Wednesday, November 6, 2019

IWSG: November 2019 Edition

Oops! Where did October go? Time again, already, for the Insecure Writer's Support Group monthly blog hop. Thanks to Alex J. Cavanaugh for starting and leading the group along with his wonderful cast of administrators. Find the entire list of those participating in the blog hop here.

This month's optional question: What is the strangest thing you've ever googled when researching for your writing?

Nothing really strange for me. One of the more recent things I googled was how marrow samples are taken. For my fantasy writing, I've googled mythology and for my science fiction, I've looked up information on Rare Earth Elements. I am very interested in reading the answer to this question from my fellow IWSGers.

I'm enjoying a few new and old things as TV shows kick off their new seasons. Supernatural has been very dark and a bit heartbreaking. Bracing for more of that before it's over. Poldark, as usual, has some many intertwining threads that I wonder how they'll wrap it all up before the series finale. I'll really miss that show. Three new shows have caught my interest: Evil, Prodigal Son, and Emergence. Evil manages the right blend of doubt between explainable events and possible supernatural things. And it's very suspenseful.  I reserving judgment on HBO's Watchmen. I never read the comics so maybe that's why it's so confusing so far.

Writing is going okay, but I'd still writing slower than my usual pace. I know why, but I can't fix it at this time.

My granddaughter received her first stitches this past weekend. A little scary because she hit her head on a bench corner and it bled a lot. But it only required two stitches and some skin glue right above her left eye. I'm only glad it happened when she was with her father and not me. It did occur at our beloved library but I'm sure she'll still want to go there a few times per week. The emergency room doctors gave her two coloring books and said she was their best toddler patient ever. They expected they would have to knock her out, but she sat on her dad's lap and held her mom's hand and let them stitch her without moving.

A couple of hard frosts mean I'm finally done mowing the grass for the year. I have one more day of raking and cleaning out flowerbeds. Just in time for possible snow flurries by this weekend. Long sigh.  That means that shortly I can start my annual whining about winter.

Do you google weird things? Enjoying any new TV? Have you ever had stitches? Any snow in your forecast?


  1. Sorry to hear about your granddaughter Susan, hope all will be well.


  2. Glad your granddaughter is okay! She sounds like a trooper! I love Poldark, too. No spoilers though. I have finally convinced my husband to watch it and so am now going through seasons 1-3 while we record season four. Confession? My husband gave me the entire book series of Poldark for Christmas and I read every one. That's twelve books!

  3. Those are the three new TV shows I'm watching, too. I'm behind on them all though, and I'm holding off on Evil for now so I can binge watch at a later date. :)

    Your granddaughter is a very brave little girl!

  4. Sorry your granddaughter hurt herself. She must've hit hard.
    I think I'm down to my final couple mows of the year. Yes!

  5. She started early with stitches. I'm glad she's okay.

    We discovered Krikey! It's the Erwins - a show following Steve Erwin's family at the Australian Zoo and I am loving it.

  6. I remember the first time my son fell on one of our bookshelves and split his lip. I just about died on the spot. Praying for a quick healing for your granddaughter.


  7. In my previous line of work, I did google some strange things when trying to find out medical words. It was interesting what some of those searches led to, LOL. Your poor granddaughter but it doesn't seem like it was an overall bad experience in the long run. Those things sadly will happen. Grandson had stitches summer of 2018. He fell backward after he was too close to his mom and she backed up and he lost his balance. Accidents happen. I think he had 2-3 stitches in the back of his head and like your granddaughter he was a trooper about it. I had stitches for the first time when I was 41 years old. Fell when walking the dog we had at a time. I think I needed 8 stitches. It was on my knee. No stitches since, thank God!


  8. I never had stitches and thankfully my daughter didn't need them either. Glad your granddaughter was so good about it.

    I've been taping Emergence but not watched it. Will check it out.

  9. Sorry to hear about your granddaughter's boo-boo. Seems those toddler years are filled with trips to the emergency room. I wish you happy writing in November.

