Friday, March 20, 2015

Friday Blues

Are you kidding me, Winter? Just as we're ready to bid you good bye officially, you dump another round of snow on us? We're supposed to get up to six inches. Hopefully, that won't happen. I have my first crocus bloom yesterday. Stay away snow! Once again, Winter has won just like it did last year. We has our highest electric bill ever for February.

I'll be spending the weekend preparing the last of my A to Z posts. Don't forget, Monday is the theme reveal day. I'm excited to see what clever and interesting topics people have come up with. You can put your name on the list here.

The A to Z Challenge list is growing. Over a thousand and still time for it to grow even more. Lots of people have given advice and shared what worked and what didn't in the past. As co-host, I've been scouting out the blog numbers assigned to me and my team. I've encountered a surprising number of blogs that haven't posted for months and yet have signed up for the challenge.

Time to wake your blog up if you're one of those people. Lots of people will check out blogs on the list before April 1st. Give them something up to date to read. At the very least, make an announcement of your intent to participate in A to Z. You don't want visitors to think you're a one month per year flash in the pan. Get some new content up there.

My weekend will be a lot of writing now that the snow eliminates the yard work option. Even if we don't get much snow, it will be too muddy for outside work. With my husband and my sons stuck in the March Madness time drain, I'll have relative peace for hours on end.

"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." Allen Saunders

I'm keeping that quote in mind. I'm behind on where I wanted to be as a few family requirements took up a lot of time this past week. Catch up weekend is here.

What are your plans for the weekend? Have your theme and A to Z posts ready? What is the longest break you've ever given your blogging? Do you watch March Madness? Get any snow today?


  1. Good-luck with the writing of the rest of your posts. This weekend I'll be visiting with a friend and just relaxing. Have a great weekend.

    1. Sounds like a fun few days for you. I could use a little relaxing.

  2. Blackberry winter is here this year. I saw the weather showing how the Northeast was getting a healthy blanket of snow. I know you are tired of it. I'm looking forward to the A to Z challenge.

    1. Tired is an understatement. We are sick, sick and sicker of snow. Never heard of blackberry winter.

  3. Sorry about your snow. We're just getting rain.
    Monday is going to be fun with all of the theme reveals!

  4. I'm sorry about the snow. We're in full spring here now. Lots of work to do outside and getting ready for goat babies to arrive.

    1. Hope you share some pictures of those babies when they come.

  5. I liked the March snows when we lived in Montana because I knew they wouldn't stick around long. I hope that's the same for your snow. So true about the A/Z blogs that signed up and haven't posted in a bit. It does make you wonder if they are going to participare. At least a simple short post after they sign up to let people know they intend to participate.

    Looking forward to everyone's themes come Monday :)


    1. We don't expect the snow to stay around long but it will make it even muddier when it melts. We need about two weeks with no rain for it to dry.

  6. My crocuses are still buried in snow. I wonder if they will even come up this year. We are past the time for my March snow drops, which is usually our first hint of Spring, but there is still a foot an a half of the white stuff where they usually come up. Hope your snow isn't too bad. Only expecting 1-3 inches here.

    1. I know you still have a lot after your recording breaking year. Hope to see a few more crocus when this melts tomorrow.

  7. We got dumped on a ton recently once again. Dumb snow won't go away. Some of the ones that sign up and haven't posted aren't even a flash in the pan, as they don't even post.

  8. Happy Spring ... sorta ... kinda ... okay, not really at all.

    1. Spring and Winter are fighting it out. You know who I'm cheering for.

    2. I'm right there with ya'. Though I don't feel winter was long and really for where I live, it was a light winter, but boy oh boy, am I ever looking forward to getting into the garden and get those herbs a'growin'.

  9. Today is catch-up day for me in many, many areas - writing, revising, grading papers, and prepping for both Saturday and Monday mornings (looking forward to a Sunday morning break).
    I hope spring greets you soon!

  10. Well, we finally have nice weather, so I suppose I'll be out doing yard work this weekend. I'd almost rather be snowed in and on the computer. :)))

  11. I've seen a lot of people online mention snow today. I've never experienced snow, so the thought of it still coming down in March mind-boggles me! Sorry you have to put up with that right now...

  12. I'm only able to follow A to Z this year (big cross-country move) but I'll enjoy checking out everyone else's journey when I can.
    Thanks for the blitz day comment!

  13. Ugh, the snow. Isn't it the worst? It was just starting to melt away!

    My reveal post is all ready :)

  14. I need to get moving on a section of my blog that needs word and there's the stuff to get written.

    Hope the cold goes away soon.

  15. I am sure hoping to get most of my entries finished this weekend. Right now I have nine all complete and scheduled and tweets scheduled for them. Hate to hear you may have winter visit again. We were in the upper 80's today and hubby told me I'd better get a new pool filter and some shock, as it's starting to go green!
    Life & Faith in Caneyhead

  16. Hi Susan - lots happening at the moment .. I have to start writing my post - but they'll be short .. funny how the weather is being quite difficult this year .. good luck with the writing and then your co-hosting .. cheers Hilary

  17. Today I got 3k nailed down and I like all of it. (not because of yesterdays snow but because my kids were off to a bday party leaving blessed silence in their wake.)The husband also had guy friend plans and ditched me today. :) Glad you found some time to catch up on writing Susan

  18. I just stopped by to say hello and thank you for co-hosting the challenge this year. I am guilty . I'm one of the bloggers who hasn't blogged in a really long time and have been looking forward to the challenge as a way to get back to my blog and reconnect. I did publish a post letting people know that I am participating , but I am going to take your advice and put a little more content on my blog before April 1. I look forward to the challenge and reading your posts.

    Thanks for the helpful advice.

  19. We'll have a brief moment of silence for those who got the snow dump.

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