Wednesday, January 3, 2024

IWSG: January 2024!

 It  can't be 2024, yet here it is. There's a great way to start the year and that's with IWSG. Thanks to the admins and our founder Alex J. Cavanaugh, we can all share our insecurities for another year. Please find more bloggers participating in this blog hop here.

I am going to skip the optional question this month and talk about other things today.

I've said many times that I don't set goals, but I do make plans and right long to-do lists. Writing this post was on my most recent list. Other things on there for January of 2024:

1. Reach out to more reviewers and review sites for The Morbunda Trilogy.

2. Update my Goodreads page and other social media.

3. Continue work on my newest WIP. (No title yet even though I'm almost 30K in)

4. Write more reviews for my writer friends.

5. Help Pennwriters open registration for the Annual Writers Conference being held in May.

6. Begin editing on another of the book series I've recovered my rights for so I can self-published it.

That's enough for January. In the last three months of 2023, I managed to self-publish 3 books, write that 30K, attend a mini-con and set up a book signing for February. 

"I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have." Thomas Jefferson

The holidays were joyful and filled with family and friends. Too much food, but that's what the treadmill and stepper is for. Later this week, I'm heading out to meet a friend at an indie bookstore/cafe. I hope you find time to support those local bookshops and keep them running.

I enter 2024 with more optimism than I felt a year ago about my writing. I wish I could make enough on my books to dent the inflation that is hurting my pocket.

"If you can dream it, you can achieve it." Zig Ziglar

I wish you all a happy and healthy 2024. 

Are you making goals and plans for 2024? Are you feeling optimistic this January? Did you accomplish what you want in 2023? Do you have a favorite indie bookstore?


  1. Darn inflation. They can keep saying inflation is down, but everything is a third more expensive than it was three years ago.
    Three books back out there in three months is really good!

  2. It's awesome that you published three books in 2023. It sounds like you've got some good goals for 2024 too. I hope you have an awesome writing year.

  3. Your plans sound worthy, Susan. It's got me thinking I don't make resolutions either, but I could make a few plans. Happy IWSG New Year!

  4. We have a lovely independent bookstore within walking distance. That said, to stay in business they have become about 1/3 books and the rest toys, games and gifts. I get it. It's what they have to do. They sponsor a lot of author talks and I just hope they can keep it going. There is a supermarket that needs to expand on the other side of them...

  5. Sounds like you've got a great start to the year planned. You're on a roll, having accomplished a lot last year too. Great energy!

  6. Good luck with all your plans, Susan!

    I'm not sure if we're "friends" over on Goodreads, but if not, come find me over there if you want. :)

    Love the Jefferson quote!

  7. I love Zig Ziglar.

    I'm looking forward to Pennwriters!

  8. Good luck with those goals! Here's to a wonderful 2024.

    My new digs:

  9. Love those quotes! Glad you had a great holiday season with your family! :)
    Hoping 2024 brings you lots of fun and joy!

  10. Sounds like you've got a great plan for 2024. I do have goals, and thankfully I only made three of them. :)

  11. It sounds like you've been very busy. I do hope you have a blessed and beautiful 2024.

  12. You have been busy! And your lists are better than goals. Less esoteric and more to-do'ish.

  13. I always like to have some sort of plan in mind, even if I don't follow through with it.

  14. You’re very productive, so well done! We have a new bookstore opening soon in my small town and I can’t wait.
