Monday, April 14, 2014

L: A to Z Blogging Challenge

Welcome to another day in the A to Z Blogging Challenge. Find the entire list here. My theme this year is world-building. Mostly I’m asking questions that I believe need to be considered whether you creating a medieval fantasy world, a science fiction story or even a contemporary novel. The ideas I present aren’t in a particular order as I had to fit them into the alphabetical order needed. And don’t forget to visit the other blog I’m part of during the A to Z Challenge over at the IWSG. Now onto your world.
Are you going to follow JRR Tolkien and make up you own language? Will people in your story speak different languages? Will you just ignore the language issue? Or will you make up just a few words, used in magical spells? Perhaps you'll make up words for a new technology. Perhaps you'll incorporate some foreign words into your story.

Will there be laws in your world? Who makes the laws? Are they fair? Who enforces the laws and makes judgments? What are the punishments? Banishment? Death? Loss of limb? Loss of assets? Are the laws connected to religion or magic? Besides man made laws are the laws of nature the same? Probably not if magic exists in your world. More about Magic in tomorrow's post.

Ever thought of creating your own language? Have you discovered how fun it is to make up all the laws and their punishments?


  1. I had to come up with a lot of words for the people, places, and things of my Cassa universe. Decided not to introduce a new language though. Besides, Frack was already taken...

  2. I've come up with words here and there and then stick with a few, unless I just decide to go crazy at my zoo.

  3. I would think trying to come up with a world's language could turn into a book in itself. I've never tried it, but it's something I find very interesting.

  4. This is why I respect writers of fantasy and historical fiction. Coming up with a language, not to mention laws sounds like a huge undertaking.

  5. In comckton gonkoluk. Every finj has its owmendale.

  6. Won't be making up my own language, no. But I do incorporate a little Welsh in my novel. Sometimes it gives it just the right flavor, especially for swearing. :)

  7. I was considering writing a fantasy story when I began asking myself these same questions. I like the idea of a world all my own but that's a bigger project than I am ready for right now.

  8. Love world building! I've only introduced a few new words in my stuff so far (mostly for devices that don't exist here) - lots of fun to think about! :)

  9. Susan, By the end of the month, I think you'll have me convinced I can build a dystopian world on an alien planet. Your A to Z series is an excellent tutorial for the novice sci fi or fantasy writer.

  10. You know, I haven't actually thought a whole lot about laws in my fiction lately. I don't think I've written anything that completely disregarded law as a concept, but it's something that can flavor my stories more from time to time. I'm glad you pointed that out.

  11. Laws in other worlds fascinate me. been reading a lot of LeGuin lately and she does this particularly well.

    Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2014, My Latest post

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  12. HI, Susan.

    My writing hasn't taken me to that realm yet. But in my first novel there is a society of fairy folk that have an army, guarding their lands against an Evil being,

  13. Yup, these are all things I wrote into my (languishing) fantasy trilogy. It's fun making up new words - or stealing old ones!

  14. I am a HUGE J.R.R. TOlkien fan, but I have no aspirations whatsoever of inventing my language(s).
