Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Week That Will Be

I'm continuing my blog tour celebrating the release of the second book in The Futhark Chronicles, Beyond the Gate. 

Tomorrow is a special day in that I'll be giving away a print copy of book #1 in The Futhark Chronicles, The Keepers of Sulbreth over on Cate Master's blog.  Every person commenting will be entered into a drawing for an autographed copy. 

On Tuesday, I'll be doing an interview on Natalie Damschroder's blog.  Natalie is one of my oldest(as in I've known her a long time, not her age) friends in this writing business. 

On Wednesday I'll be wrapping things up on my own blog.  Since this is my first ever blog tour I made it a short one.  I wasn't sure how I would do getting everything ready while working and recovering from my ankle surgery.  It went surprisingly well.  Keeping up with the blogging that is.

I have more things going on in the next few weeks and I'll talk about them on Wednesday. 

Hope lots of you have tomorrow off but for me and lots of other teachers it's an inservice day.  I can suffer through inservice but it violates our internet use policy to visit blogs so I'll be checking in on Cate's blog after I get home in the late afternoon.

I only did about 3K on my WIP this past week.  I spent a lot of time following my own blog tours and visiting others and being on crutches all day left me exhausted at night. That's my excuse for lack of production this week.

What is your best excuse or rationale for procrastinating? 


  1. Good luck with the rest of the blog tour :) My best excuse for procrastinating is that I'm storing up my creative energies to unleash something awesome :P

  2. Carrying stories around in your head isn't procrastinating. It's strategizing. :)

  3. Looks like another great week.
    Best excuse - football playoffs!

  4. Jamie and Cate, you have so much more creative reasoning than I do.

  5. You had a blog tour - that needed to be your focus!

  6. LOL. I only listening to the football games for the most part, Alex. I catch a few plays when I'm refilling my coffee cup.

  7. You're right, L.Diane. And I trust your expert opinion.

  8. wow, Suzy, this book looks beyond amazing, I've saw one over at Jamie's site too and was equally amazed.

  9. Thanks, Dezmond. LOL. All my aunts call me Suzy. It's nice to hear it.

  10. I'll be looking for you during the blog tour! Good luck!

    So happy that my husband, a 4th grade teacher, has NO inservice tomorrow...we're free!

    Edge of Your Seat Romance

  11. I envy your husband, Raquel. Inservice is so boring for experienced teachers.
    Thanks for following.

  12. Congrats on your book and tour!
    How fab!

  13. We have a regular day tomorrow here in Canada - but I'll be discussing MLK a lot! Hopefully your inservice is good. I'll try to pop over after work!

  14. Thanks, Ellen.
    Have a good day tomorrow, Jemi. I would rather have a regular day. The best thing about inservice is I can drink coffee all day long.

  15. How exciting! I hope the blog tour has been good to you so far? And I'm very good at the whole procrastination thing - it's far too easy to do... :)

  16. Good luck on your book blog tour.

    Sorry to hear you're on crutches. What a bummer, especially in the winter.

    Take care and be careful on the ice.

    Sometimes I procrastinate, but when I need to get things done I do it with a vengeance....

    Thanks for doing the happy dance with me... even on crutches!


  17. Glad the blog tour went well! I always used inservice days for plot outlining and brainstorming. Just nod at the right moments and keep your paper hidden from the boss.

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