Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Won't You Stay a Little Bit Longer?

I had to make a quick trip to the grocery store yesterday. As I rounded the corner just past the produce section I came upon the area where large bins are filled with bargains. I stopped in my tracks, shocked by what I saw.  Candy corn!

Yes, that horrid Halloween treat, made of sugar and sugar and sugar with a little food coloring thrown in. It just can't be time for Halloween candy. I know some schools have started and I only have ten more days before my daughter returns to college, but where did summer go? I'm about three weeks behind where I expected to be in my writing goals and in the little fix ups projects I had planned around the house and yard. Time has just flown by.

Do you feel like the summer has hurried on its way, making room for turning leaves and candy corn? I did see some trees with their leaves turning already. Are you keeping up with your goals? Ever torture your body with candy corn?

I love the cooler nights, but I do wish summer would stay a little bit longer. Are you ready for the change of seasons?


Anonymous said...

Candy corn is out already? Yikes! Summer has gone way too fast.

Unknown said...

It does seem like this summer flew by. I saw geese flying overhead the other day. Geese already-can you believe it?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Seems a little early for Halloween candy. Summer did fly by and it wasn't even that hot and humid here.
For the record, I'm all about the Autumn mix!

Laura Clipson said...

I saw some Christmas chocolates in a supermarket here the other day, I couldn't believe it!

Patrick Stahl said...

I am ready for Autumn for sure. My blog got its seasonal aesthetics change a couple weeks ago.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Oh, Alex, you made me laugh. The kids prefer the mix too.

Chantel said...

Autumn seems in a hurry here, shoving her way into August's heat...I don't mind, I suppose, but hope Winter isn't in a hurry as well! lol

I swear there is crack in candy corn...

Unknown said...

I just saw the Halloween section go up in our stores too. Sigh-- just ain't right. My summer has been so out-of-whack and not what I planned at all, that I'm not going through the end-of-summer trauma like others.

The Happy Whisk said...

See, for me, this is the only time of year that I look forward to early sales of Halloween decor and other goodies. Like notebooks and pens. I love that it comes early.

Though here, leaves have been falling in our back yard since 17th of July. So it's like a really nice summer/fallish feel.

Love it, love it.

PS: Halloween decorations are going up this weekend at our house, when we move the living room into winter-mode.

Can't help it, I just love it so.

Unknown said...

Summer has just flown by, but it had brought on a lot of distractions. I look forward to get back to the more regular routine that fall usually brings. I love the cooler weather and creeping up of Halloween. The year's going to be over before we know it...though I'm not ready for that yet.

Robin said...

Candy corn. Gah. Every year stores get earlier with the holiday stuff. Before you know it, the Christmas stuff will be up!

Unknown said...

I agree. It seems only a few weeks ago I was wishing for summer and now it's over :(

Tammy Theriault said...

we had summer??? because i guess i was summer hibernating. wow, yeah, totally passed me by.

Paula RC said...

I could smell autumn in the air the other morning. Now my apples are starting to fall, blackberries are ripening in the hedgerows along with the damsons. I know it would be long. Today we have heavy rain which smells wonderful of autumn fresh and clear. Oh hum soon be think about Christmas.

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

The kids in our area just started back to school, and the cool weather can't come soon enough for us here in FL. :)

Lynn Proctor said...

i have to say, i have missed emotions about summer ending--with robyn's wedding, it certainly flew by--but i do love seeing the candy corn and all the cute fall stuff in the stores :)

Donna K. Weaver said...

lol I love Candy Corn! Today on the news they were talking about the stores that are already gearing up for Christmas. I'm actually okay with that.

Michelle Wallace said...

Enjoy the last remnants of Summer...
My end of the globe, we're looking forward to the arrival of Spring!
Writer In Transit

Tonja said...

The summer flew by for me too. We didn't do half the fun things we had planned, and I think I only wrote two days. Ugh.