Monday, May 7, 2012

A to Z Reflections

Start with a bummer. I've been having some issues with my laptop and I finally had to take it to the doctor. I'll be trying to keep up with everyone on my desktop and smartphone but it's not nearly as quick or convenient.  It's been less than a year since my last laptop meltdown. Wish I could afford a new one.

But to the point.  This was my second year for A to Z so I knew it would get tough at times.  This year I had most of my posts ready so I had no issues in that sense.  My biggest stressor during A to Z is the guilt of not visiting enough other blogs. 

I have excuses.  My laptop was one of them.  April is also a busy time for some family things though that will ease up next year.  One of my biggest tests this year was a durn, terrible, worst ever, cold.  It caught me about two weeks ago and moved from respiratory system part to part until I actually had to take time off of work.  I didn't spend muc time on the computer for a number of days, adding to my guilt about not visiting enough other blogs.  I promise myself I'll do better next year.

I visited a number of blogs that had dropped out or were behind.  I understood.  It was a BIG challenge. I hope those people who weren't successful will try again next year. 

I made lists this year of things I learned.  One list is a to do list of all the ways I need to improve promotion for my books.  One list is of books recommended by or written by bloggers I met on A to Z.  Another list is of music I might want for my ipod.  I have other notes jotted here and there about places to visit, changes to make to my blog, ways to improve and perhaps streamline my use of social media.  I even have a couple of recipes.

I expect to return on a regular basis to some of the blogs I've become fond of in the next few months and by this time next year, I"m sure I'll have even more favorites. 

Did I enjoy A to Z? Most of the time but sometimes it seemed like a job?  Will I do it again? Without a doubt? Am I tired of blogging right this minute?  You bet but I'll get over it.

What is the next challenge for you? Coming back next year?


  1. I'm so sorry to hear you had trouble with your computer. You are the second blogger who has had troule with theirs.

    Good luck with your lists.

  2. I couldn't visit a lot of new blogs. I stopped posting daily two years ago for a reason. I also had several speaking engagements and other commitments in April, so those days had to just slide. But it was fun and I will do it again next year.

  3. I'm definitely coming back! I had a great time visiting new blogs.

    Right now I'm participating in the Blog Me MAYbe blogfest (link on my page). After that, who knows? ;)

  4. Congrats on finishing the challenge!!

  5. I tried not to let it feel like a job, although it definitely felt like a duty. But the first Challenge did so much for my blog it would be wrong for me not to give back everything I've got.

  6. i am hoping to do the challenge again next april--i had a lot of fun and it got me writing more---hope you will do it next spring also!

  7. Sorry about your computer. No fun. Even worse about being sick. Definitely no fun. I'm mixed about the Challenge. Yes, met some great people and loved the spirit of all. But, yes, it felt like a job at times.

  8. I feel your pain, Susan. My laptop fled the country after week 1 of the challenge, so I was between a rock and a hard place. It was an awesome challenge, though, and one I hope to repeat.

  9. Nice reflection post. :-) did seem like a job at times. The connections made were so wonderful. With better planning, I would do it again. I envied the participants who had written their posts ahead of the challenge, and had time to visit so many blogs. The visits were the icing on the cake :-) I just visited your Susquehanna Writer's Blog. I am in western PA. So neat that you have a school such as Dickinson's close by. :-) Glad to have "met" you :-)

  10. Congrats on finishing. Good luck with the laptop.

  11. Sorry about your laptop. Hope you enjoy your blogger break.

    Cheers and boogie boogie.

  12. That must have been hard for you to participate without your laptop. A challenging challenge. As if the time factor wasn't enough. I loved the time I spent browsing in April, so much I've signed up for the road trip so I can continue to follow everyone I've met.
