Saturday, April 27, 2013

A to Z Blogging Challenge: X

Hey all you, A to Zer's, thanks for stopping by. Please check out the rest of this year's Challenge bloggers on this list. I've nearly wrapped up my list for my theme of ways I'm going to make sure my full time career as a writer is successful.

X: eXercise: And what, you might ask does that have to do with writing? It's so much easier to work at you job, no matter what it is, if you feel good. Every study ever done shows that exercise is good for you in numerous ways. The major health risks in my country are all less for people who exercise. I'm talking the big ones, cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, back injuries and every stress-related illness there is.

Sometimes when I get really involved in my writing, especially when I get to the last chapters I'm writing on a new book, I want to spend every minute at the keyboard. I'm always thinking I should skip just one or two days or maybe a week until I finish my latest project. I have to remind myself that I'll concentrate better if I go out for my daily run.

I used to run a lot. Usually around five miles per day at seven minutes per mile. When I really got my writing career rolling, I started skipping my running. Then we moved to the country where every direction means running up a hill. I was tired and feeling guilty about it. I knew I was making a bad decision but I rationalized that my writing needed all my attention. But then as you might expect, I started to add some bad weight. Finally last year, I started running on a regular basis again. And I feel great and my writing is going fine. My concentration is better and my mind sharper. Also I've worked out a lot of plot sticking points while I forcing myself up those hills.

Do you exercise on a regular basis? What is your torture of choice? Do you think it helps your mental health as well as your physical health?


  1. I tend to be overly focused. Completion or exhaustion are the only things that makes me stop.

    So when my back started giving out and pills didn't help, I was forced to take up yoga. It's not the answer to everything, but it's the most useful form of exercise I've ever done.

  2. Yes I do! Four or five times a week. I do a variety, but running is a staple. Must keep myself in shape for Mrs. C.

  3. i can't believe i used to be in the fitness business---although it was also like a sales job---i have always envied or been very impressed with runners----you go girl!

  4. Lifting weights and walking are my tortures of choice. Nothing crazy, but enough to feel it :)

  5. I do some, but in the past six months I've become lax. We have a treadmill, so I have no excuse. (And today there was no excuse and I ran on it for 30 minutes.)

  6. I have not excised enough lately and I know it. I strained my knee and gave up training for my 5k, but it's doing better and I really need to get back to it. The endorphins helps too! They make you feel pretty good. :)

  7. I'm a fair weather runner and definitely looking forward to getting back out on the trails again. I'd love to have an elliptical for the winter.

  8. I'm not big on organised exercise, but luckily, running around after my daughter, combined with a little gardening, keeps me from sitting at the computer for too long in one stretch.

    Rinelle Grey

  9. I really do need to exercise more. Yet all my time is spent chasing after a toddler. The precious few minutes I get to myself, I need to write.

  10. I am right now trying to get through as many blogs as I can so that I can get outside and do some walking. Or maybe ride the bike. I need some exercise. hahahaha.

  11. I have the same problem. I really need to exercise more.

    #atozchallenge, Kristen's blog:
