Wednesday, August 2, 2023

IWSG: August 2023


Welcome to the monthly blog hop, IWSG, and led by our creator, Alex J. Cavanaugh. Join the entire group of bloggers on this list as we share and our successes and give support to other writers.

If you haven't read this IWSG inspirational post, I hope you'll take a few minutes and check it out. Would love to see your own comments after reading it.

This month's optional question:

Have you ever written something that afterwards you felt conflicted about? If so, did you let it stay how it was, take it out, or rewrite it?

I don't know if conflicted is the correct word. I have changed or deleted scenes or characters because I wasn't sure I represented them correctly. I have cut ties with a fellow writer who thought science could be interpreted as something offensive. Science is science, or at least my degree claims it is. I hope my writing never hurts anyone, but in today's world, it seems everything hurts or offends someone.

I have been getting a lot of writing done in the last month. Not my fastest work ever, but I feel more enthusiastic about than any of my more recent projects.

I started an online class sponsored by Pennwriters. I've shared how my romance publisher closed their doors and returned all my rights to me. And I have the rights back to my high fantasy series also. The class is to guide writers like me through the self-publishing process. I've never wanted to self-publish but I have no other options at this point. I will continue to work on my new stuff while I try to figure this all out.

Summer has flown by, and I'm not looking forward to cooler weather though the recent heat was a bit much even for me. I hope you all were safe and cool enough.

No much new to watch anywhere and with the strike, there's not going to be much new for months. Time to re-watch some old favorites. Now I'll have no excuse not to be writing.

Do you believe you are easily offended? Have you read anything recently where you felt the writer should have removed that part? Has the heat been too much for you? Have you ever taken an online class?


  1. Smart idea to start that class.
    There are so many streaming options and so many shows, I'll never catch up anyway.

  2. I don't get offended by writing. If I don't like it, I don't go on reading it but not because I'm offended. I read for pleasure, for escape and to learn. If those things don't happen for me, then I find something else to read. It doesn't happen very often but I suppose I pick and chose what I read carefully

    Cool here now. Heat wasn't as bad as some years, but I'm really enjoying waking up and having to put a sweatshirt on in the early morning.

  3. I don't get easily offended but a misogynistic, disparaging and racial line doesn't skip my eyes. Publishing is a tough journey. I wish you all the best.

  4. I'm sorry to hear your publisher closed its doors. I applaud you taking the chance on self-publishing. It seems to be easier now than it was when I first self-pubbed back in 2011. Good luck with your course.

  5. That's great that you're writing so much and are taking a class on self-publishing. I'm sure a lot of authors in the IWSG could help you too.

  6. Too many people are easily offended.

    You have any publishing questions, feel free to ask me.

  7. If I write something and it bores me, I know it will bore everyone else so I erase it.

    I've never had an online class, although I did take one class by mail many, many years ago. Call it the stone age, if you wish.

    I hope you have much success with your self-publishing and plenty of warm summer fun left before autumn.

  8. As long as I know the basic content going in, I figure it was my choice to read/watch so I'm not easily offended that way. However, there's a lot I choose NOT to read and watch kinda???? :)
    If you ever need to pick a self-pubber's brain, mine's available :)

  9. Self-publishing is scary. Maybe that's why I'm procrastinating with it. I hope you'll share your self-publishing experience with us.

  10. I’m glad you are going through the effort of self-publishing after your publisher’s closing. It sounds so similar to my situation, but in your class you all are helping each other with the process and its woes. It’s very strenuous on the brain! and so time-consuming. ugh!

    keep at it!
    Tara Tyler Talks

  11. I'm happy to hear that you're more enthusiastic about your writing, Susan. I hope that your on-line course leads to getting your book published. I don't recall being offended by something I've read. I may have had strong negative responses like being furious or vehemently disagreeing, but I still keep reading. May your renewed progress continue! Take care!

  12. Hi Susan, Michael Di Gesu here... google doesn't seem to recognize me today, LOL. I'm sure you'll figure out the self publishing thing. It is a lot easier now with so many different options to choose. Research your favorite self pub authors and shoot them an email. I'm sure they will guide you in the right direction. Thankfully, your books are all edited to publishing standards...that is one BIG thing you don't have to worry about. New cover designs is basically all you will need. Then you'll be ready to find your venues. Marketing is a lot of work, but there are so many wonderful articles you can read through the IWSG on this subject. GOOD LUCK!

    Unlike you, I can't wait for the summer to be over. I don't like FRYING. My home is on an open corner lot that is POUNDED by the sun for sixteen plus hours a day during the summer months. I LOVE the fall and can't wait for the cooler temps!

  13. It's good to hear that you're enthusiastic about your recent work! Best of luck with your self-publishing and writing journey.
