Wednesday, December 4, 2024

IWSG: December 2024


Welcome to the last IWSG post of 2024. Thank you to our founder, Alex J. Cavanaugh and all the IWSG admins. They do a great job and provide a service to all members. I hope they know we appreciate them. So share your woes and wins to the all the IWSG Members on this list.

This month's optional question:

Do you write cliffhangers at the end of your stories? Are they a turn-off to you as a writer and/or a reader?

Kind of. I write series and there has to be a hook to carry the reader to the next book. Often that mean a character in danger at the end of a book, so it is a cliffhanger, but I also make sure each book has some kind of satisfying payoff. If that makes sense.

As a reader, I don't mind if an author leaves a book on a cliffhanger if they don't take years to write the next book. (Looking at you, George RR Martin, and you, Patrick Rothfuss) 

I'm very grateful as the year draws to a close, for all my writing friends. You've been so supportive and helpful to me.

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays and hope you get it to spend it with those you love. We will have our big family celebration on the 24th and a quieter day on the 25th with all the kids stopping by for leftovers. I love Christmas. Unlike Thanksgiving, which is a lot of work for me since I always host, Christmas is just fun and comfort of family. Hope you have the same.

This past year, I managed to re-publish my two completed fantasy series, The Morbunda Saga, and The Futhark Chronicles. The small presses that had previously published them both closed and returned my rights to me. I also have started the next fantasy series. I hope to complete the first rough draft of Book 1 by the end of December. It's still called Book 1 because I haven't some up with a title yet.

Besides writing and getting ready for Christmas, in my spare time I'm working on the 2025 Pennwriters' Annual Conference. It's happening in May in Pittsburgh, PA. I hope any IWSGers who live near there will consider attending. Last year's conference was one of my all-time favorites because I was able to meet L. Diane Wolfe as she took pitches and led workshops. Our attendees loved her. She is so upbeat and knowledgeable about the publishing world. I hope I can meet more of my blogging friends this year. I'll share links to the conference information in January's post.

My live reading went really well last month. Though I was nervous about it, once the time came, I was comfortable and the audience was great. I even sold some books afterward.

Beyond finishing the first draft of a new novel I'm working on, I hope to attend at least one book signing event each month next year. I have two already on the schedule. That's the end of my plans (goals) for next year.

What about you? Cliffhangers or no? Plans for next year? Did you meet this year's goals. Happy and joyous season to you all.


Cathrina Constantine said...

I totally agree! Have a Merry Christmas!!

Liza said...

Sounds like you have been busy and have had a good year! Enjoy your time with your family.

Natalie Aguirre said...

I'm okay with cliffhangers in a series too. Good luck with having a book signing every month and with the conference. I wish I lived nearby so I could attend it. Happy Holidays!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I loved presenting at your conference and the attendees were just amazing. Meeting you was amazing! It was the highlight of my year. Yes, anyone in that area needs to attend.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Glad the reading went well. Enjoy your Christmas - sounds more relaxing than Thanksgiving.

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

Well done on those accomplishments and good luck with any and all goals for next year!

Hope your holidays turn out to be as fun as you describe them. :)

H. R. Sinclair said...

Cliffhangers can work in shorts. Gah--have not made any plans for next year, but I did make this years goals. Happy Holidays.

Tyrean Martinson said...

Congrats on your line reading and your first draft!
Cliffhangers - yes, for me (although Patrick, it's been a bit).
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Ronel Janse van Vuuren said...

I'm so glad you got your rights back and were able to republish your books! Yay! Happy holidays.

Ronel visiting for IWSG day Over and Done With. An Author’s Year in Review 2024

Tara Tyler said...

how awesome you got to meet Diane!
soon, I hope to have more time to travel to conferences and events.
It would be great to meet you some day - we shall see!

Happy New Year!
Tara Tyler Talks