Monday, June 29, 2009

Peer Pressure

I have twenty-four hectic hours to think about my goals for this week. Some are things I must do so there's extra incentive to get them done. A few depend on the weather so I might have to provide alternatives.
I like to put my writing goals first and all the other things second though that's not always the priority they fall realistically. By putting them first I can dream I'm a full time writer.

#1. I'm going to finish the artwork questionnaire for One Good Woman, Book Four in The Solonian Chronicles that I just contracted with New Concepts Publishing.
#2. I'm going to start work on Tiger's Mate, the second book I hope to contract with The Wild Rose Press. It follows the book I have with them, To Tame a Tiger.
#3. I'm going remove the wallpaper from my bedroom walls OR I'm going to put up two new sections of fence around my pool. Whichever the weather allows.
#4. I'm going to finish the cross stitch I've been working on over a year and take it to Michaels to get it framed.
#5. I'm going to vacuum and wash my car until it looks as good as it can look.

I love hearing how other writers set their goals. Add yours to my list and we'll help each other get them done.

1 comment:

Paula RC said...

This weekend I would love to put my writing first, but I'm having a family get-together. Next weekend, I shall be so selfish as I shall be back on track to get my rewrite finish. I get up at four every morning to write before going to work, then in my breaktimes I'll scribble thoughts and ideas as well as proofread chapters from my novel.

Any time which maybe left over I fit in housekeeping, family and my