Every author nightmare has to be sitting for hours at a book signing and selling no books. I did that once at a coffee shop with two of my friends. Our bad luck was a monsoon like down
pour keeping shoppers to a minimum. But at least I had two friends there to share the pain.
This Saturday, Febuary 13th, I'll be having my very first book signing in a major bookstore. I'll be hawking my first fantasy novel, The Keepers of Sulbreth, at the Barnes and Noble in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania. Camp Hill is a lovely little town set tight up against Harrisburg, PA. It's the only Barnes and Noble in the Harrisburg area.
I hope a few of my friends make the signing and perhaps a few relatives from near and far. Some of my students are going to be there if they haven't forgotten. Three snow days from school cut into my reminders not that teenagers don't have excellent memories if there's something they really want to do.
What I'm really hoping for is to sell every copy B&N have and then some. Then I'm sure they'll have me back when the second, third and fourth Futhark Chronicles are published.
What is the longest distance you have ever traveled to meet an author or attend a book signing? If you're an author, what was the best signing you've ever had?
If you are in NYC at some point for a singing, let me know... PA is a bit too far.
Small city Canada here - I've never been to a book signing. Good luck with the sales :)
Alec, I'm going to remember that. I hope I can do a signing in NYC sometime. I grew up in a small town far from any bookstores, Jemi. I feel lucky to live in the country now but I can drive to the city in a few minutes.
I hope you sell out and B&N has to take orders. And have fun doing it!
Straight From Hel
I hope what you hope, Helen. Thanks for the well wishes.
good luck with your signing-- I'd love to go but Camp Hill is way too far. I've never gone to a book signing, but next time I see one close I may do it. Last year I was tempted to go to the book signing for Oscar De la Hoya's book AMERICAN SON. The Borders store was across the street from my house so I could have walked. When the time grew near for the signing to begin I looked out my window and saw a line that stretched about 4 blocks. I don't like lines so I skipped that one. Wouldn't you love to see that at a book signing?
I'm hoping to stop in, Sue! Solidarity, baby!! What time will you be there?
I'm hoping to stop in, too!!
I'm so excited for you!
I drove an hour and a half to see Janet Evanovich speak and then sign books. I was also fortunate enough to attending a publishing workshop hosted by the very gracious Lisa Gardner (she's local to my area).
Good luck with your signing. I wish you crowds of people. I have your book on order with my local bookstore. I'm looking forward to reading it!
You're not alone! We'll all be with you in spirit, wishing you lots of luck and good wishes for your book signing.
I'll be watching for you, Victoria and Ava. Thanks for ordering my book, Haleine. I can't wait to hear what you think about it. I would have loved to go to either of those signings you mentioned.
Arlee, I went to a book signing once where I couldn't get in the store. I was shocked and left before I even glimpsed the author. I can only dream of something like that.
I love, love, love Keepers of Sulbreth and within a few chapters went to see if there were more in the series (on my Kindle) so I could have them downloaded and waiting when I finished this one. That was important, because as I kept going, I could tell the story was NOT going to be done by the end of the book... so now here I sit with my empty Kindle (lol) waiting for the next installment as patiently as possible!
It's fabulous to have found a new (to me) good author, keep them coming! Many best wishes for your continued success!
Anne, you have completely made my day and my week. I'm currently working on the fourth and final book in The Futhark Chronicles. The second book, Beyond the Gate will be released in January, 2010 but you might be able to get it early on your Kindle. Thank you for your kind words.
Oops, sorry Anne. I meant January,2011 for Beyond the Gate. The cover is on my website and my blog.
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