On the down side, book signings can be so hit and miss. The last few group signings I've attended have been less than successful with most of us selling only one or two books. The last two of those signings were in bookstores. So I didn't expect much in the way of sales on Saturday but I dutifully packed my bags and even a second one that I left in the car in case by a miracle I ran out of the few I carried into the venue.
One of the writers in our group, Natalie Damschroeder, had an in at the large gift shop/greenhouse where the staff welcomed us with a great set up. Large crowds surrounded out table before we even unloaded out books. They were interested and many purchased books. Others snapped pictures of our books with their phones for future reference or added them to their Amazon wish lists on their phones. They picked up cards and bookmarks.
I had just about decided to give up on book signings. Instead, I came home from the event energized and enthusiastic for more. A few key things played into the success. The great venue attracted a large crowd. The timing of the event close to Valentine's Day added to the promotion of the event with its link to romance writers. The large group of us involved meant a lot of online promotion. The word got out to a lot of people and the venue did its share of advertising. All combined to make a great day. So I haven't given up on book signings yet.
My pine tree |
The really good news was that I did have to out to my car for that second bag.
Bad news. Snow again yesterday. More snow on Thursday. I think the Gourley family motto may have to be changed to the same as the Starks. Winter is not only coming, it's decided to stay.
Don't forget to visit IWSG for the Monday post. Have you made up your mind about A to Z challenge yet? Tired of shoveling snow? Planning something romantic for Valentine's Day?
Congratulations on having sold all those books at the book signing event. It sounds like a wonderful way of meeting other authors, too.
I haven't quite made up my mind about the A-Z yet - I'm chicken, plus it sounds like a lot of hard work!
Good to hear that one was a success! Sounds like bookstores aren't a good place for signings anymore.
Congratulations on the sales and a successful book signing! I guess you just never know when something is going to turn out to be wonderful. :)
Fanny, don't be afraid of A to Z but you're right. It is a lot of work.
Alex, I worry that physical bookstores are fighting a losing battle but I hope I'm wrong.
Madeline, you are so right and it was a wonderful day.
Congrats on a successful event. It's a rare bookstore I will visit anymore, but other venues are still viable. One of the best times I ever had was at a coffee shop on wine tasting night. Drunk people will buy anything.
Thinking outside the box with a new spot for signings, sounds like the way to go
That's great Susan! Plus, they're just fun! And any exposure at all is helpful IMO. :)
Congratulations on a successful book signing and the sales!
Yay on the successful book signing!!! It is encouraging to have your faith renewed that if it is done Properly, it does work.
I just finished watching all three seasons of Game of Thrones, so I got your Stark reference. I hope that your family fares better than theirs. That Red Wedding episode (next to the last episode of Season 3) left me gasping. Winter is coming indeed.
Yay! Many congrats!
I'm on the A to Z this year, and already researching for some of the posts.
Great that you and your group had a successful book signing, whatever the reason! It all depends on the crowd, timing, etc. Nice.
That book signing event sounds fun. What a great communal showing of writers! I think book signings aren't dead, but they may different than they used to be.
Wrote By Rote
An A to Z Co-host blog
The timing was perfect for the signing - before Valentine's Day and in between snow storms, lol.
Good to see you again.
Glat that worked out for you, Susan. Hope it warms up soon. Thanks for mentioning the IWSG post!
Yep, and Winter is most definitely an unwelcome guest. We woke up to yet MORE snow falling. Sheesh. Leave already yet.
I think the venue is a big thing and being publicized properly definitely has a bearing on the success of the signings. Bookstores can be great if they're publicized and lonely and boring if they're not.
Yay! on having to use that second bag of books. Bet you went home light and loved it. :-)
Sia McKye Over Coffee
Fantastic news that you had to dig out that second bag of books. I'd say that alone made the signing a success. I would have been uber pumped too.
One day I'll get there. Of course, it helps if I finish the book first. =)
AJ's wHooligan in the A-Z Challenge
Wow, glad to hear this latest book signing went so well! :)
Congratulations for the book signing. It must tiring but exhilarating at the same time.
That's awesome (the signing not the snow!) - so glad you had a good day.
That's fantastic! So happy you had a great experience. As for more snow, boo!
That's great! Had I been able to get down my driveway, I would love to have been there. I'm glad it was a success for you.
I love how life can throw a nice surprise your way. At least at group signings you're not alone. Glad yours was successful.
I've heard mixed reviews from book signings. Although in the right venue, they can be tremendous. I think it's more fun when you've got fellow author-buddies nearby.
We had more snow last week, but it's supposed to be in the mid 40s here later this week. That'll be the first time in a LONG time around here.
Congratulations. That's fantastic.
Glad your signing was a success! And boy I can't wait for spring. This winter seems long.
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