Wednesday, March 3, 2021

IWSG: March 2021

Welcome to the monthly blog hop by Insecure Writer's Support Group. Thank you to our founder, Alex J. Cavanaugh, and all the other wonderful admins who keep this group not just going but thriving and growing. Find the entire list of blog hoppers here.

This month's optional question:

Everyone has a favorite genre or genres to write. But what about your reading preferences? Do you read widely or only within the genre(s) you create stories for? What motivates your reading choice?

Well, I read everything though I write only fantasy or science fiction. I read creative nonfiction, mysteries, thrillers, historicals, horror, and most other genres too. My reading choices are motivated by recommendations from friends and family as well as from such publications like Book Page. I'm also pretty loyal to authors that I've read and enjoyed before.

On the professional front, the world is spinning faster than I can keep up. I feel like I'm going to fly off somedays and float away. Or maybe that's what I wish to do. I'm buried with work for Pennwriters, the writing organization where I'm currently serving as president. We're still putting our conference together and it's only a little more than two months away.

Fortunately or not, there's little that appeals to me on TV or any of the streaming services. I haven't had anything on my calendar to remind me of something new coming out since The Expanse. At least I'm not distracted.

My dear granddaughter is turning 4 today. It's really fun now that she's old enough to anticipate her day. We bought a cake that is totally covered in sprinkles, just the way she likes it. Wish you were here.

My own writing is simmering while I deal with Pennwriters stuff, but I have a plan or maybe 12% of a plan. Kudos if you know where that is from.

I hope I get to visit more of you today than I have the last few months. Stay safe and look for that light at the end of the Covid tunnel.

"Time is what we want most, and what we use worst." William Penn

Do you read outside the genre you write? Is time flying for you? 


  1. Hope your grand daughter has a lovely birthday,
    Hope your plans for your future writing goes well.
    Yes Susan, I too am looking for that light at the end of the tunnel. Have a good month.

  2. How lovely to hear about your Granddaughter.
    Don’t work too hard 🌹

  3. Sounds like you are crazy busy, but in a good way. Enjoy your granddaughter's birthday, and cake!

  4. I've been buried too, but it's starting to level out. Maybe I'll get a chance to write my own stuff soon.

  5. In terms of new TV shows, we're not watching much. I am looking forward to April when Christopher Meloni returns to another Law and Order spinoff and the new season of Top Chef starts. :)

    Love that quote by Penn!

  6. I read just about anything except horror. As for time flying...It's already March!

  7. Hi Susan - well done on helping with Pennwriters, especially as its president - and can understand why it's taking some energy away from you.

    How special to be able to share your granddaughter's 4th birthday ... lots of fun there.

    Stay safe - I get by ... but it'll be good to be out and about again with this horror mainly behind us. All the best - Hilary

  8. I feel like time is moving pretty slowly although there are signs things are improving. Good luck with the conference.

    Happy Birthday to your granddaughter! Hope she has a great day.

  9. Don't float away!
    Been hooked on Wanda Vision and Resident Alien.

  10. Hi,
    You do have a busy schedule. I hope you everything comes together for your Penn Writers Conference and you're able to enjoy your granddaughter's birthday.
    All the best.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

  11. I read a lot of other genres other than fantasy too. Even though your writing may be suffering, it's good that you're organizing the writing conference. It's a good way to help other writers, and you may make some helpful connections.

  12. 12% of a plan sounds like a good start to me—I mean, it's better than, say, 11% of a plan.

    Happy birthday to your granddaughter!!

  13. Happy Birthday Granddaughter!

    Yes, time is flying for me. It's hard to believe that this is the month where all the COVID lock downs started a year ago...

    Did you watch Why Women Kill on CBS?

  14. 12% of a plan is better than 0%!
    I like to read outside of my writing genres.

  15. Huh. I thought I commented on this post yesterday! Hope you enjoyed your granddaughter's birthday and everyone enjoyed cake!

  16. Hi, Susan! Yes, time is flying for me too. I don't feel like I'm floating away. I feel like I've slipped into an alternate universe. What a year! I do see that light, since I completed my Covid shots about 10 days ago; just waiting on my husband's 2nd. Stay safe and healthy!

  17. I read in almost every genre there is. At the moment, I'm engrossed in a poignant memoir called Memorial Drive (by Natasha Trethewey).

  18. Somehow i think that reading widely helps no matter what type of writing you do.

    Wishing your granddaughter many happy returns of the day!

  19. Hope you enjoyed your g'daughter's birthday. So much fun! Try to slow down and enjoy your time with Pennwriters. Hard to do, I'm sure. Hope you have a great month.
