Friday, December 14, 2012

Hobbit Fest

Like so many fantasy fans, I'm really hoping the new Hobbit movies live up to our high expectations. I'm not as excited as I was for the grand adventure of The Lord of the Rings, but it is still going to be great.

Helping us celebrate the movie premiere, M. Pax and Tyrean Martinson are hosting a very interesting blog hop to get us all in the right mind set. Visit either of their blogs to sign up and find more wonderful blogs to share fond thoughts of those lovely little furry footed hobbits, those gentle and courageous heroes.

As part of the blog hop, I must answer a few questions.
1.What is my favorite hobbit characteristic/or the one that resembles me.

The thing I find most lovable about these little people is how they don't think of themselves as heroic or adventuresome, yet they step forward when it's really important. They're everyday heroes, not kings or knights, but farmers and villagers.

2.If I could choose between a scrumptious second breakfast or a perilous unexpected journey which would I take?

Second breakfast sounds pretty good, but because I don't want to tend toward roundness like a hobbit, I better go on the unexpected journey. I do like to travel and see new places.

3. Have I ever left something behind on a journey and then wished I'd brought it over and over again?

I didn't but one of my sons when he was about eight years old forgot to pack all his tee shirts after we laid all his things out the night before we left for a week at the beach. We went into a souvenir store and bought him ten $3 shirts, all with the same picture of a shark on the front. It was pretty funny. We still laugh about it and he claims he loved those shirts.

4. What is my favorite quote from the book I hope will be in the movie?

I don't have a favorite quote but I'm really looking forward to seeing Bilbo trick the trolls. He's so clever.

Remember this is a blog hop so go find some more stories to get you pumped for The Hobbit. What part of the movie are you looking forward to? Every have second breakfast?


  1. I love the shark tee shirt story. :)

  2. All the same shark picture? Now that's funny.

  3. That was a very clever scene. That's one of the things I really enjoyed about the books - the cleverness.

    I liked the same thing about the Hobbits.

  4. Shark t-shirts - I can picture that . . .and it's funny.
    I also love that Hobbits are stronger and braver than even they think they are . . . and that's definitely highlighted in the movie.

    Thanks for joining Hobbit Fest!

  5. I can see your son wearing those shirts and people wondering if he ever changed his shirt. LOL!

    I'm going to have to re-read the book. After Lord of the Rings I haven't read the book lately. The movie is coming to our theatre soon. I better get on it!

  6. No pictures of the shark t-shirt! ;)

    Mmm, I could go for some second breakfast about now.

  7. 10 beach t-shirts, lol. Hopefully you bought them big, because beach t-shirts tend to shrink and kind of warp.

    And Bilbo tricking the trolls was awesome. He became way smarter than I thought he was.

  8. great answers! i esp love your ten tshirt story. might have to do that just because!

  9. I'm not sure I could ever pass up a second breakfast. It's my favourite meal of the day!

  10. Those shark shirts were cheap and did all shrink up. He grew out of them by the end of the summer but it's a great family story.

  11. That's hilarious about your son's t-shrits. I'm more the adventurous type as I don't like to eat anything heavy in the mornings!

  12. How sweet about the shark t-shirts! I kinda want one now :-)
