Wednesday, August 7, 2019

IWSG: August 2019 Version

The first Wednesday of the month means it's time for the IWSG monthly blog hop. Kudos to Alex J. Cavanaugh for starting this amazing group and to all the administrators who keep it running and moving forward constantly. Join us in supporting each other and find all the participants here.

I'm skipping this month's question. The only thing that ever surprised me about my writing was when one of my publishers closed and even that has happened so often I'm no longer shocked when it happens.

A writing issue I am addressing today is writers' groups. Do you know now much it costs to be a member of IWSG? Zero dollars. The runners of this group spend countless hours behind the scene, all voluntarily. I'm on the board of the state-wide, multi-genre group, Pennwriters. Again, everyone on the board volunteers all their hours and there have been many, many hours of work. Members of Pennwriters pay the low price of $45 per year and receive lots and lots of benefits including a discount to the annual conference that amounts to more than the price of membership. That brings me to my point.

I am a long time member of RWA, Romance Writers of America. For over twenty years, I've paid to be a member of this organization and then an additional fee to belong to my local chapter of RWA. Each year as my career moves forward, I feel like I get less for my money. I won't to into the details of that list, but to pay $99 for RWA membership and then $28 to belong to my local group, I want it to be worth it. And I no longer feel that it is. When my membership expires later this month, I'm finished paying out that money.

I'm sure there are other RWA members on this loop, and I would welcome your thoughts.

On a more personal note, this is a dangerous time of year to shop. All those back to school supplies are on sale. So many clever and cute journals, pen, paper clips, and sticky notes. How is a writer to resist even though I need none of it? I managed to buy only one notebook and two post-it notes.

My knee rehab is complete. My orthopedic surgeon called me his best patient ever. Back to walking an hour a day or doing a day on my elliptical.  Full range of motion and all the good stuff. Not quite back to writing 1,000 words per day but I'm getting there. Also, received another contract for the book I submitted in June.

I'm enjoying the last season of Killjoys on SyFy. My favorite show, The 100, ended its season last night and announced next season will be their last. Sorry to see it go, but I also like when a series knows when to end. I was very excited to learn that Amazon has renewed The Expanse for a 5th season before the 4th even airs. Endgame made me cry as much when I watched it at home as it did in the theater. Football season starts soon so I won't have much to say about TV except to complain how much football my dear husband watches.

Do you pay to be in any writing or other creative groups? Think RWA is too expensive? Do office supplies tempt you? See any good TV lately?


  1. Best patient ever - love that! I was told that at my last physical and it feels good, doesn't it?
    Technically, I dropped out of the NSA a while back. I was NOT getting enough in return. But I was a member for years, so I still claim it. (Especially after paying them $450+ every year for membership.)

  2. I thank everyone who is involved running this group, much hard work and hours must go into it. Pleased you knee issue is better, Enjoy your day Susan.


  3. You are amazing! :)

    Office/school supplies are to me what shoes are to some other women. :)

    We've been re-watching GLOW on Netflix in preparation for the third season. Love it!

  4. Glad to hear things are going well for you Susan. Knees are not the most easy to get over. Another contract is good too.

  5. Good to hear you have recovered so quickly.
    While I could join SFWA, I just never saw the need or benefits to giving them money.

  6. YAY you on the knee recovery - that's not easy!
    I looked into RWA a few years ago and thought it was a lot of money. WIth our Canadian exchange rate, it's even more and the local chapter is the same as the annual membership. Add in the fact my 'local' chapter is an 8 hour drive from here and I never joined. I thought i might when my romance books are out and about, but I've been rethinking that as well.

  7. Glad to hear your knee recovery is done.

  8. Glad to hear about your knee rehab. My dad's doctor use to call him his best patient ever :)

  9. I've had a long--so long--writing break Today I'm writing 500 words if it kills me. I'm glad you're on the mend. Work hard get back to 100%. ;-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  10. Glad the knee rehabbed great and you're back to full activity! Haven't seen too much on TV these days. Waiting to see what the new season might bring!


  11. Glad your knee rehab is done!
    I've been watching a lot of Netflix lately. First Stranger Things, then Orange is the New Black, and I'm super pumped for Mindhunter to come back next week.

  12. Hello Susan,

    I'm a member of the RWA. So far, I've gotten a lot out of it because I'm a member of the international branch and they offer excellent writing courses.
    Happy to hear all went well with your knee.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

  13. I always struggle with those back to school sales. This year, however, I've done pretty well. I've only purchased one package of pens. Thus far, anyway...

    Glad to hear your knee rehab is complete!

  14. I do pay SCBWI. This was my first professional writing group and they have taught me a lot.

  15. I pay to belong to SWCBI but think it is worth it. But I know what you mean about paying fees to different groups that may not be helping as much. I love the IWSG. We are all such a supportive group.

