Monday, February 24, 2014

Always Something

Today is a good day to remind myself that there is always something I can be doing to help my writing career. My pesky sore throat, probably the flu, is dragging me down physically and I don't feel even a little bit creative. But there are other things I can do besides sip hot tea and huddle under blankets.

Today Alex J. Cavanaugh is a guest at How to Write Shop. Lori Devoti runs a site that has so much information I can spend hours there reading and learning. Please visit and check it out. You'll want How to Write Shop as a resource.

Also today I've posted 10 Signs You Might Be a Professional Writer at the IWSG blog. I hope you'll stop by and visit. There are more resource links on this blog than you can visit in a week. But find the right page and narrow your search to what you need to help you along.

If I'm still not up to par I can troll through the giveaways on Goodreads and score some free books. Or I can read some of the great free books I have on my Kindle already. I don't need a lot of energy to read good stories.

I also want to thank Michelle Howard for her shout out for The Marine's Queen on her website. I wish I could bottle up her enthusiasm and use it for myself.

So today I'll probably be visiting blogs and generally taking it easy. Have you visited How to Write Shop? Did you check out your sign on the IWSG blog? Do you know Michelle?


Heather R. Holden said...

Sorry to hear you're not feeling well! Taking it easy is definitely a good plan for the day. Hope you feel better soon!

Maria Zannini said...

Sometimes the best thing to do is to rest. The world will keep spinning even when we take days off.

Feel better soon.

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

You have a great attitude! And you're right - there's pretty much always something we can do for our writing, our writing work, our creativity, etc no matter our energy level.

Hope you feel better soon!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

There's always something to do. Some days, too much.

Julie Flanders said...

Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I hope you're back to 100% soon. Enjoyed your post on the IWSG today!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Great article at the IWSG site today!
Keep drinking your hot tea and hope you feel better.

Stephen Tremp said...

I'll stop by the IWSG blog and check out your post.

Pat Hatt said...

There is always something even if it is just a little bit each day, hopefully the germs soon go away

Dana said...

I sure hope you start feeling better soon. There's so much going around...

Dana said...

I sure hope you start feeling better soon. There's so much going around...

Nicole Zoltack said...

Feel better soon!

Robin said...

Sorry to hear that you are STILL feeling lousy? I hope that you get better soon!!!!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Thanks for all the well wishes. You guys are better than hot tea with lemon and honey.

Cate Masters said...

Ugh, hope you don't have what's kept me down more than a week. Feel better!
Always grateful for more resources - thanks.

Christine Rains said...

I hope you're feeling better. The flu has taken down everyone in my house too. I'm not fully recovered, but my little guy has bounced back. My husband got hit the worst by it and is sleeping this Monday away. I've been to all those sites today. Love IWSG! :)

Jay Noel said...

I hope you get well soon.

It's been a rough winter, and half of my friends have been hit pretty hard with the flu and other stuff.

I will check out these links!

The Happy Whisk said...

Hope you get lots more rest and knock that bug out of you.

Stephanie Faris said...

Free books--my book's out there on Goodreads for free. Or at least it was! The funny thing was, until I saw that on my book page over there, I had no idea you could get free books! Looks like competition's pretty fierce, though.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the links. I had not visited them, but I have them open in my browser now!

Anonymous said...

I hope you're feeling better. Thanks for the links.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the mention Susan