It can't be half way through 2020, though lots of people can't wait for the year to be over. Just when we think things can only get better, there's another smack in the face. At least we have the IWSG friends to suffer, cheer, and empathize with all our woes and worries. Thanks to founder Alex J. Cavanaugh and his team, we have this amazing group. Find everyone on this list.
This month's optional question:
There have been many industry changes in the last decade, so what are some changes you would like to see happen in the next decade?
It would be nice if technology could stop book pirates, though I doubt that's possible. I expect to see some of the big industry publishers suffering as they stubbornly refuse to keep up with changes. I hope that small presses and indie-published writers will find more ways to meet readers and get in bookstores and libraries.
Things I'm still missing as our state crawls toward reopening: (none of them as important as people's health)
The library is open for ordering and curbside pickup. That's nice but it doesn't give me the chance to browse for some new authors. I think next week we'll be able to go in. I also miss taking my granddaughter to their programs and to play in the children's section.
I do miss coffee with my friends and a chance to hang out at Panera or Starbucks while we catch up. Though some of those places are open, we haven't tried to dining out yet.
I am so tired of watching the same things over and over again on TV or not being able to find anything to watch. I did just start watching The Boys on Amazon. I don't know why I put it off. It's not my favorite. It's horrifying and actually probably how super beings would really act if they existed. They wouldn't be Steve Rogers.
And who bought all the jigsaw puzzles? I'm a puzzle nut, the bigger and more difficult, the better. They're gone! How dare all those amateurs buy my puzzles? LOL I figured bikes and puzzles will be huge items at upcoming yardsales.
That's enough whining for now except for one more thing. Still waiting to get into my hairdresser. My hair hasn't been this long for more than decade.
"Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." Abraham Lincoln
Writing is going well though not as fast as I'd like. Don't judge me, Jo!
What do you see coming for the writing industry? Have you dined out recently? Did you buy my jigsaw puzzles? Any thing you're really, really missing during shut down?