Monday, March 30, 2015

On Your Mark

Wednesday is a big day in the blogging world. It's IWSG day, the first Wednesday of the month. And being April 1st, it's also the kick off day for the A to Z Blogging Challenge. You can still sign up for both. It's going to be one exciting, crazy day on Wednesday.

I have my posts mostly ready but I will probably edit many as the month of April goes on. News to share or add. We'll see how it goes.

In what I have finished, the first draft of The Warrior and the Professor is finally finished. Only took me a month longer than expected. Lots of work to do on it yet before it ever is read by my publisher. But it really is true that it's easier to fix a bad first draft than a blank page.

Other good news, we did our taxes this weekend. On the bad news side, because I'm a self-employed writer and my husband is also self-employed, we always have to pay in despite all the money we've had deducted throughout the year. It hurts to see the percentage of our money that goes to taxes and when we figure in all the taxes and fees we pay every time we shop, pay our phone bills, it really adds up. But that's a story for another forum. Just wanted to say 'ouch.'

I'm keeping this short today because the blogging duties are about to get long.

"Save three pieces of gold, and the fourth one will fall in your lap." Croatian proverb

And for those diving into to A to Z for the first time, another quote.

"Don't agonize, organize." Florynce Kennedy

Do you have a double post for IWSG and A to Z on Wednesday or are you combining them into one? Feeling organized going into the challenge? Finish you taxes? Wince or smile?


  1. Hi Susan - not quite all set .. done some letters - J and U and a few others .. will finish off later on ..

    and Just enjoy the A-Z .. it's a United time for us all ... cheers Hilary

    1. I see what you did there, Hilary. I finished J yesterday.

  2. I still have to do taxes. Uggh. I do taxes for four people.
    April is going to shape up to be a busy month and it will not be the A to Z challenge.

  3. If you're paying a lot of taxes, means you made a lot of money though.
    I have my post scheduled for Wednesday! It's the only one scheduled, but all the others are written.

    1. I try to look at it that way, Alex, but when you're paying college tuition it never feels like you're making any money.

  4. Oy! Taxes. The weather was too pretty last week so we worked outside, but it's on the schedule for this weekend, rain or shine.

    1. Only one real spring day here. Rain mixed with snow today and tomorrow so still not getting much work done outside here.

  5. Taxes are done (thank heavens); but way too much other work to do.

    1. You sound really busy with your edits and a new contract.

  6. We are doing taxes this week; hubby is self employed but didn't make enough last year to really "hurt" us. I'm anticipating a little refund or a little to pay. I do remember when I was self employed and paid quarterlies and made generous donations to charities so we wouldn't have to pay. We ended up getting a refund one year and then ended up getting audited. I guess they couldn't believe after paying for so many years one could actually get a refund :)

    Looking forward to A/Z. I have all written but one (N) but know what that is, just have to put it together. I am like you, will fine tune daily if need be.


    1. Audits must be scary. I've heard the fines are usually more than the taxes they claim you owe.

  7. Ugg to paying in, so far I've been luck and don't have to. All ready to go at my show but that you know

  8. Organize is my keyword for the entire month. Wish me luck.

  9. Schedule is my word for the month. (and organize)
    It looks like you're ready for a great month!

  10. That's the key. Organize and you won't have to agonize. A to Z is meant to be a blessing, not a burden.

  11. Hi Susan -- I've definitely decided to do Camp NaNoWriMo this year instead of the A to Z. Just need to knuckle down and write....and I'm migrating to a new website/blog in April so posting every day would be impossible anyway. I'm hoping April turns out to be an extra-productive month. Good luck with all your projects. You sound very busy....

  12. Little nervous about A-Z, but I've been prepping all month. Hope it helps!

  13. Congrats on finishing that first draft! Hope editing it goes well. That's such a shame about your taxes, though. At least they're finally out of the way now...

  14. I'm not participating in A-Z so the IWSG will be my only post for April. I am co-hosting IWSG though, so I will certainly do my fair share of blog visiting that day. Taxes and first drafts - two agonizing, inescapable events. Ugh.

  15. I have my flash stories written up to I, but a couple need edited to the 100 word limit. Hope to get at least half the alphabet good to go before April.

    Congrats on the draft!

  16. It's always a little depressing around tax time! My son is getting some $ back for the first time ever (one of his jobs never, ever took tax off for him) - He's thrilled :)

  17. Isn't it amusing how the Challenge begin on April Fools' Day? :) Congrats on finishing your draft. Commiserations on the taxes. They stink.

  18. I'm sure you'll have fun! Congrats on getting to The End.

  19. I just finished writing X today so I'm ready. I always write a month ahead and schedule. I won't be participating in IWSG this month or anything else I normally do. It's all A to Z, all month, unless something major comes up. Like I sell a new book or something. (With my agent still on maternity leave, that's unlikely, though!)

  20. Congratulations on getting to the end (for now) of your novel.
    Sorry about the taxing (haha) situation. Yet millionaires get constant breaks...

  21. Best of luck with A-Z. I won't be playing this year but I'm looking forward to everyone's posts.

  22. I've got two posts scheduled for Wednesday, as well as the post for my secondary blog. All my posts for both blogs are written, scheduled, and edited.

    Congratulations on finishing your draft!

  23. I really needed that Kennedy quote - more organizing and less agonizing! :)

  24. I'm ready and waiting too... Like you, I'll possibly do some editting before they all go to publish! Excited and poised ;) See you on the other side... Oh and love that last quote!
    Carol Cameleon at

  25. Thanks for your work with AtoZ. It's my fourth time. I appreciate your hosting.

  26. I'm good for the first week. Keeping fingers crossed.

  27. Thanks for all the good work. This is my second time and I have tried to be somewhat organised...I'm good for the first few days and then,,, will just have to manage. All the best, everyone!!