  10. Glad to hear that your granddaughter is well. I'm currently watching Jack Ryan, The Good Place and Psyche.

  11. Oh wow, glad she is doing better. And you know, depending on who you ask, some might think that looking up the removal of bone marrow may not be a usual kind of thing people search for. :)

  12. Rare Earth Elements would make a neat research subject! I've done some research on elements and such for a WIP.

  13. Hi,
    The main thing is that you're writing. Whether it is slow or at your natural pace, take care of the people or things you need to take care of first.
    Wishing you all the best and a happy month of November.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

  14. My search history is full of the bizarre and criminal. Harvesting bone marrow samples sounds fascinating! Glad your granddaughter is on the mend. Kids heal quickly, but the adult worry is still extended.

    No whining for me about winter. I love it!

  15. I haven't googled a ton of strange things - but it's been fun reading the entries! :)
    I've been enjoying Emergence too - I'm too big of a wimp for some of the others you mentioned!

  16. Ugh, snow. Also your granddaughter's brave. She must have quite a level head on her shoulders, and she's not even in school yet.

  17. I'd like to whine about winter once in a while. Where I live I only get to whine about the forever summer.

    Sorry about those stitches your granddaughter had to have. The first time isn't fun. Come to think of it, the second isn't either or the third.

  18. Your granddaughter sounds like a trooper. Hope she makes a swift recovery! I think your answer shows your writing is very diverse.

  19. My husband and I have been trying to watch all the seasons of Arrow and The Flash on Netflix. It doesn't leave much time for watching anything else. :)

    Glad your granddaughter didn't need too much work done. My daughter cut her eyebrow open on our bookshelf at home when she was younger. It's not a fun time.

  20. Glad she is okay, head wounds are never good. Sure sounds like she is a tough cookie too.

    Supernatural sure is dark indeed. Be interesting to see where they go with it.

  21. I keep thinking I'll wake up to snow every morning but nothing so far. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  22. Oh, gosh, it is so scary when kids get injured. I hope she's fine now.

  23. Glad your granddaughter took it s well. Kudos to her. Think I had stitches around 8 yrs old and of course with a hip replacement.

    We had snow last night, roads are clear but grass in the park is white.

  24. Sorry to hear about your g'daughter's stitches. Probably won't be the last. I'm surprised our 2 y.o. twin g'sons haven't had stitches yet. Good luck with the writing this month.

  25. No snow in our forecast yet, but there is rain - that's the PNW winter, at least nearish the coast.
    I had my first stitches at age six - and it involved a skin graft from my leg - all done in the doctor's office with no pain meds. I was supposed to hold still while they cut skin off my thigh to replace skin on my big toe (I had taken a dare to walk barefoot through broken glass - not a smart thing). And, they told me it wouldn't hurt! I do much better when doctors say "this is going to hurt."

  26. Sorry that happened to your granddaughter but she seems like a trooper! Shouldn't scare her off from the library.

  27. Yikes, poor granddaughter hope all is better. Happy Belated IWSG.

  28. Hi Susan...

    Poor little girl, but what a trooper! The first time I had stitches was bad. I was hit by a racing biker. 14 stitches in my head, a cracked tooth, and a huge bump on the other side of my head. Thank God the emergency doc was excellent with the stitching. What a pro... the scar is so thin and luckily my hair grew back in perfectly over it. But what a sight I was for eight weeks...

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  29. I'm watching Emergence, but I think it's the only new show. I was really sorry to learn that the PBS show The Durrells in Corfu was ending this season. Loved the story line and loved the characters.

  30. The list of things I google is all over the place, FTL (faster than light)drives, 1881 history, vintage cars and fashion, old maps, poisons, how long blood takes to clot...Fun stuff :)

    Re: Watchmen: I haven't read the comics either but I did see the movie. I think I heard that it's more like a sequel. If it's any consolation, I have no idea what exactly is going on even though I did see the movie. But. I am definitely interested.

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