjoy your summer!

  25. I love writing fantasy and scifi, but I definitely find myself in the fantasy realms more often than SF. I guess I worry about the science behind my fiction and that slows me down in the SF realms.
    I loved that Italian Proverb so much I copied and pasted it over into a word document - it's brilliant. I like it when the protagonist goes from nothing to something/or top of the world by the end, as well.

  26. Here in Rochester, NY, we've had plenty of rain and some flooding on the shores of Lake Ontario.

    I just finished watching the 5th season of The 100. Might go back to Supernatural or Riverdale next. Looking forward to seeing the next season of Grey's Anatomy later this month.

  27. I read across genres, but I always love tales with the paranormal. It's that something extraordinary which fascinates me. We've gotten so much rain here in the Mid-West too. It's ridiculous! Vacation is on the horizon for the first week of July. Can't wait to sit by the lake and do nothing but read. :)

  28. I love the genres and anything under the umbrella Speculative Fiction, but I read wide too. Happy IWSG!

  29. Sci-fi romance and epic fantasy are both great genres! And know what you mean about "nobody" characters--it's always a lot of fun to watch 'em evolve throughout a story!

  30. Hi Susan - we're having an overdose of rain here too ... hope it goes away soon = but we did need it. I can imagine your granddaughter is fun, but tiring ... almost free time for Grandmother!! I'm enjoying practising short 'stories' under WEP - but just do my blogging ... keeps me writing and occupied - enjoy the longer summer days - cheers Hilary
