Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Today's Excuses

The humidity is at about 1000% outside so you know I want to be out there. Actually, by the time you read this, I probably am. I have to mow the grass today. On the best of days it takes a little over two hours. Then I'll have to get in the pool to cool off. And catch up to all my blogging buddies and then....

Yes, there are endless excuses and procrastination activities to keep me away from my first draft. But I'm fighting through. Yesterday I weeded every part of the estate except for the flowerbeds around the pool and still I wrote 2500 words on that messy first draft.

Last night I paused long enough to watch the latest Ninja Turtle movie with my youngest son. It was silly and I felt dumber after watching it, but time with my son isn't wasted. And filled in about five hundred more words in the midst of the movie.

I'm reading a really suspenseful book now, The Bone Tree, sequel to Natchez Burning by Greg Iles. I want to sit with a big cup of coffee until I finish it, but I put it down at page #285 to finish a scene. Then a book I ordered from Amazon arrived in the mail and I've been waiting nearly a year for it to come out. But I didn't open it.

I needed a few things at the store but I made it in and out in record time. All the better to get back to writing.

This Friday, I'll be skipping my usual week-ending blog post to spend more time on that WIP. Tomorrow I'll be making homemade bread and salad for dinner, but that will only take me minutes. I'm streamlining the rest of the week so I get some work done.

Did you find some good excuses this week? How did you procrastinate and what were you avoiding? Is a good book calling your name? How long does it take you to mow your grass?

On a side note, my daughter's student group in Oman voted on superlatives for each other. She was unanimous choice as Most Likely to Quietly Take Over the World. That's my girl!


  1. Enjoyed reading your excuses,
    My excuses!!!! I ought to change my bank as my present bank have made mistakes, I keep putting it off as (a) I have no one to come with me to start a new bank account and (b) to be pefectly honest when it comes to anything to do with legal things I am THICK and don't fully understand what they are talking about as they speak in legal terms I can't grasp.

  2. Quietly take over the world - funny!
    Actually it's not the turtles that dumbed you down, it was Megan Fox.
    No excuses for me this week. I've written almost two thousand words!

  3. For so many excuses, you've really gotten a lot done!

    Well done!

  4. haha yeah Fox can dumb anyone down, first 2 tmnt movies were way better. I am editing away, but still be a be lazy here and there.

  5. Oh, I've had good books calling my name, too - loved THE MOUNTAIN STORY by Lori Lansens, and I'm now reading THOSE GIRLS by Chevy Stevens - I'm a big fan of her disturbing and dark stories.

    But I am ahead in my word count for Camp NaNo so overall, not too bad. :)

  6. What a great compliment for your daughter :) I agree, watching a movie with a son is always good time spent; I used to watch the silliest of movies with son, but glad to have that time together. Good for you for the mowing and the weeding! That is hard work, but your reward, of course, was the refreshing pool :) Seems like you have a great plan to keep working on your WIP :)


  7. I've been avoiding exercise. My excuses are Camp NaNoWriMo and the fact that the humidity is like a wall outside that you smack right into the second you set foot out the door. Sure, there's AC inside the house, but you know, excuses.

    What a lovely compliment for your daughter!

  8. Doing all of that weeding and adding 2500 words sounds like an all-around productive day to me. :)

  9. Last night I gave myself a pass on working outside with the theory I would feel more like it today. lol It's a busy life but we do have to carve out time for what is important. That is why I watch wheel of fortune and jeopardy every night. She loves game shows.

    1. My mom loves those game shows is what I should have written.

  10. what an amazing superlative!! I hope she does quietly take over the world - I have a feeling she'd make it a much better place.

    thank you for the recs - the two books sound amazing.

  11. I think it sounds like you've had quite a productive week! I've been making excuses lately too - though over the past few days, I've been bitten by the writing bug again.I haven't managed to write anything on my actual WIP but I have been doing writing-related things...does that count?? I'm hoping that tonight/the rest of the week I can spend more time on my WIP rather than all the 'housekeeping' stuff (i.e. actually thinking of the story...)

  12. Your week so far has sound productive, but I know the feeling of it feeling like an excuse to not write. I've been using cleaning and running out for things and blogging as an excuse to not write. That and I haven't been in the best of moods, which really affects my motivation.
    'Most Likely to Quietly Take Over the World' - I like it! haha

  13. I've been in Charlotte NC for two days so there's my procrastination. Also, both of my laptops broke and I couldn't write a thing until I saw my cousin in Charlotte who fixed them both gratis.

