Monday, February 3, 2014

To Newsletter or Not To

Last Wednesday, Carolyn Howard-Johnson guested on the IWSG website. She offered lots of great information but one item that really caught and held my attention was her advice and opinion of newsletters.

Last year during the A to Z Blogging Challenge, my theme was a long list of things I was going to do or try to do when I became a full time writer. One of those things was starting an author newsletter. I know some writers put out regular popular publications and receive a few of them myself. As Carolyn mentions, the most successful newsletters are those that share more than promotion including her own, Sharing With Writers.

What I've decided is I'm not ready to make the time commitment a good, helpful newsletter would require. Even without the day job, keeping up with my blog and the other promotion I've been trying to do takes up a chunk of my writing time I don't like losing. I'm not saying never but for now I'll gratefully take advantage of the newsletters other writers share. Perhaps in the future, I'll revisit that thought.

I forgot to share any great little tidbits from my Old Farmer's Almanac planner last week so here's one for the season. "While creating its den, a groundhog typically removes over 700 pounds of soil." I guess that excuses them for eating all my cucumber plants last year. They needed the energy.

Do you write a newsletter? Do you receive any newsletters from writers or other professionals? Have you decided on a theme for A to Z yet?


Anonymous said...

A newsletter is something I might think about in the future, but certainly not yet. I'm cutting back in other areas as it is.

My A-Z theme this year is Lord of the Rings. I did Harry Potter last year which was fun. I want to do something completely unconnected to my own writing.

Heather R. Holden said...

Newsletters definitely seem like a lot of work. I barely have time to read the few I subscribe to, so yeah, actually writing any myself is out of the question, at least for the time being!

mooderino said...

I don't subscribe to any newsletters. My email inbox is too full as it is and my focus is more on cutting back to only essentials so I can spend more time writing. that's the plan, anyway.

Moody Writing

The Happy Whisk said...

Good that you know what you're willing to take on and what you're not.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I wouldn't even know what to say in a newsletter. Between my blog, the Challenge, and the IWSG, I think my plate is full.
And that's a lot of dirt.

M.J. Fifield said...

I don't have a newsletter; I wouldn't have anything to put into it.

But I do subscribe to a couple of them (Lisa Gardner and Janet Evanovich), one via email, and the other through snail mail. I don't receive either one that often.

And I do have a theme for A to Z in mind—just don't know if I can pull it off, yet.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

I'm either tired or lazy. Not sure which. But even the word newsletter makes me want to have a nap. Where can I get more hours in the day?

Thanks for sharing this. Got me thinking.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I'm with you, Donna and Heather.
I'm very picky, Moody, because I hate having my inbox filled up.
I do, Ivy.
You are busy, Alex, and I'm getting there.
I still haven't thought of my theme, MJ.
I know you not lazy, Joylene.

Pat Hatt said...

Yeah they would be a huge time suck if one wants to do them right, so nope for my site

Cate Masters said...

I resisted a newsletter for a long time, but then decided on a quarterly one. I won't bombard subscribers with every new release or review, but make it a tidy package with subscriber-only exclusives, like coupons for freebies. My first one was last summer and so far, the subscriber base keeps growing.
MailChimp offers a free one, with templates that make it not too difficult to layout.

David P. King said...

A newsletter? I wasn't aware that was something a full time author should consider. Well, that's something to consider when I cross that bridge. :)

Maria Zannini said...

I plan one for my cover design business in the near future.

It's in the planning stages now because I want it to be short, yet interesting.

No blog hops for me. Way too much work!

Karen Jones Gowen said...

I've considered the newsletter but just can't do it. I don't have the kind of detailed organized brain it takes to pull one off.

Robin said...

With so much reading material available on the internet, I really don't want newsletters stacking up at home.

Good for you on reviewing your priorities and coming to the best decision for YOU.

Christine Rains said...

I'm debating about doing a newsletter too. I do subscribe to a few writers' newsletters. They're all short with the latest news and I appreciate that. Maybe when I have a little more news to share? Perhaps.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I don't write a newsletter at this time, but later down the track, I might send one out VERY occasionally.

Unknown said...

When I was a teacher, and had a captive audience, I had a newsletter. At this point in my writing career it seems pointless. But maybe one day in the future...

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

I don't do a newsletter. Two blogs keep me busy. I receive quite a few newsletters. Having to scale back a bit on them. Yep, I'm signed up for the A to Z Challenge. Have a wonderful day!