Monday, July 13, 2015

How Great Was That?

Wow, the past three days have been great. On Friday, I got Blog Blitzed! Blog Blitz 2.0 is the invention of DL Hammons. If you're not part of this group that every so often sends a whole lot of
commenting love to a fellow blogger, you don't know what you're missing. I was completely surprised and honored and touched and ... you know what I mean. Thank you to all the wonderful visitors, many of whom dropped in on Saturday or Sunday.

I also wanted to thank Tyrean Martinson. A short time ago, I won a first page evaluation for my WIP. She spotted one of my constant misspelled words right away and gave me some great suggestions to draw my reader into that important first scene. It's so great to get fresh new eyes on my writing. Thanks, Tyrean.

One of my local writer friends share this link where the typical Twitter user is described. It only takes a minute to look it over.  Except for the education and income part, I don't fit the typical profile. Too old, too white and too female. But I have my friends there so I think I fit in with them. I avoid the hate attacks that happen, two big ones over the last few weeks. Ouch. It gets really mean on there.

Another great thing this weekend was a bridal shower for my future daughter in law. A little more than two weeks until the wedding. And they're both ready to have kids so call me granny by this time next year, I hope. My son, the oldest of my natural children, is so like me and we've always been very close even during those teen years. I've missed him since he bought his own house. He still constantly raids my bookshelves and makes me resort to all kinds of threats to get my books back. I'm so happy he found a wonderful woman to love and share his life with.

"Sometimes love means letting go when you want to hold on tighter." Melissa Marr

My daughter and I spend a few hours in the pool, not all at once, over the weekend and had lots of time to catch up. Then we went to the shower together and finished Sunday afternoon off with two hours at Barnes and Noble. We came up four books heavier but had fun and an overpriced drink.

As you can see, I had a very upbeat weekend with little writing to show for it. But I had family fun and online bonding with other bloggers and writers. Does it get any better than that?

"The best thing to hold onto in life is each other." Audrey Hepburn

Did anyone out there have a better few days than I did? Where do you fall in the typical Twitter user stats? Ever have your blogger friends humble you with kindness like the Blitz did to me?


  1. Congrats on your blitz blog, What a surprise for you.
    Gave a good day.

  2. It's fun being Blitzed, isn't it?
    That's awesome you are so close with your kids. Heck with the writing - spending time with them this weekend was more important.

    1. It was great fun, Alex. And the kid-busy weekend was fun.

  3. What a nice weekend! Mine was good - quiet but also productive. And I agree with Alex about how nice it is that you're so close with your kids.

    1. Mine wasn't productive for writing but I hope to make up for it this week.

  4. It sounds like a fun weekend to me. I helped a friend on Sunday, but I did manage to sneak in a few hours to work on my book.

  5. Cheers to being blitzed! And that's awesome that you're so close to your son and daughter. Sometimes writing needs to take a backseat to family. Often, they're our inspiration anyway... for better or worse.

    1. Better or worse, yeah, we have both of that in our family.

  6. Sounds like a great weekend was had and yeah, I avoid the hate crap on twitter too. Gonna be a Profanity Granny? lol

    1. Just got Profanity Granny so I'll let you know after I read it.

  7. I think I would fit in the same category you did with Twitter; I don't have anything against it except not enough time for it, LOL (that and Pinterest). How fun with the future wedding and the shower to celebrate it all! I bet it was a great surprise when you realized you were being blitzed :)

    Sounds like a lovely weekend you had. Mine was a bit quieter and a bit relaxful and restful.


    1. We're really looking forward to the wedding. Twitter get suck up the time.

  8. Being blitzed sure is a fun surprise!
    Glad you had a nice weekend :)

    1. Thanks, Sarah. That blitz just started it out right.

  9. The Blitz is an awesome thing! :) And lovely that had such a nice weekend. Mine was quiet and restful. We did go see the new Minions movie yesterday.