    And now here I am, trying to get back to work.

    Bread and salad sounds delicious.

  14. Oh, and Most Likely to Take Over the World is fabulous. Congratulations to your daughter!

  15. I hate humidity! It's making me melt. I wish I could jump in the pool with you.

    Congrats on your daughter's new title :)

  16. I am the Procrastination Queen. That's all you need to know. :p You had great productivity this week!

  17. Well, Susan...

    I am so impressed by what you accomplish even when procrastinating... Great that you can still fit in words here and there...

    I FINALLY got back to writing. Well more re-writing. I'm gearing up for the SCBWI LA conference in JUST a few weeks and I decided to resurrect my first novel. I changed so much.. MC's name, looks, attitude, supporting characters names and physical appearances. Seems I am just keeping the plots/story line. Hopefully it will be spot on this time.

    Enjoy your summer time. I looks like you are already!

  18. You know what they say: The more you have to do, the more you'll get done. Sometimes it's the biggest amount we have to do that causes us to accomplish the most.

  19. I'm in a sadder state than that - I don't even bother making excuses for not doing any writing anymore!

  20. No excuses! I've powering through the latest polishing round on my WIP! Keeps me out of that 1000% humidity!
    Happy Blitz Day!

    1. Thanks for stopping in. I feel so honored to be Blitzed.

  21. I hear you about the humidity! In Arkansas we're reaching temps of 96-97 without the HEAT INDEX, so needless to say indoor activities are high on my list -- which includes outlining and writing!

    And there's just no excuse for us BLITZING you today. Sorry! :)

    1. Thank you so much for picking me. It's so strange that I saw a comment from you on another blog and wondered when we were going to do another blitz. You made my day!

  22. Lol I'm the opposite. I'll procrastinate by writing, meaning I'll avoid chores to write. It's much more enjoyable for me. ;) Happy Blitz Day!

    1. I need to be more like you. Thanks for the blitz, Kelly.

  23. Replies
    1. I couldn't figure out why I had so many new comments on my blog. LOL thanks for stopping by this post twice, Alex.

  24. The humidity here is super high too. Though I'm not a fan of it! I'd stay inside to procrastinate by cleaning, but I have a little guy to entertain. Happy Blitz Day! :)

    1. Entertaining the little guy isn't procrastination. Thanks for the blitz.

  25. I'm the king of procrastination. I try to avoid excuses when I can and flaunt my procrastinating. Bad me.

    But good you! You're getting blitzed today!

    Wrote By Rote

    1. Thanks for the blitz, Lee. I know you're in the middle of traveling.

  26. You must be a really fast writer.

    Happy Blitz day!

  27. I've been reading the 5th Wave this week by Rick Yancey. Really enjoying it. Plus, I've been formatting books, creating banners, putting together homemade swag for the Indie Bookfest at the end of the month, so I have plenty of procrastinating techniques lately. Lol

    Happy Blitz Day!

    1. I used that book during the A to Z challenge for one of my posts. It's really good and so in the second. Thanks for the blitz.

  28. Sounds like you've been super productive. Getting some time outside is good too.

  29. That is one cool award your daughter received. Happy Blitz Day!

    1. My daughter is pretty cool. Thanks for stopping by to blitz me.

  30. You know I'm procrastinating when I do the dishes.
    Sounds like you got a lot done though.
    I love the "Take over the World" award! Perfect!


    You've been blitzed!

    Enjoy the day!

  31. I procrastinated by cleaning the house excessively - which is a rare and strange thing for me. And then, I had a day when I planned everything - upcoming vacation minutia, life plans, etc. - anything but my book. I also spent time watching Chuck with my family, and cuddling my dog and cat.
    I don't know why but this was the week of that yawning chasm of self-doubt and "my book will never get finished" kind of thing. I think I'm over it today though - or at least, I plan to be. :)

    And hooray for 'quietly taking over the world' - that's a fun award!

    1. Thanks for stopping by today. Hope the doubt went away.

  32. Came back to wish you a nice Friday; hoping you are getting some work done on your WIP and wishing you a Happy Blitz Day!


    1. Thanks so much, betty, for stopping by again. Being blitzed is fun.

  33. I'm a pretty doggone good procrastinator, but I had some good excuses this week, anyway. I've been preparing and baking all kinds of goodies for our grandchildren. We don't get to see them nearly as often as we'd like, so when we do, they always get top billing.

