Monday, November 26, 2012

Shopping Haze Daze

I haven't ventured into the black Friday shopping zoo since my children were very small. Even then I think I only tried it once or twice. I may have missed out on a sweet deal or two, but how much money is my time worth? I was quite happy on Friday to stay at home and catch up with some blogging friends and prepare some posts for this week.

I find blogging often slows down for many people this time of year as family and holiday responsibilities soak up so much time. I certainly understand that. Now that my youngest is 18 and my oldest living in his own home, shopping for Christmas gifts is different for me. There are few of those super bargains on my family's wish lists.

Probably they would all like the newest gadgets, iPads, smartphones, and money to buy all the extras that go with them. Perhaps some new Xbox360 game or a computer version of the same. Toys for older kids are certainly more expensive than the GI Joe figures my boys used to ask for. But they probably won't be receiving them. The entire family understands that all economic considerations are given first to college tuition. What greater gift to give my children than a head start into a career?

But that's not to say there aren't things we all want including me. I really need, okay, really, really want a new, better camera. Many times I've seen things I thought would be great additions to a blog post, but my little camera doesn't have the pixels or magnification to take much of a picture. And I do want a tablet of some sort. IPad would be great, but I would settle for a Kindle Fire. Our local newspaper is going mostly digital starting in 2013, so my husband would also get some use out of a nice tablet.

I also need a new printer. The one I have has served faithfully over the years, but it's having some trouble with the paper feed. The better the paper, the more difficulty it has gripping it to feed it through. And I could do some rearranging in my office if I had a wireless printer.

And I need so new tunes on my iPod to keep my workout inspiring. So what new gadgets are on your wish list or your shopping list? Anything you must have or just really, really want? Is your blogging going to slow down between now and the new year?


  1. I try to slow down my blogging by the end of the year, but I compensate with a mini 'blog faire' of guest posts (coming up).

    Ref: gadgets
    Hubby is always wanting the latest new gadget or game and I end up being the voice of reason. Usually, if I can make him wait a few days, that gadget loses its appeal. (and then I breathe a sigh of relief) LOL!

  2. It don't venture out on Black Friday. My sanity is worth more than saving a couple bucks.

    A couple gadgets I would like would be a video to DVD recorder (so we can ditch all those bulky VCR tapes) and a record to mp3 recorder (so we can get rid of some bulky records.)

  3. Well, I took the month of November and December off. I've got my grandbaby to care for and I get nothing really done when he's here. I've been writing in the wee morning hours before he's up and do chores during his naps. In the evening after he goes to bed, I'm in bed. I'm completely exhausted.

    Hugs and chocolate,

  4. I'm going to do my best to tone down my gadgetness this season, and go back to basics a little more. I want a Moleskine Book Journal and a new pair of shoes; no electronics in sight :)


  5. This is one year where no one is really asking for anything - except for my preschooler, who wants EVERYTHING. :)

    I got an HP officejet pro 8600 premium earlier in the year when my old one died. Love it.

  6. I'm going to be blogging at my normal pace until the week before Christmas, and then probably not again until January's IWSG post. As for gadgets - I have a long list!

  7. I'd love a new pair of Levi's. Yes, phones, Ipads, gadgets would be nice too, but I can wait for the "next big thing". I don't have any of them now, so I'm not missing them. And maybe a new camera too. That would be nice.

  8. I hear you! the electronic stuff the kids want is so much$!! they also know college is so much $ too..
    I am easy to buy for..I only want 8 cutco steak knives from everyone combined...

  9. I don't need anything, since I just replaced my printer. But, I want the iPad mini, except I can't think why,so I'll just add it to the list of other things I want, but don't want to spend the big $$$ for.

  10. There are lots of goodies on my wish list, but do I really really need them? Nah, though they'd be nice to have, especially a Canon EOS Rebel (oo yeah).
    My blogging probably will slow down, although I may concoct a holiday event like I did for Halloween, if I can find a few authors who'd like to take part (hint hint!)

  11. I totally hear you in this post. I want things that I don't necessarily need.

  12. I need a new camera too. The other week my son put sand into my pocket that held my camera. I cannot get those little grains out of it. My hubby wants a blue-ray player. Sometimes it's just hard enough on my eyes watching HD on the big screen!

  13. I always end up working on Black Friday (and the rest of the holiday weekend).

    My significant other wants me to get a tablet but the only gadget that I really really want but definitely don't need is a Roku box for my office. And probably a new TV as the one I currently have is probably too old to support a Roku box.

  14. i am afraid my wish list would be too long---we are a little challenged in many of these areas--great list though :)

  15. I don't want to fight the people on Black Friday, so I just go on Amazon. It matches most of the deals that are out in the stores, and my purchases get delivered right to my door. What a deal! Though I don't feel the deals were as good this year. I did get myself a new guitar though, so my searching was worth something. :)
