Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Upcoming Book Giveaway

On December 9th, I will be one of the featured authors giving away a book at The Romance Studio's book-a-day giveaway. I'll be giving away my first book in The Solonian Chronicles, The Greater Good. It's a chance to introduce new readers to my series right before the release of my third book in the series. In January, I'll be giving away a copy of The Lesser Evil, also in print format. My third book in the series, A Ruthless Good, will be released by New Concepts Publishing in late December or early January. I hope the readers signing up for the book giveaway will hope over to my website and read some excerpts from my all three of my books. If you're not a member of TRS, this is a good time to sign up.
And visit me for excerpts and other interesting tidbits.

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