    1. I bet your little one enjoyed the Minions, Christine.

  10. I'm apparently too old and white, too. Interesting.

    I had to drop out of the Blog Blitz because of time restraints. Which sounds ridiculous, I know, but that must have been such a nice surprise for you. :)

    1. I always think of you are so young. But to Twitter you're one of us old folks.

  11. You deserved that Blitz, Susan! :)

    I just joined Twitter. I'm finding it interesting but like anywhere else on the Web, I will stay clear of arguments.

    I'm glad you had a wonderful weekend. :)

  12. I know exactly how you felt when you got blitzed. It's a really special feeling. I'm on Twitter but I still don't get it and am not on it very much. One thing for sure, I'd never participate in an argument if I happened across one.

    1. I stay away from the meanness on there. It's really ugly.

  13. Yes, we had a killer weekend and this upcoming weekend, Tim has four days off. Hot dog. Sounds like summer is going super well on your end. Very, very cool. And congrats on being 'almost' a granny. You crack me up.

    Cheers, boogie boogie and have a yummy day.

    1. Summer is flying by. Have fun with Tim.

    2. The upcoming weekend, the one just passed, not so great. His mom as in town so we took her to stores she doesn't get to go to. But it was too much for my immune system. Lesson learned. You betcha.

  14. I've never understood the allure of Twitter. It's time consuming and the few times I started or entered conversations, I couldn't keep up with replies.

    Facebook is more my speed. :)

    1. Twitter does get news before anyone else though not all reports are reliable.

  15. It seems as if you have a very full schedule. Congrats on your Blitz. Isn't it fun?

    1. Being blitz was great fun. Wish I had time to visit those castles you've been talking about.

  16. Ooh, a wedding! How fun.

    Well, I'm young (ish) and college educated, but I'm neither a male, affluent, or non-white. Only two out of five.

    1. To me, you're not 'ish. Definitely fall into the young category.

  17. Happy belated Blitz day! Congratulations on the upcoming big day for your family!

    Years from now, when cultural anthropologists examine what's left behind from our social media (ahem, Twitter), I wonder what conclusions they will draw about our generation.

    1. LOL. In the future, if they see Twitter they'll probably figure out why our society declined.

  18. What a wonderful weekend. I'm glad you liked the Blitz. I got some of those Twitter categories.

  19. I don't use Twitter although I am a member. To me the whole thing is a waste of time, However, thousands would disagree. You did have a good weekend. We didn't do a whole heap of anything.

    1. I've been using twitter more but it's still not my first choice.

  20. Sounds like a wonderful weekend! Congratulations to your son on the upcoming wedding. I went boating, sailing and to the beach. I also gardened and grocery shopped. No writing for me either...

  21. Sounds like you had a great weekend! I never noticed those sort of stats on Twitter. Most of the people I chat with are women, though I couldn't say their ages. I'm sure it varies. Other than being in the right age group, I don't fall into any of the other popular categories.

  22. Congratulations on being blitzed! I don't appear to fit in with Twitter users (Native American wasn't even a factor, and I'm still too white, hahaha), but I don't use it much, so I found it fairly accurate. I'm a Facebook and blog kinda' gal.

  23. Sounds like you had a way better weekend than I did. Mine consisted of chores like laundry and mowing.

  24. lots going on in your household and all of it fun and exciting. A friend's son just got engaged and she said she has to remind herself that the mother of the groom just has to show up and smile. LoL. My weekend was okay. Nothing spectacular which in itself is good

  25. Hi Susan - love the sound of your three days ... how brilliant being blitzed.

    Then the kids - spending time with your daughter and catching up on all her news ... and now a wedding to look forward to ... it all sounds just perfect and I'm so happy for you all ...

    The quotes you used are such good ones ... "Sometimes love means letting go when you want to hold on tighter." Melissa Marr and "The best thing to hold onto in life is each other." Audrey Hepburn

    Have a fantastic couple of weeks and then yes 'Granny' for next year!! Happy days ahead - Hilary

  26. That sounds like an utterly fantastic weekend! So glad you enjoyed yourself. And that was so cool with the Blogger Blitz!! Lots of great stuff coming your way. Did you get a dress for the wedding already?

  27. Congratulations on being Blitzed!
