Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Monday was the huge theme reveal for April's A to Z Blogging Challenge. I already scoped out so many blogs that have great themes that I wish I would have time to visit every day. But I won't. There are too many others to explore. Check out the themes and Alex J. Cavanaugh's ideas on making friends. He has lots of them so take his advice to heart.

The first year I did the Challenge, I thought I would remember which blogs I wanted to continue to visit but I didn't. Now I keep a cool little lined tablet by my side and jot down the names of bloggers I hope keep up their wonderful content after April passes. I hope they will.

I'm still checking out themes but so far I've found numerous blogs about monsters, deities and mythological creatures. I love those. A few craft blogs where I'll note all kinds of things that I'd like to make. Others are doing movie, TV or books reviews. How can I resist that? Some are doing look backs at favorite eras or decades. Retro is always fun. Then there are the travel themes where I'll get to visit a lovely locale from the comfort of my computer chair. I can't wait.

But there is a lot to do in the meantime. I still have a few posts to finish up. As co-host, I'm checking out my share of the numbers. I wish some people would post something/anything before April first. On the personal front, I'm trying to finish the first draft of a novel I wanted to have done at the end of February. I'm a little behind. And I also wanted to have a start on the outdoor work except it keeps raining or snowing and it's never warm. No change in the forecast either. To catch up on all these things, I'm taking Friday off from blogging but I'll be back next Monday.

Here's a little grammar advice I found on She Writes. This quick little article was written by Annie Tucker and she makes it all easy to understand and remember. Should it be everyday or every day? Check out Annie's post.

"March is the month of expectation, the things we do not know." Emily Dickinson

No one know when spring will arrive in person instead of as a mark on the calendar.

In case you're worried about getting through some busy days ahead, here's some wisdom from The Old Farmer's Almanac:
When visiting a newborn for the first time, kiss the soles of its feet for good luck.

All my friends are too old to have newborns and my children haven't provided any grandchildren yet, so I may have to accost a stranger to get that luck.

Find any interesting themes at A to Z? Any chores that are piling up on you? Have any trouble with those one word vs two word situation Annie Tucker mentions? Ever kiss the soles of a newborn?


  1. Hi Susan - I'll pop over to She Writes and Annie Tucker ... I'm sure I'd use both - but then I type and I write .. who knows what would come out. I probably have kissed the soles of a newborn ... but as I didn't own one - can't say for certain!!

    Hope the weather improves .. it is so much lighter here and that extra daylight - bliss! Cheers Hilary

    1. I'm enjoying the extra daylight too. I've been taking evening walks.

  2. The tablet is a good idea. I have signed up for many blogs, but a few have really stood out. When exiting some, I have wondered if I will ever find them again. lol
    Agreed, there is never enough time.

    1. I know, Ann. I've had trouble finding blogs I really liked after the first time.

  3. There were some great themes. Will take me through the end of the week trying to visit all of them. I think that was a record for theme reveals!

    1. I'm not sure how I'll get through them all. I thought it was only like two hundred last year.

  4. I've found so many themes that seem to be matched so well to what the blog's overall theme/content is. And I think that's cool. Their usual followers will be getting more great content and newbies will not be shocked when they go back to something else in May. I've found a few I liked enough that I added them to my follow list to make sure I can catch most of the posts. There are others that I want to drop back in on occasionally. And there are more that while I am sure will draw a crowd, just aren't my cup of tea. Well, see, there you have it, I'm a cup of coffee. No tea.

    1. I'm a tea and coffee. LOL. I'll need all that caffeine to keep up this year.

  5. Some of those themes will be fun to follow.

    We're to be really warm and rainy tomorrow before dropping back down. Weird weather.

    1. Brutal weather and you're warmer than us a few states north of you.

  6. This Reveal Summary is such a good idea, Susan. I was thinking of something along the same lines to point out the 'New to Me' Blogs I added to my AtoZ Blog Roll. It helps to keep up with the ones you know you want to visit throughout the you. I have a 5 year old grandson who had the most kissable feet as a baby...lucky me!
    Sue at CollectInTexas Gal
    AtoZ 2015 Challenge
    Minion for AJ's wHooligans

    1. That's a good idea for a few posts in May. Introduce my old friends to my new ones.

  7. There are a lot of good themes out there! I make a new folder for A/Z blogs that I want to revisit and make them as my favorites. Some I'll follow but some don't have that follow mechanism on their blog or its too hard to figure out so I'll put them in my favorites :)

    I'll have to search out a newborn baby here :)


    1. It is difficult to figure out how to follow some blogs. Been a while since I've encountered any newborns too.

  8. I won't kiss the soles of your feet, but I will wish you good luck. You're going to be very, very busy next week. :)

    1. Very, very busy. And I have some other responsibilities with my one writers' group too.

  9. I wish I was organized when it came to following blogs with themes I like. I have the best of intentions but then ...

    1. I was like that the first two years but last year I started the list thing and it really worked.

  10. Lots of great themes out there indeed. Hmmm will the feet be washed first? lol

    1. Baby feet don't stink. Unless they flailed around during a diaper change. LOL. That would be my luck.

  11. I am psyched to see what everyone comes up with. I love your theme, Susan, BTW!

    1. I'll miss seeing your posts this year. Are you going back to that book someday?

  12. There's a ridiculous number of people participating. There should be tons of fun blogs to pick from.

    Good luck finishing your draft. Maybe in between your Challenge duties?

  13. We got snow this morning so I feel your weather-pains.
    If I go to someone's blog and they haven't posted a long time prior to the challenge, I generally don't follow them. How will I know the blog won't be dormant after April is over?

  14. The kids and I went into the grocery store; it was sunny and in the 30s, which felt balmy! We parked at the far end of the lot by general consensus.

    We came out an hour or so later - ten degrees colder, at least - and sleeting! Not nearly as much fun going back to the car!

    I'm not really stressed about it, but I've yet to even draft my posts. I'm in the process of reverse-engineering a plot revision, plotting two novellas for CampNaNo, and building a blog queue to carry my regular features during April...

    But I will get some of these other projects cleared up in the next few days, so I should be able to get at least Week One scheduled ahead.

    In the meantime, I am still blogging on my regular schedule, so feel free to pop in anytime- I might even tell you a story! =D

    I love to kiss newborn souls. =D

  15. I'm not doing A-to-Z, but a lot of bloggers I follow are, and they all have such great themes. Good luck keeping up with everyone's posts while doing the challenge yourself!

  16. Yup, trying to do some tidying up before April hits too.

  17. I've kissed my own baby's feet, but I didn't know it was for good luck! :) I always think I'll remember which blogs I'm visiting during the Challenge too, but sometimes I miss some. A list is a good idea. Have a wonderful weekend.

  18. I think I did kiss my son's feet when he was very small.

    And it's nice here today, sunny, high 30s, no wind. Definitely a good day to take the dog for a walk!
