Monday, January 17, 2011

Meet Me at the Masters

Today I'm thrilled to continue my blog tour with an interview on Cate Masters's blog.  If you're new to my tour, I should tell you I'm celebrating the release of Book #2 of The Futhark Chronicles, Beyond the Gate.  This second novel takes up the epic fantasy tale started in Book #1, The Keepers of Sulbreth.

 Cate is such a successful author I'm thrilled to have a chance to appear at her site.  Not only does she write excellent romance, she's taught me many things about promotion and blogging.  I can go to her with questions and I know she'll listen when I feel the need to whine a little about the difficulties of promotion in this quickly changing world of publishing.

Down to business.  As I near the end of my tour, I'm going to reward one of the faithful followers of my tour.  Every person commenting on Cate's blog today will be entered for a chance to win Book #1 of The Futhark Chronicles, The Keepers of Sulbreth.  Please click over there and comment.