Tuesday, April 15, 2014

M: A to Z Blogging Challenge

Welcome to another day in the A to Z Blogging Challenge. Find the entire list here. My theme this year is world-building. Mostly I’m asking questions that I believe need to be considered whether you creating a medieval fantasy world, a science fiction story or even a contemporary novel. The ideas I present aren’t in a particular order as I had to fit them into the alphabetical order needed. And don’t forget to visit the other blog I’m part of during the A to Z Challenge over at the IWSG. Now onto your world.
Magic! Usually when people think of world building they think of fantasy realms and those usually include magic. How will the magic work? How does one get magic? Born to it? Learn it? What powers the magic? Something internal or external? Is magic used for good or evil? What are the limitations? Are there magical creatures or races?

What kind of money is used in your world? Gold, silver, gems, paper money? Some kind of techno source of credit? No money but bartering? How is the wealth distributed? Where do people keep their money? Banks? Beneath their mattresses?

Who is in the military? Does everyone have to serve, men and women, rich and poor? What kind of weapons do they have? Do they travel by foot, on horseback, in tanks or jets? Are there a million people in the military or a hundred? How does one become an officer?

Do your characters ever walk a country mile? What measurements will you use? Inches, feet, meters? How far is it from one town to the next? Will you measure it in miles or days of travel? Will it be easier to stay with measurements known to your readers instead of making them up?

Any cool ideas on how magic might work in your story? Will you have the military appear in your story? Do you know you're half way through A to Z?


  1. I don't know that I have magic as such in my stories but more dark, supernatural, paranormal type stuff. Most of my stories take place in "the real world" with a dash of creepiness thrown in. :)

  2. Measurements is one I never really thought of much. Money, I'd like to have some that isn't monopoly lol

  3. Measurements were tough. Making up your own can be confusing and yet would a world light years away really measure in years?

  4. How do you measure in your stories, Susan? I'm not getting to read anything about your stuff - which I miss.

    For me, I since I write bakes, I use metric - all the way. For me, it's the most sensible and accurate way to write a proper bake.

  5. HI, Susan...

    LOVE magical themes in stores. My first novel has it through elementals. Their power is through the elements.

    My second novel has a strong military theme, but it's an edgy y/a contemporary... no magic here.

    ONLY HALF WAY! Geez... I still have to write my post for tomorrow!

    I just don't have enough time to write them beforehand like so many others, so it a REAL CHALLENGE for me.LOL

  6. Measurements is a great one - I'd never thought of that! I bet there are a bunch of very cool ways to structure, that, too, based on the government of the world.

  7. Don't forget Monkeys! Every great story needs a monkey (okay, okay, not true, but you can always write a magical kind of monkey, right?). :)

  8. As always, excellent things to consider in your story. And, once again, I really appreciate all of those folks who write fantasy and do so much world-building. Yikes. What a ton of work!!!

  9. Magic plays a huge part in my middle grade story, but there's also a hint of it in my YA. Magic is everywhere. We just have to notice.

  10. I always get caught up on measurements, especially measurements of time. The way people reference both is so intrinsic to their culture and what their community places emphasis on.

    True Heroes from A to Z

  11. Magic and military are two major roles in the story (actually, a series) I plan to work on in the future. I had to think long and hard about both, especially about the government,which I know you included for G. :)

  12. I wouldn't try to invent any sort of measuring system, monetary or otherwise, with my poor math skills! Magic is definitely something I use.

  13. it's so interesting all the fine details you have to think of even down to money!

  14. I guess I should file this under: Things I Haven't Thought Of.

    Thanks for sharing!

  15. Funny you should mention measurement. In my epic fantasy determining how far a person could travel by the various means of travel was critical and time consuming!

    What helped me? An old D&D book. It had all means of travel in a nice little chart :)

  16. Yes, getting to the halfway mark in the A to Z does feel good. I hope you're making a lot of new friends.

  17. Hi Susan .. I always like to have completeness in the stories I read - so your money, military, measurements and magic will add those extra spices to the story line - I've always liked alchemy stories - when I learn about the crackle, pop and dripping sparkles of new metals in those early Middle Ages ..

    Cheers Hilary

  18. I love magic- it's so fun to write!
