Monday, December 10, 2012

Cheers, Cavanaugh Blogfest

It happens. You can famous and people want to take some shots at you. In my little world of blogging, there's no one more famous than Alex Cavanaugh. And thanks to Stephen Tremp, David King, Morgan Shamy and Mark Koopmans, today is the massive blogging roast of Alex Cavanaugh.

1. In twenty words or less, describe what Alex looks like.

2.In twenty words or less, who would play Alex in a documentary?
I'm going to cheat and combine my words to answer both these questions. Alex not only looks like Wesley, but Gary Elwes, in his youth will play Alex in the docu-drama. Oh, and there's Mrs. Alex. It is trueeeeee love.

3. In twenty words or less, who does Alex remind you of?
When it comes to blogging, Alex is Tony Stark, a generous genius, making everything look easy compared to us regular folks.

4. In a 100 word flash fiction, use these words: Cavanaugh, Ninja, IWSG, Cosbolt, Guitar For.
The word spread round the cyber kingdom, December 21st marked the end of the world. Nothing could save us except support of the Ninja Cavanaugh and his gang known as IWSG. Using a guitar for inspiration, the captain traveled like a Cosbolt and wove a power through the space time continuum some refer to as the internet. And the world survived, living to write another day.

5. In +/- 40 words, thank Mrs. Cavanaugh for loaning Alex to us.
Thank you, Mrs. C., for allowing us some quality time with dear Alex. We adore him nearly as much as he does you.

Thanks for joining. This is a blogfest and remember to visit the rest of the participants.


  1. love the comparison to princess bride! sweetness!

  2. Hit me where it counts - The Princess Bride! Now off to save the world...
    Thanks SO much Susan - you rock!

  3. If we were given two words only, to describe Alex, "generous genius" would be perfect!

  4. I need to hear Alex say "AS YOU WISHHHH!" or at least "I don't think that means what you think it means."

  5. I thought about putting Cary Elwes, too! I can totally see that. :)

  6. I can totally see it. Alex as Wesley is perfect! He can visit a hundred blogs a day while slaying the rodents of unusual size. Is there anythign he can't do?

  7. Love it!

    And thank goodness the world is saved... ;-)

  8. Love it Susan!!! Great flash fiction and perfect choices :)

  9. If anyone can save the world from doomsday it is Alex!

  10. I love your flash fiction piece, Susan! Yeah, Alex pretty much saves us from practically everything! You tell me about it. I love Alex! Cheers to our Man! :)

  11. I agree - a friendly Tony Stark would make a great Alex :)


  12. Alex may make everything look easy, but he works really hard. The man has some serious dedication!

  13. Great entry.
    Thanks for visiting my blog. :)

  14. I'm not so sure Alex is like Tony Stark ... his AI butler Jervis, maybe ... Awesome tribute, Susan! Thanks so much for participating! :)

  15. this person definitely rocks! love to see your support.

  16. Love the comparison to Princess Bride and your story!

  17. Of course! It's Alex who will save us from Dec 21st. :) Good one!

  18. That was a sweet and upbeat tribute. Great job.


  19. LOVE the Princess Bride! Cary could play Alex for sure. Oh those stunning blue eyes... Sorry, lost myself for a second. ;) Brilliant piece!

  20. Great flash fiction. A guitar is the perfect instrument of inspiration.

  21. Nice flash fiction! Good job with the pick too- I love the movie Princess Bride, and now my kids are hooked on it too!

  22. Mawwidge. Mawwidge is wot bwiings us toogever today...

    I LOVE the Princess Bride. Very fitting choice!

  23. I am a bit late stopping to read your posting, I had to work the last few days, but I definitely enjoyed reading your posting in the Cheer's Alex blogfest, and the mention of the Princess Bride is so fitting.

  24. Hadn't thought of Tony Stark, but that's good. I also read somewhere in my travels during this fest that he has clones (Alex that is) to get it all done. Gotta get me some of those...

    Tina @ Life is Good

  25. Great entry. I liked your flash fic. :-D
