Wednesday, May 2, 2012

IWSG: Time Management

The past month has been hectic with the A to Z challenge. I've been happy with making new friends and picking up new followers.  But I've disappointed myself with my time management. I really let my writing take a back seat.  That brings me to my personal concern I'll share for this month's Insecure Writers' Support Group. 

Like most writers, I have a day job to pay the bills. And I have one child still in high school and one in college.  My daughter in high school keeps up pretty busy with her athletics and the various academic activities we've had the pleasure to share with her. And we have a big house and with a big lots that needs a lot of spring clean up.  Those are my excuses for not getting writing done over the past month.

The truth is, my life is less busy now than it was when my three boys were also playing sports. Yet, I did lots of writing during those years.  I don't have less time now, I'm not using it as wisely.  They say the first step to recovery is knowing you have a problem.  So where has my time gone?

Probably blogging has swallowed a good portion of that time so I'm going to be stricter with myself about that. I don't facebook much but I do like to play some games on the computer.  My goal is to stop that.  For May, my writing time is for writing.

What is your biggest thief of your writing time? What do you do about it?


  1. One word - SKYRIM.
    That and a lack of laptop means I can't really do much online other than the brief minutes I sneak in when I should be working.

    What I tend to do is be very rigid with my downtime, so I know I have time to spare for blogging, writing etc.

  2. I completely understand. I've done zero writing during April. To start with I told myself I was 'resting' my WIP, but then I just got caught up with blogging. It's amazing how much time you can waste if you want to. I don't play games, but I still manage to log on for a quick blog/Facebook catch-up and be online two hours later.

    My May goal is also to get myself under control, but I have no idea how to do that. Sorry, that wasn't very helpful!

  3. It happens. Don't worry about getting behind--each day is a fresh slate.

    Social media takes up a lot of my time. I've learned to set a timer for myself. Good luck!

  4. Er... blogging? :) I love it, but it does take up a lot of time and mental space. I get stressed if I can't always return comments quickly.

  5. I don't know...everything seems to be more of a priority lately. I'm definitely going to cut down to 2 blog posts a week until I get back into writing mode. The kids still need to be a priority. And I can't opt out of doing dishes. So blogging's got to give this month.

  6. OMG, but I don't know how you do what you do. My little garden patch keeps me busy and, what with keeping the house up, meals, I'm time challenged -- but, yes, you're right, the computer takes a lot of time. I honestly don't know what the trade-off is here.

    Thanks for your support during the Challenge. I really appreciated it. I'm happy you and your sister will have fun answering those questions.

  7. I keep setting myself the same goal, and then procrastination creeps in. Sometimes, after a hard day at work and a rough night with the baby, the temptation to zone out and waste some time online is hard to resist.

    I need to get back to making my writing time actual writing time again.

  8. I have a 9 and 3 year old that take up my time until their bedtimes so I only have a small window in the evenings to write in (I'm no good at staying up late).

    As I'm at home with my youngest during he ay I can catch up on blogging then which helps.

  9. Too many distractions to name!
    I like your resolution to prioritize. I need to do the same...

    So, get to it!! We all understand. :)

  10. Blogging and solitaire are my two biggest time thieves. Facebook and Twitter are close behind.

    Mostly I don't do anything about it except feel guilty.

  11. I know what you mean about blogging! i'm so ready to jump into my own WIP again.
    I thought I'd drop by to let you know that I'm giving you an award. You'll find it on my blog:)


  12. Jamie's right - Skyrim is a time suck. Blogging probably steals most of mine, but I'll be scaling back soon so I can write my next book.

  13. Speaking of receovery...Hello. My name is Janet and I'm addicted to writing...

  14. I feel like I'm the only writer not doing the A to Z challenge. ugh, late to the party AGAIN. but I am a proud member of the Insecure Writers Support Group and its nice to meet you and read your blog.
    finding that balance between living life and what makes life livable is key.....

  15. Insecure Writer's Support Group...totally what I need!! Just found you through the A-Z Challenge :) Thought I'd stop by to say "hello"...Hi! I am an amateur writer, still. Nothing published. Hoping to publish my first novel (it's a romance one, I'm a sucker for love...what can I say) towards the end of the year :)

    Many blessings to you,

  16. I don't play many games, but I gave them up a while back too. And I've refused to start watching any new tv shows. I have enough I enjoy already - don't need to add anymore!! :)

  17. I'm in the same boat, Susan. I need to focus on writing more and stay offline! The family takes precedence over all.

  18. i know what you mean about blogging. i find that it gets in the way of my writing sometimes:) but you're right about prioritizing writing!I plan on doing that as well.
    Happy weekend!

  19. The biggest time thief for me is other projects. There's schoolwork, but besides that there's usually time for other things . . . it's prioritizing and managing things that's the problem.
