Wednesday, March 2, 2022

IWSG: March 2022


Welcome to the monthly blog hop with IWSG. This amazing group keeps going and going. Thank you to all the admins who keep it dynamic and our founder, Alex J. Cavanaugh. Find the entire list of blog participants on this list.

This month's optional question that I usually answer:

Have you ever been conflicted about writing a story or adding a scene to a story? How did you decide to write it or not?

Not really. I have been surprised by another writer's take on two different stories I had written. She suggested the science I was using could be misconstrued. Well, I tried to explain science is science but she didn't really care. I didn't debate, though it reminded me that there are lots of opinions from many different people and we'll never all agree.

Onto recent entertainment. Peacemaker was profane and hilarious. No deep thinking needed. I enjoyed Reacher on Prime. Much closer to the book character than the Tom Cruise movies. 1883 on Paramount shredded my heart. I've often wondered when driving through Kansas how those people drove covered wagons over that landscape. The show didn't skip on the brutality of nature, the greed of men, and the inner strength and determination of the settlers. I highly recommend it.

My writing has been nearly zero as I help the conference coordinator for the 35th Annual Pennwriters Conference being held in Lancaster, PA from May 12-15th. There is so much behind the scenes work. I currently have 15 different sticky notes on my desk and four other lists of things to do. It will be worth it to see other writers in-person again.

I hope everyone is safe in this crazy world. I feel very lucky to have a nice home and no huge concerns about my financial situation though if gas and food prices keep going that could change. I wish magic was real and could fix the world. In my only little corner, I can only be as kind as I can and hope it spreads to a few more.

"No one is useless in the world who lightens the burden of another." Charles Dickens

Have any parts of your writing given you pause or second thoughts? Have you watched 1883? Did it break your heart, also? What is keeping you busy?


  1. I often wonder how those adventurers made it across the country...and I wonder about those who tried and were never heard from again.

  2. Peacemaker was hilarious and Reacher is really good. Who thought Tom Cruise could play that character?
    Good luck with the conference. We are all right here, but gas and inflation are killing people right now.

  3. I'm super grateful too right now. Wish there was real magic too.

    And I get what you mean about science. My daughter is a chemist, and she says what you do all the time.

  4. Aww, I love the Dickens' quote and totally agree.

    I'm always conflicted about nearly every scene I write just because I wonder if it's the right one to write. Then I get it down on paper and move on.


  5. Hi Susan - well done on helping others at the Conference. There are so many in worse positions - but it's a challenge for so many. I haven't seen 1883 nor watched much ... cheers Hilary

  6. I love the Dickens' quote. It would be a wonderful world if we helped each other rather than hurt.


  7. Your comment about different opinions and not everyone agreeing really applies to Peacemaker. I loved the show, it's exactly my type of humour, but I can appreciate that some people would not enjoy it. Such is the conflict in my books sometimes - should I write to entertain a wider audience, or to entertain myself?

  8. Thanks for the recommendations, I haven't seen those shows. It's interesting how readers can have very different takes on our writing or point out things that hadn't occurred to us. I think that shows there's depth in the work.

  9. I *loved* Reacher! Loved, loved, loved it! I'm so glad it's been picked up for a second season.

    My husband has started watching Peacemaker, and an old friend recommended it to me because of the awesome soundtrack. I'll have to give it a try.

    You're so right about lots of different opinions about what we write. It can be so frustrating to tease out which feedback is useful but difficult vs. what's difficult because it isn't true to my vision for my story. I'm wrestling with that now, and it hurts my head.

  10. I too am confused about the conflicting feedback I got for a few picture books.

  11. I haven't watched 1883, but I keep hearing great things about it. Peacemaker is definitely on my To Be Watched list.

    I hope conference coordinating is going smoothly and continues to do so!

  12. Great quote at the end. Best wishes on this year's conference!

  13. You're ahead of me on sticky notes - I only have two and long to-do list. I hope everything goes well with the conference. I'd still love to attend one day.

  14. Work keeps me busy, and i generally write what comes up as it comes.

  15. Peacemaker was pretty good. I'll have to check out 1883; it sounds interesting.

    Ah yes, everything we write can be taken different ways. I didn't think certain things could be, but everyone has experience life differently. ;)

  16. Life has been crazy the past few years, but there's always a healthy dose of craziness to be found. I agree with your stance of thankfulness for what you have. Fortunately I'm in a similar situation of relative comfort and security. Gas has passed $6 where I am, but I don't drive as much as I used to anyway.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  17. Hi, Susan! I'm sure you are swamped as your conference is approaching. I know how much work it takes to put on a big conference. I really liked "Reacher," and I was pleased with how true to the book the series was. I'll have to look for "1883." I used to sit on wells drilling in western Kansas and wonder how the pioneers did what they did. Working on rigs as a wellsite geologist was one of the best experiences I've had, and I certainly learned to appreciate the toughness of Kansans past and present. I'm focusing on being kind, too. I have so little control over everything that is going on in our world. Inflation...argh. Fortunately, I can manage it right now. Take care!

  18. I was pleasantly surprised with Reacher also. I'm hoping they'll do a second season. Hi Susan. Hope you're doing well.
