Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Full Moon Madness

Is it over yet? I noticed on my desk calendar that today is the full moon. So will the werewolves come out tonight? Will there be more than last year? Will they be joined by vampires?

My real question is, when will the current popularity of vampires, werewolves and other shapechangers be over anytime soon? Demons, angels, and all manner of supernatural heroes, heroines and villains have filled the shelves of genre fiction for a while now. Will the trend continue?

The super commercially successful Twilight series has given the world its last movie but TV still has many shows soldiering on against traditional comedies and dramas. Superhero movies and TV shows have and still are entertaining millions. You can bet I'll be buying my copy of the new Batman movie next week. The fantasy genre is going strong with shows like Game of Thrones and fans are eagerly awaiting The Hobbit.

Justin Cronin's newest book, The Twelve, is calling to me from my towering TBR pile. If you're not familiar with the first book in that series, The Passage, you should give it a try. That is if you like an entirely new, scarier version of the post-apocalyptic vampire.

One of the first things I was told at my very first writing conference was not to try and guess where trends were going. Write what you loved to write. At the time I was writing fantasy romance, not a popular subgenre. I kept going and eventually sold that book to a small press. The only publisher willing to take on such a nontraditional book at the time. Look where we are now?

So do you see the recent popularity of vampires and werewolves waining? Are you looking forward to The Hobbit? Have you read Justin Cronin?


  1. I have The Passage sitting on a bookshelf somewhere. I picked it up at a Borders liquidation sale but I haven't read it yet. I'm looking forward to reading it. Someday...

    Very much looking forward to The Hobbit... is it bad that I'm a fantasy writing English teacher who's never read that book?

  2. Seriously, I don't believe the vampire/werewolf genre will ever die. Secretly, it will stay alive and collect its followers.

    Right now, I'm working on a novel...that has a lot of dysfunctional peeps in it, including the MC and her sidekick.

    Hugs and chocolate,

  3. I can't wait for The Hobbit. I'm not really into vampire stories. I agree we should write what we write.

  4. I am very much looking forward to The Hobbit :)

  5. Can't wait for the Hobbit!
    And I didn't write to any trend when I wrote my first book.

  6. I say what I've always said: if it's good, peopel will read it. It just happens that Meyers work is good. I don't think it has much to do with the vampire/werewolf thing. It is just really good writing.

  7. I have an idea for a novel of four novelette length stories, and one involves vampires and other a lycan, so I hope it's not on the wane.

    And yes, I am excited about The Hobbit.
