Welcome to the monthly blog hop of The Insecure Writers Support Group. This dynamic group started by Alex J. Cavanaugh and led by a group of amazing administrators, posts once a month to share our insecurities, knowledge, and to encourage each other. Find the entire list here.
This month's optional question: If you choose one author, living or not, to be your beta reader, who would it be and why?
That is a tough one. First, I would be completely intimidated by my choice. Brandon Sanderson is my likely first pick. He writes big books and I would love to see his series bibles for all his different series. He writes epic heroes, but they are perfectly flawed and often insecure. They make so many human mistakes, and he conveys their inner voices so well.
2020 has flown by and yet few of us can wait for it to be over and done with. Not that flipping a page on a calendar really wipes away the previous months. The stresses are many and the escapes few. It's easier for people like me who are mostly content to stay home, write and read, and who need only occasional trips to the grocery store. Though I still have to worry about my family as they all continue to go to work each day. I hope you all are doing okay. Remember to reach out with a phone call or email to someone who might be feeling alone. It will lift your spirits also.
"If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else." Booker T. Washington
I'll be perfectly happy to never attend another Zoom meeting. But I have two this week and more in the days to come. I can't imagine what it is like for students and teachers to spend all day on it. On the 12th, I'm attending a virtual writers conference. We'll see how that goes.😕
I'm looking forward to The Boys returning for season 2 on Amazon in a few days. I'll also check out the new HBO offering, Raised by Wolves. There is so little new things to entertain. Good thing I enjoy books!
My granddaughter starts pre-school next week. Just two mornings each week, but I feel like I'm throwing her into the wild. LOL It didn't bother me at all to send my own children off to school. Being a grandparent is really different. Though I'll miss having my little shadow by my side for 8 or 9 hours per day, I'm excited for her to spread her wings and learn her way. She is three and a half. About time she gets going.
"It's great to arrive, but the trip's always most of the fun." Malcolm Forbes
Who would you like as a beta reader for your work? How are you entertaining yourself and family during the restrictions? Are you keeping in touch with friends and family?