Monday, March 23, 2015

A to Z Theme Reveal

It's time to let everyone know what your theme is for the 2015 A to Z Blogging Challenge. You can find the list for all those participating in the Theme reveal on this list.

Not everyone uses a theme but many people like me find it's a great way to come up with content for your posts. It can be challenging to make your subject fit into every letter but we're all creative in some way as bloggers. I changed my theme near the end of February and had to scramble in March to get everything done. I hope most or even all my posts will be ready today.

All my theme have been tied to being a writer and this year is no different. The idea came to me as I cleaned off some bookshelves and weighed which books I wanted to keep and which ones needed a new home. I did the same with my library of movies and TV series. Why did I keep the ones I did? Because I like to re-read and re-watch them. Some of the books are references though most are fiction. All of these different media have taught me something as a writer. One of the most common recommendations successful writers have for beginning writers is to read. Read a lot. And learn from that.

My theme will be a sharing of the books, movies, and TV shows that have taught me something that has helped my writing in some way. Most of the lessons are very short and few are profound. But many are fundamental. My posts are short, informational and hopefully interesting enough that some of you will check out my recommendations.

Every year during A to Z, I end up with a list of books, music and movies that other bloggers have posted about. I complain about the growth in my TBR pile. Now it's my turn. I'm going to try and add some things to your TBR pile before April is over.

"My best friend is a person who will give me a book I have not read." Abraham Lincoln

Don't forget to check out more themes on the list. Do you think doing a theme is easier than not? Are your posts short or long? How much do read in a week? Fiction or non-fiction? What movie have you re-watched the most?


  1. You have to catch me on a good day to successfully add something to my read/watch list. It's just FAR too long.

  2. Sounds like a great theme, useful for your readers (and new readers). I revealed today too.

  3. Hi Susan - this sounds fun - and we get to hear about books, movies and tv shows that we might not have heard of .. or should be as you mention on our TBR/W list ... cheers Hilary

  4. Sounds like a great theme. I salute your ability to throw things out, when it comes to books and DVDs I can't bring myself to do it :). It will be most interesting to see which ones you have chosen to keep and talk about. See you in April :).
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

    1. Our plans are to downsize within two years so I'm motivated.

  5. That will be really helpful for writers. Plus the bonus of recommended movies and books!

    1. I can enough recommended movies from you. Maybe I can give you one for a change.

  6. What a great theme. I am going to enjoy reading your posts.

  7. Cool twist on a helpful topic! Something for everyone, whether a writer, a reader or a movie enthusiast.
    Life & Faith in Caneyhead
    I am Ensign B ~ One of Tremp's Troops with the
    A to Z Challenge

    1. I hope everyone finds at least one thing they can use.

  8. Looking forward to that, Susan. I realize that books influence the way I write and shows demonstrate the writing skills we don't think about to much!

  9. Themes are definitely easier but if you pick one with limited appeal it's like shooting yourself in the foot.

    Fortunately, you chose books and movies. :) Who doesn't like that?

  10. Because we all need more books to read! LOL

  11. Movies and TV always help me. There have been many I've watched more than a few times

  12. Nice! Good theme. I have a separate bookshelf for the books that I have been reading over and over again for a very long time :) They make me feel at home. I also have a list of favorite movies. I'm curious to see if some of out favorites are the same :)

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    Multicolored Diary - Epics from A to Z
    MopDog - The crazy thing about Hungarians...

    1. It will be fun hearing which favorites I share with others.

  13. I love the idea of your theme... lots of discussion I am sure.

    Jeremy [Retro]
    AtoZ Challenge Co-Host [2015]

    There's no earthly way of knowing.
    Which direction we are going!

    1. I hope most of them will generate some discussion and even more recommendations.

  14. I love finding more good books to read. This will be my second year with A to Z, and I find it easier with a theme to give me focus. I try to keep my posts short. Looking forward to adding to my TBR list!

  15. Love the quote! Great theme - looking forward to reading your A to Z posts. This will be my first year participating - not nearly as organized as you are :-) Cheers - Ellen

  16. Abe gave us some wonderful quotes. Good luck with the A-Z posts!

  17. We're in the process of moving, and my husband and I just went through all of our books, DVDs, etc and kept some but not others. Always an interesting experience to see what stays and what goes. :)

    Good luck with the Challenge!

  18. Great theme! I do think having a theme really does help. Untethered Realms will be posting teasers from our books this year. Simple and fun! I recently cleaned out one of my bookcases and cut down the number of my books in half. I kept the ones I reread and that have taught me something too.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Love it! My TBR pile is still huge, but I'm working on it.

  21. This is the theme of my dreams. I am always looking for some great reads/movies. Thank You Thank You :)

    To answer your question, I feel that having a theme helps both the writer and the reader. The writer gets a focused area to channel all the creative energy, and the reader will know what to expect. I think it is a win win.