  16. Oh yeah, back to school supplies always get me. But I keep reminding myself--I have everything I need digitally. If only that were enough to keep me from impulse buying...

  17. Glad to hear you are recovering, Susan, and I spend, spend, spend when let loose in a shop full of wonderful notebooks and reams of paper, Susan....😊

  18. Excellent news about your recovery, and if a membership has served it's purpose you are wise to dispense with it.

  19. Just saw a whole bunch of back to school stuff here today, thankfully not tempted. Great your knee is doing grand. Anything one has to pay for like that turns me off rather quickly.

  20. It's good to hear your knee is healed up. Hope the writing goes well for you, too :)

  21. Glad your rehab went so well. Sounds like you're on the upswing in terms of your writing and health.

  22. I've considered joining one of those writing groups, but I honestly can't see anything in the list of benefits that I'm not already getting for free. I'm already part of one of the greatest writing communities I've ever been part of and I didn't have to pay a dime for it. (I'm referring to IWSG of course).

  23. I have never paid a fee to get into a writing group. I've paid for conferences and workshops, but not a critique group. Even the big ones. I'm both broke and cheap, lol. Paying fees has never assured me of publication though. IF it did, I'd likely pay.

    Glad you are getting your health back.

  24. Volunteers are the best! If we had to pay them even minimum wage, we couldn't afford their work. The IWSG volunteers make this group what it is--a place for us to groan about our lack of writing or display our insecurities. Also to celebrate accomplishments without feeling like we're boasting. Hurray for volunteers!

    I've belonged to RWA for over 25 yrs, my local chapter, and two online chapters. Yes, it's a lot of money going out, but what I get out of it is priceless. While the national organization is concerned about the big picture, in my opinion, the chapters help the individuals. I appreciate that a big organization advocates for the writer, that it has legal help to solve sticky issues (remember cocky-gate?). Many in our local chapter left recently. Their priorities changed. Everyone has to decide where their (limited) moneys go and what's best for their career. Good luck.

  25. I don't mind paying my dues to RWA for the four chapters I belong to: Nationals, two local chapters (Seattle & Olympia), Contemporary Romance Writers, and Passionate Ink (for erotica writers). I take advantage of the inexpensive, high-quality courses offered to members, but I get even more value from the freely-shared information on the PAN loop, Marketing loop, and others--detailed info passed on by writers far more experienced and accomplished than I. I also look at it this way: when I was a public school teacher, I paid my union dues. I benefited tremendously, though usually indirectly, from the union's advocacy. RWA advocates for professional romance authors with Amazon, takes up legal arms against plagiarists, and effects change I couldn't on my own.

  26. Office supplies are way too tempting. A couple of weeks ago I went to buy printer paper and came out with a whole bag of stuff from plastic folders to pens to composition books in a variety of colors for planning purposes. This is bizarre behavior because I'm trying to clear out all the clutter in my office.

  27. I had joined a national writers group (thriller genre) and after a couple of years realized that I was wasting my money. I had hoped to benefit through marketing programs and making connections. Didn't happen. IWSG is wonderful; excellent advice and support. Blessings

  28. I'm not a member of any paying groups or well known ones yet. All my groups are great and free, except Ninja Writer's Club which 25 a month or less if go through Patreon, but I drop that for awhile with plans to go back. I got a lot of value for the money with Ninja Writers. Happy IWSG!

  29. Hi Susan - I've never thought about joining a group - and the odd thought has usually been knocked out by the members that I might know. I enjoy being here and getting the benefits from comments and various insights as they come along via specific blog posts ... Congratulations on that contract - great news ... cheers Hilary

  30. My local group is Grub Street, and they are pretty pricey although I believe they are top notch. I take classes at the non-member rate when I can afford it. So glad to hear your knee if back to normal. Enjoy the rest of the summer!

  31. Good for you, Susan! Happy to hear your rehab is going well and you're back to walking, elipticalling (is that a word. LOL), and ANOTHER CONTRACT! How exciting! Sounds like a wonderful summer indeed.

  32. Wow, had no idea RWA cost so much. Not surprised you don't want to renew your membership, especially since you're no longer getting your money's worth.

    And oh, that's so exciting about the new book contract! Many congrats!

  33. I don't belong to any for-pay writers groups and don't blame you for wanting to quit one. Maybe writers want that on their bio for respectability?

    Good for you on getting back in shape with your knee. My mom had knee surgery many years ago as well. I wonder if it's something I'll face after running, hiking, and rollerblading for years.

    I've been watching the latest season of The 100 on Netflix and loving it. I also enjoyed latest seasons of The Dark, Stranger Things, and Riverdale. I've been less enthusiastic about The Walking Dead for some reason and never finished the political season of American Horror Story.
