Monday, February 24, 2025

Guest at IWSG

 Good day everyone. Not only will temperatures be above freezing for at least part of each day this week, but I have the supreme privilege of doing a guest post on the IWSG blog.

I was asked to talk a bit about the nuts and bolts behind putting on a writing conference. I highly recommend attending one if you can. There is nothing quite so inspiring as spending time with other writers.

I hope you'll visit and leave a comment. And if you're able, attend the 38th Annual Pennwriters Conference this May in Pittsburgh, PA. Would love to see you there.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

IWSG: February 2025


I've been so busy, but I didn't forget the first Wednesday IWSG. I want to start with an apology for not getting around to other blogs the last two months. I'll do better.  Thank you to IWSG founder, Alex J. Cavanaugh and all the admins of this super supportive group. There is so much information on the IWSG site, you can spend all day there when you need to procrastinate. 

I expected to be done with my first draft on my newest fantasy series, but I keep writing and not getting to 'The End.' I will keep going, but the second draft might take forever. I already of a list of things to fix, rewrite, delete, etc.

I have a book signing in about 10 days. It's at a combination greenhouse and gift shop. I've been doing this event off and on for about ten years. I sold a lot of books last year and hope to do even half as well this year. I also give out information to other writers about IWSG and Pennwriters. I have the best of both worlds, Pennwriters, an in-person writers group, and IWSG, an online community. There is so much expertise in each group, that I will never learn everything that is offered.

"Teach thy tongue to say, "I do not know," and thous shalt progress." Maimonides

I expect many of you will be enduring an ice storm tonight into tomorrow. What it means for me, besides worrying about people who have to drive to work, is that my granddaughter will have virtual school. Since her parents are both teachers and will be conducting their own Zoom classes, that means Grammy is sharing her office. I recently gifted her with her own desk and desk chair because she loves using mine so much. Hers is like mine except smaller. She loves it and it means I can get work done while staying out of sight for her virtual school day. Stay safe and warm, everyone.

"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." Dolly Parton

I've been keeping up with my walking, averaging around 14K steps per day. I feel a difference in my energy the longer I keep at it. But I can't take the cold, so most of my steps are inside. I need a little warm weather to keep me motivated.

I've been watching a lot of documentaries on Amazon and Netflix lately. I can't seem to keep interest in any series or movies lately. Nothing I'm really looking forward to either.

Are you in the path of the coming ice storm and the two following behind it? Watched any good documentaries lately? How do you get your exercise when the weather is bad? What are you working on currently?