    *Shantala / ShanayaTales*

  22. I love your theme! There are so many books I reread and movies I watch over and over again, so I'm excited to see which ones have made an impact on you. :)

  23. What would we do without books, movies and tv series to inspire our writing? Great theme, btw. Looking forward to reading your blog. Currently, I'm reading three books. :)

  24. Your theme for the challenge is going to be interesting to read because of all the different mediums you're highlighting that impacted your writing in some way. It's funny you mention the TBR....that's actually the subject of one of my posts I'm writing for the challenge. I look forward to learning which movies and TV shows taught you things that helped your writing, if only to find out which ones we have in common for wanting to watch them and learning which ones I need to put in queue up on Netflix :)

    The Madlab Post

  25. That will be a great theme to read. I look forward to learning a lot in April.

  26. What a great theme, Susan! Looking forward to it & to being on your team!

  27. Great theme. I'm sure my tbr pile is going to be bigger by the end of April.

  28. Sounds good. I like it when people go with a theme. They do end up getting creative when it comes to a few of the tougher letters to comply with. :)

  29. Sounds great! Love adding to my lists :)

  30. Sounds like a theme we all could learn from. Can't wait to read them. And I didn't know some people don't use a theme. Do they just randomly write about things from A to Z?

  31. What a great theme! I think it will be interesting to read your posts on what you have learned through books, etc! How interesting too that you changed your theme "mid stream" so to speak, good luck with finishing the posts before the challenge begins next week!


  32. That's a great theme. We can always stand to learn new things, even if we think we already know a lot. I can't imagine how difficult 'twould be to not use a theme.

  33. Sounds good! Looking forward to checking this out. Jean, visiting for April A-Z Theme Reveal from Rantings and Ravings of an Insane Writer.

  34. Luckily, there are words that begin with every letter, so it's relatively easy for me :). I can't wait to see what your picks are.

  35. Cool theme. I'm always open to learning new things and being inspired through movies and books and such.

  36. Shawshank redemption

  37. Wow, I LOVE that theme. I can't wait to see which books and TV shows made an impact on your writing life!

  38. Ah...television, movies and books. What a great combination! Hugs...

  39. That's a great idea!
    I love personal recommendations!

  40. I'm looking forward to your recommendations!


  41. Learning where other writers draw inspiration and insight is always cool.

  42. Sounds like a really great theme. I always appreciate getting exposed to more books, movies, and artists. Looking forward to what you present!

    Alex Hurst, A Fantasy Author in Kyoto
    Out of Print, Fiction authors and their shorts

    A-Z Blogging in April Participant

  43. Weeding out is certainly a daunting task especially when a book or movie came highly recommended in the first place, and for whatever reason added an element of thoughtfulness to your own writing. Good advice you have already given...writers learn by reading. No doubt your theme will prove to be full of good points and more advice. Looking forward to your posts.

    Thanks for stopping by today.
    Sue at CollectInTexas Gal
    AtoZ 2015 Challenge
    AJ's wHooligans

  44. Oh, great theme! There have been plenty of books, movies, and TV shows that have inspired me over the years, so it'll be fun to see some of the ones that have inspired you! :)

  45. Great idea for a theme. Looking forward to a bulging TBR pile!

  46. Great to add to the TBR pile, mine's way too long already! not that one is planning to stop.

    Best wishes,

  47. This should be a fun theme. I haven't reread too many books, but I've rewatched a number of movies. The ones I've probably re-watched the most are Wizard of Oz, Fellini's Roma, and Kiss Me Deadly.

    Have fun with April!

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Wrote By Rote

  48. This sounds like fun! I actually thought about doing something like this. I can never have enough recommendations for books and films!

  49. Love to get good reviews and recommendations.

  50. I've read The LOTR and The Hobbit a few times each, and The Princess Bride a few times, and the movie I've watched the most times is a toss up between all the original Star Wars, Princess Bride, and Conspiracy Theory, oh, and The January Man, and The Horseman on the Roof. Okay, I could go on, but I'm stopping now! My posts will be short to medium length with lots of images. I'm trying to keep them as short as possible! Good luck on the A to Z! I'll be back!

  51. Sounds like a great theme... looking forward to your alphabetical posts!

  52. Sounds like fun :)
    Hopefully I walk away at the end of April with some books and movies on my to be read/watched list!

  53. I love reading fiction and non-fiction.
    I'm not much of a movie person though...
    Looking forward to your posts.

  54. I almost selected a theme that incorporated my favorite crime fiction and legal thriller films and books. I love themes that involve books and movies. I will definitely be back often in April to read your blog posts. Your theme is intriguing. Thanks for co-hosting this amazing challenge

  55. Nice theme! I love some books, movies and tv shows. Never thought much about what they might have taught me as a writer. I'm sure I've learned some bad habits from them as well as good.

    Happy A to Z!

  56. Your theme is awesome. People underestimate wisdom that can be gleaned about human nature from shows, particularly reality TV, if you pick the right show (after all, Survivor inspired the Hunger Game series). I will be visiting and reading with great interest, the sources of your inspiration during the A to Z challenge.

  57. This sounds like a great theme - I always enjoy the themes that feature books, movies, etc because I end up finding some that I want to read or watch myself. Have a great time with the challenge!

  58. What a great theme. Can't wait to read along
