Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Future

I mentioned in my last post how science fiction romance is a very popular sub genre at the moment. Lucky for me that is where my space opera romances fall and they have been my most popular books so far. And I really enjoy writing them.

I was pretty young when the first Star Wars movies came out but I found a ride to theater numerous times to watch it. It may have been the first movie I saw multiple times in a movie theater. At least it cost much less then. But that was the movie that made me fall in love with the genre. Then came Stargate the movie and then the TV show. Firefly and the movie Serenity. The remake of Star Trek has also created more fans of the genre. Great stories set in a futuristic society with space travel a routine part of life. I hope humans do someday get to travel through the galaxy and discover other societies and lifeforms though I know it won't be in my time. If I make it to heaven, (I'm really trying), I expect to get all the answers there to what lies out there among the stars.

Romance novels are mostly about the characters but successful space operas have to have more than some kisses and sexual tension. As I create the universes my series are set in, I have to decide what will human society be like. Will there still be bars and pubs? I believe so. Will there be military units? What will health care look like and education? Will there be class divisions by economic factors or perhaps birthright? What will government look like and law enforcement? Usually one of those questions will be the basis for the external conflict that brings my characters together.

In my Recon Marines series, the futuristic issue I addressed the creation of genetically-enhanced soldiers and the questions of their humanity. In my Warriors of Gaviron, encounters with alien species drove the conflict and adventure. My newest series, The Galactic Outlaws, focuses on a corrupt central government that keeps the working class under their thumbs and the rebels who rise against it are the heroes. The first book in that series is not yet released.

For each of these series, I create societies different from the others but also with some things in common. I believe colonies in space will rely on renewable energy sources such as solar power. Health care will make major advances but just like on good old planet Earth, resources won't be distributed evenly. Like on Firefly, some settlements will be poor and not have the best doctors or educational opportunities. There will be corrupt politicians, greedy industry owners, common criminals and all the human failings we witness today. In the end, the same societal flaws of today will always be with us because humans are not perfect.

In other news, the second book in my much traveled Futhark Chronicles, Beyond the Gate,  is now available on my publisher's website. My publisher keeps exclusive to there for a few weeks to cut out the middle man like Amazon taking their share. The first book, Keepers of Sulbreth is now on Amazon and other online retailers. Unlike science fiction romance, epic fantasy isn't having a big popularity bump. Despite the success of Game of Thrones, the fantasy market lags far behind many other genres. But I'll keep trying.

What things do you think will remain the same in society centuries into the future? Do you believe humanity will find its way into space beyond our solar system? Do you read or write in a genre that doesn't have a big market share?


  1. Hi Susan - well done on all these series .. sounds like you've worked out what's needed for each set of books ... and well done for keeping trying.

    I think we've loads to find first ... ie getting and staying in space - more people prepared to gamble the trip etc ... and life will definitely change - here or there ... it'll be very different up there. I guess humans will evolve - evolution can happen relatively quickly ...

    It's be good if we could get to live properly on this planet first - learn to share, be democratic, help others etc ... Unlikely I suspect - Nature may take its revenge ...

    Cheers Hilary

  2. Congratulations!
    I'd agree that the future would have many of the same elements. Degradation might wax and wane, but otherwise it would look similar.
    Star Wars was a launching point for me, although I was already a Star Trek fan from reruns. But it, and everything that came afterwards, fueled my love of space opera.

  3. Congrats indeed.

    Stargate will always be my favorite, the show, and not that horrible Universe crap. Humans will only evolve or change if forced to, otherwise people just sit on their butt and expect things to happen.

  4. I think I've never read a science fiction romance novel. I'll have to look into one :) I remember all the hype with the first Star War movie; the long lines to get in, etc. Those were the days of the big movie theaters with only one of them playing the movie in the city. Took me several weeks to be able to finally make it into seeing it :)


  5. I've been dreaming of traveling among the stars all my life. Won't happen, but its that's in the cards for humanity later on, make it so. Congrats on the new book! :)

  6. I've met a sci-fi erotica/romance writer in a few weekly bloghops we used to participate in. Some of her stories involved human and alien couplings. All my planned and hiatused soft sci-fi stories are just normal literary, Bildungsroman-type stories.

    Congratulations on your newest release!

  7. I love fantasy way better than science fiction romance. Congrats and good luck on the new release!

  8. Writing a space opera with romance would be tricky. I always put romance into whatever genre I write, but I don't think I'd ever be able to pull of space opera.

  9. Congratulations. Loved the read.

  10. I suppose every genre has its season, eh? SO glad you're getting a boost. That's epic.

  11. I always thought that in the future we would be living in big, interstellar space ships. Good luck with all your books. I'm not sure I'd know how to make a big sci-fi world like you do :)

  12. I love sci fi and fantasy. Never read any of your books. I guess it's time I did so.

  13. I agree with your assessment of the future. There will always be imbalances. It's human.

  14. Congratulations on your newest release! I think the future will be like nothing we can imagine. I don't know if we'll make it beyond our solar system, or even off Earth for that matter, but I really hope we do.

  15. Congrats on your release. I enjoy reading and watching sci-fi because of all the variations writers come up with their future worlds. I enjoy a touch of romance in any genre.

  16. Space opera requires tremendous world building. I admire writers who do that well. Congrats on all your projects, Susan! I admire all you do!!!!

  17. I think you have a great grasp on your genres. I enjoy all kinds of different stories as long as there is a romance in there somewhere. :)

    Great post.

  18. Congrats!

    Not a big Star Wars fan but I am a huge Star Trek fan. The first series.

  19. my 40-something sons were quite young the first time we took them to see Star Wars. I'd like to tell you how they reacted, but I was so enamoured with the setting, the story, the characters, that I can only remember my reaction. Enthralled.
