Wednesday, November 3, 2021

IWSG: November 2021


Shiver. November brings us closer to winter. Yuch! But welcome to IWSG blog hop. Thank you to all the admins and our founder, Alex J. Cavanaugh, for starting this supportive group. Please visit more participants found on this list.

This month's optional question: What's more difficult, coming up with a book's title or writing the blurb?

Easy answer. The BLURB, hateful, hateful things. I've never had trouble with titles. My publisher has suggested changing a few and I've always agreed with their reasons. I'm glad for their insight.

I wish good luck to all of you participating in NaNo. Go for it!

Congrats to all the entries in the IWSG short story contest. I am continually impressed by the talents and creativity of this group's writers. Can't wait to add the latest to my keeper shelf.

If you live in the USA, I hope had a chance to vote yesterday. Amazing how big those school board races are this year.

One of my sons asked me to go with him to see The Eternals this weekend. Let's hope it's better than early reviews. I have hope because the reviewers have criticized many of the Marvel movies that I liked just fine.

I'm so happy with the new house. No steps, no outside maintenance, and lots of room. My office is great. The only thing I'm really missing is my fireplace. We have a gas fireplace but it's not the same as burning wood.

I hope everyone's day jobs are going okay. Three of my sons work in logistics so they are dealing with supply issues daily with lots of headaches. If you can't find your favorite team's baseball hat this Christmas, it's because my son couldn't ship them to stores because they're waiting on product. My son who is a teacher is having another challenging and frustrating year. Hope you're all doing better.

But it is a time to be thankful. Our family is healthy, employed, and mostly happy. And I can't post without mentioning that my granddaughter is lovely in all ways.

"I cannot change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination." Jimmy Dean

How is your day job going, if you have one? Do you have difficulty with titles? Are you having any issues with the whole supply chain thing?


  1. It has been a hard year for so many. I received a very snappish email answer to a question I asked from a business owner this week. My first thought was whoa! My second was, this guy is overburdened right now just like so many others. I took a deep breath and let it go. Today I got a follow up email that was considerably nicer. Hope things improve for your sons.

    1. I have found myself so much more patience than usual because I know it's rough on so many/

  2. I'm sure your sons are dealing with a mess. Glad we shopped early for Christmas.
    Amazing how the votes turned out.
    Sorry you don't have a good fireplace. Ours is gas and we've never used it.

    1. I'm taking care of most of my shopping this week. Not so many to shop for anymore.

  3. My pantry is stocked and gifts all purchased. I didn't want the supply issue to hit us.

    Teachers have had it rough the past two years between teaching virtually and some of the nonsense they are being asked to teach.

    1. Teachers can't seem to win, but that's nothing new for them. I'm working on stocking my pantry.

  4. Glad you and yours are all healthy and getting by. I find titles easier than I used to but blurbs go through many, many drafts and I'm still not happy with them.

  5. Hi Susan, I too dislike blurbs, and synopsis too.

  6. Adapting is the best way to take that next step. Congratulations on making that decision and that move.

    I loved this quote, and I might just use it because it applies to my new book. "I cannot change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination." Jimmy Dean

  7. I hope Eternals is better than the reviews too! My day job hasn't changed much. Code doesn't need to wait on supply chains. :)

  8. Hey, it's my birthday month too. I hope we don't get snow until after Thanksgiving.

  9. We're both hoping for a good movie. It's been a while.

  10. Hope the movie is good!
    Hubby works in the home improvement sector and there are definitely supply chain issues there as well. It will take a while for the world to reset to its new normal!

  11. Ah, how I love winter. And wood burning fireplaces! I've resisted changing to gas, although it's certainly less mess. But I love the smell of the logs.

    Yeah, blurbs are the worst. Titles and cover art are my forte.

    I'm definitely taking a chill attitude about supply chain issues. No sense blaming the people who didn't cause the problem, but still have to deal with it. Life needs a bit of kindness right now.

  12. A date with your son, that is so nice. Let him buy you popcorn!

  13. It's been a year we are just thankful to have survived.

  14. Enjoy the movie! My work has been busy with few supply interruptions so far.

  15. Happy IWSG Day, Susan! Thanks for speaking up for voting. It's such an important right and responsibility. I had a wood fireplace for years, but I am grateful for my gas fireplace now. Just flip a switch on or off. I hope you come to enjoy yours as much. I'm thankful, too, that things are going well. It's been a tough two years for our world. Have a happy and fulfilling November!

  16. Happy belated IWSG day to you. I like this quote you posted,"I cannot change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination." Jimmy Dean

  17. I hope you enjoy the movie. I've enjoyed many of the Marvel movies. My fav is Red. LOL The opening scene in Red 2 (in Costco) is hilarious. Daughter taught virtually all last year. Challenging. Son is in the restaurant biz. Also, challenging. But at least all of the adults in the family are still working. I've learned to be flexible while grocery shopping.

  18. I do appreciate input. I get so close to stories, titles, blurbs that I can't see their faults.

    I'm ready for life to get back to normal too. My day job is social work and some normalcy would do us a lot of good.

  19. Oh man, I miss my fireplace, too. We had a real wood one in our last house, but we just have an electric fake fire now. Especially going into the cold months!

  20. Hope the movie is good! I was thinking of going to it, but at the moment I need to heal up more before going out and about. Life is okay, surgery aside. Work is on hiatus until I get a bit better, so I am in a weird limbo-land. I think the supply chain thing is frustrating for everyone, in every line of work. And in the field my daughters are in (engineering of two kinds - one looking for permanent work and one looking for an internship), it seems like the job market has been wonky since this whole thing began - a company will freeze hiring, then hire a dozen, and then freeze again, and so on. I'm not sure why. I think there's a lot of "fear-based" hiring practices at the moment, like everyone is afraid of the economy. One of my daughters is working three part-time jobs and has applied to over forty full-time jobs. It's a frustrating time.

  21. I swear I left a comment before, because I remember commenting about your new house. Anyway, completely agree about titles being easy peasy, and blurbs, not so much! My heart goes out to your sons. My daughter is a nurse. There is simply no justice for those who serve us now.

  22. Tailoring the blurb to different audiences is not something I took into consideration when answering my question. Oh boy. Can't wait to deal with that. Titles are still a challenge though.

    My Christmas gifts are going to be tickets to events- theatre, concerts, sporting events- so I guess supply won't be affecting that too much. Day to day shopping is minimally affected so far, but I do worry!

    Hope it gets better for your sons!

  23. We were already having supply chain issues last summer when I was still working at the restaurant, but it's reached a crazy point lately. I hope things improve for your sons. I hope the movie's good! I'm kind of neutral on seeing it, though it has actors I like in it.
