Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Hard Science vs. Soft Science

My most successful books have been my science fiction romance books. Some writers of science fiction caused quite a dustup across the web about a year ago. I'm not going into that, merely giving my opinion of hard vs. soft science fiction. I'm not sure there is an official defining line between the two.

But I'm not talking about it here. Visit me over at Your Daily Dose where Robin has kindly offered the podium of her entertaining blog to pontificate on the genre of science fiction. Not as exciting as 'Here's to You, Thursday,' but stop in and comment if you have a moment.


The Happy Whisk said...

Hope you had a good day of catchup, yesterday. And here's to a kick butt good week ahead.

Pat Hatt said...

Will hop on over for a look

Robin said...

Susan, I will have that blog up and running soon. My life went insane yesterday and I am only now recovering...

Sandra Cox said...

Just pit stopped over from Robin's. Good post!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Thanks you guys for visiting me at Robin's.

Stephen Tremp said...

On my way to Robins' blog now to check out your post.