Wednesday, April 16, 2014

N: A to Z Blogging Challenge

Welcome to another day in the A to Z Blogging Challenge. Find the entire list here. My theme this year is world-building. Mostly I’m asking questions that I believe need to be considered whether you creating a medieval fantasy world, a science fiction story or even a contemporary novel. The ideas I present aren’t in a particular order as I had to fit them into the alphabetical order needed. And don’t forget to visit the other blog I’m part of during the A to Z Challenge over at the IWSG. Now onto your world.
Many worlds, medieval, created or historical, there are different classes of people. From kings down the socio-economic lines to peasants. The nobility uses rank to justify their positions and wealth. How will you use it? Will there be lords and ladies? Dukes and knights? Will you have a world where the privileged classes have an invented title of nobility?

In the modern world and probably every grouping of humans, some degree of nepotism is in evidence. It might be about handing out favorable jobs or passing along seats of power. Family looks out for family. Will that happen on your world? Will it be an accepted practice or a point of conflict.

A daily newspaper? How will news travel on your world? By word of mouth, a town crier or some high tech instantaneous technology? Could one of your characters being highly regarded because he carries letters and news from settlement to settlement? Could government control of news work into your plot?

Do you enjoy novels set among the nobility? See any nepotism happening around you? Think the government is manipulating the news?


  1. I don't know about the government, but I do think the media manipulates us...

  2. I'm with Alex on that one. But, it's a great question, to ask about the news like that, and a potential great plot tool!

  3. Thought provoking questions, Susan..

    Oh, you bet! There is tons of manipulation in politics, media, and everyday life... Sadly, it's part of human nature...

  4. so much to think of in world building! news was a tough one for my mg fantasy - communication, should it be fast or slow? it's a difficult question, how fast do i want them to get help?!

    and magic - love magic - and love being the "creator" of my world to set its limitations - mwa ha ha!

    happy a to z-ing!
    thanks for stopping by my blog so much!

  5. Speaking of nobility... I started watching Reign on the CW. If you aren't familiar, it is about Mary Queen of Scots. Every time I watch an episode I think to myself, "I really need to look up her life on the internet and see how true the show is being to the story." I find it fascinating.... nobility, that is.

  6. Not that this is the same but since I don't write mostly food this days, here goes ...

    We recently watched The Manor House, I think is it called. Where there's all kinds of ranks and it's interesting. Present day people go back an live in Edwardian times. I don't know if I'm spelling that correctly. Anyway, the butler to me, was the most interesting.

    PS: No name for your washer? Not even a nickname? Nothing? Nada?

  7. My answer to all your question is yes. And the way news travels is so important to the world we create.

    I'm in love with your theme this year. What a great list you've shared with us for creating those places our characters live in.

  8. In my series, two of the characters work for their father at the car dealership.

  9. Nobility . . . check! I know I keep mentioning my future project but that's because it's the one story where I had to really create a whole new world and there is a Queen. :D

  10. I've got a series with a manipulative government, and a couple that deal with nobility. I think the way people communicate is a HUGE factor in the way a story world plays out.

    True Heroes from A to Z

  11. Nepotism is everywhere and my husband's sick of me saying, "I hate the media..."

  12. Class is important in any story, good choice.

  13. The government has a strain on what the media can give and the media gives us a bunch of useless crap to manipulate indeed

  14. I try to avoid the media because I know they're attempting to heard me like sheep. LOL. sometimes it works

  15. As I read through some of your old posts, trying to play catch-up, all those questions reminded me why I admire the fantasy writers... such complex and amazing world-building...

  16. I'm agreeing with Alex on this one.

  17. I can't say any of these things affect my WIPs--they're all set modern-day, so they deal with things the same we we do! I don't really get into nobility...seems odd to me that countries pay royalty to do nothing more than act like they're better than everyone else!

    Visiting you from the A to Z challenge sign-up page. Great to meet you!

    Stephanie Faris, author
    30 Days of No Gossip

  18. Um, in the world of my novels power is handed down through families. Blood relations matter. That is probably nepotism to the nth degree. :))

    And great question about how news travels in the fictional world. All those kinds of details matter and add so much to the believability of the setting.

  19. In answer to your last 3 questions: yes, yes, and yes!

    I think those in power manipulate everything they can get their hands on. It's the nature of the beast.

  20. Australia is supposedly in the 21st century, but our PM just reintroduced knights and dames. ;)

    (no, I didn't vote for him)

  21. It's worth noting that notions of 'class' and 'nobility' are themselves culturally specific. Medieval societies had barons and knights and so on, but they probably didn't think in terms of what we would now consider socio-economic classes.

  22. I don't think nobility makes or breaks a story, but action does. I see nepotism everywhere I look. And I avoid the news for concern of it getting me depressed.
