Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Good, The Bad and the Okay

The bad is not having my laptop. Difficult to believe the repairshop doesn't believe my computer should jump line and be taken care of first.  It's almost as if they don't think it is as important as I do.

The good is that I've been getting a lot of work done on my editing for book #3 of The Futhark Chronicles.  After last months blog challenge, I'm getting back my writer mojo and feeling more like an author. 

The okay is getting around to reading some of the books I have piled up both on my ereader and the corner of my desk.  I"m finding some time here and there to dive into them.  I wish I had more time.

The not quite okay is the amount of promotion I've been doing for my books already on the market. I hope to get back on that as soon as I get my laptop BACK.  I doubt the tech guys heard me shout that.
 Don't forget Monday is Alex Cavanugh's first love blogfest. Still thinking about that first movie.

What's the good, bad and okay going on for you right now? 


  1. Oh I hope that your laptop repair is not too expensive. Sometimes those repair guys can really sock it to you. That's cause they know they have you in an awkward and uncompromising position.

  2. I know, Michael. It's frsutrating but they know how much we need them. Last time it was almost as much as my computer is worth.

  3. Hope you get it back soon. My wife would agree with Tonja - I'm the computer repair guy.
    Thanks for mentioning my blogfest!

  4. Tonja, can I borrow your guy for a while? Alex, are you close to central PA? My husband doesn't know how to turn my computer on and he doesn't want to know. Though he loves being able to say, Look this up for me.

  5. Oops, I posted that last comment when my daughter was signed in to google. Yes, Kelley Jo is my lovely daughter but that was me writing.

  6. Hopefully your laptop will be right as rain soon :) Right now I'm trying not to pay mine too much attention in case it suddenly stops working.

  7. Hopefully you'll get your laptop back very soon. I go through withdrawal without my computer. Great news about the editing, though.

  8. Earlier this year I had to send my laptop away TWICE (it didn't get fixed properly the 1st time) and it took almost 8 weeks before I got it back. Nearly sent me over the edge! Hope the return of yours is speedy!

  9. I feel your laptop pain. Just had to replace mine.

    Which is kind of the good and the bad for me :) The ok? Um...the weather in Maine right now. Rain! Rainrainrain. Gah! Make it stop! Yes the plants need it, but shnikeys. Enough!

  10. I feel your pain. My laptop was in for repairs last month. Thankfully I have a netbook I can use in a pinch. But really...don't you agree that WRITERS should take priority in the repair line??

  11. Wow, it seems like everyone has a laptop injury story. I'm hoping it isn't weeks, and you're so right, Jan, writers should come first.