    You, however, aren't making excuses at all. You're still getting 'er done! Good for you. Sounds like you've perfected an ideal time balancing act.

    As for cutting the grass, since my hubby retired, HE cuts it. (And I don't miss it one bit!)

    Oh yeah... how ya feeling? A little woozy, maybe? Well, it isn't that heat and humidity. It's because you are getting BLITZED today! Enjoy!

    1. Can't wait until I have grandkids to bake for. Thanks for Blitzing me today.

  34. Oh boy can I identify with your post! I weeded, mulched, shored up some rocks that surround a tree, weeded some more, ran errands but unlike you, I didn't get much writing in.

    Happy Blitz Day!!!

    1. Thanks, Bish. Sounds like me in the outside work department. Being Blitzed is fun.

  35. A book is ALWAYS calling my name... LOL
    Mowing? It's a thing of the past, thank goodness. That's why we paved the front and side yard, to eliminate mowing of grass...
    Love the title bestowed on your daughter - it's quite unique... and charming.

    Happy Blog Blitz Day!
    Enjoy the flood of comments coming your way, Susan!

    1. Thanks, Michelle. My husband wants us next house to mow-free though I always do it so I don't know why he cares. Thanks for the blitz.
      Susan Says

  36. Sounds like you've got a lot going on this week and I don't see that you've procrastinated at all. Cute title your daughter won. When she becomes President she can put that on the wall of the Oval Office. :) Happy Blitz Day!!

    1. Thanks, Mason. Don't laugh. She might be in the office one day. Thanks for the blitz.

  37. What a cool title. I bet someday soon, I will hear of her quietly taking over the world. *snort* Happy Blitz Day. Enjoy. I'm mowing tomorrow. I will swim after too. What a grand reward.

    1. Mowing with swimming to follow is the way to beat the heat. Thanks for the blitz.

  38. You have some good excuses. Mine always revolve around my kids in one way or another. Happy Blitz Day!

    1. My kids are old enough not to be an excuse though sometimes they still are. Thanks for the blitz.

  39. I am amazingly good at procrastination. But your excuses are better than mine. Mowing the grass during a Texas summer is a nightmare. The neighbors always complain if we try to do it in the middle of the night when it's cooler... go figure...
    Happy Blitz Day!

    1. LOL. One of our neighbors sometimes mows the grass after dark. We don't complain. Thanks for the blitz.

  40. Ah, good books are my favorite distraction! Happy Blitz!

  41. I hear you. I find more things that "must" be done before I can write. Procrastination is my middle name! Happy Blitz day!


    Hope your weekend it a good one.

  43. I've given up on good excuses, but I've got a long list of bad ones. ;-) I have a really bad habit of putting everyone else's work ahead of my own. It makes me an awesome critique partner, but it's just another way of procrastinating. I'm avoiding starting something new while I wait for feedback on my latest draft.

    I'm fortunate that my husband is so excited to have a lawn, he mows it all the time. But we don't have a pool, so like all things in life, it's a trade-off. :-)

    1. If your husband really loves mowing, let me know if he's in my area. Thanks for the blitz, Laura.

  44. Procrastination is my best friend. My house is never cleaner and my family never better fed than when I'm on a deadline….

    1. LOL, Kate. Same at this house. Thanks for the blitz.

  45. I finished my goal of writing a chapter for this week early! So I"m free. Free to procrastinate until next week anyway. Happy Blitz day! And it takes me about 30 minutes to mow my yard. It's a small one.

    1. 30 minutes? Takes me about 2 hours by myself. Thanks for the blitz, Michelle.

  46. Well done on the 2.5k words! And your daughter's 'award' :)
    Happy blitz day!

  47. Happy Blitz Day! (No, I don't have any excuses. I'm too busy doing things!) :)

  48. My middle initial is P! Guess why? Actually, that's not true, but my middle initial should be P. I can think of any number of ways to procrastinate. Here's to your Blitz Day! Don't put off enjoying it.

  49. Oh yes - the excuses not to sit down and write! Sounds like you have been busy doing lots of other things though. Happy Blog Blitz Day :)

  50. It looks like you made some good writing progress! I've usually got excuses NOT to write. Happy Blitz Day!

  51. I'm a procrastinator, too. In fact, I'm doing it right now. I hope you are enjoying your book, and being blitzed!

    1. Hey, thanks for using the blitz as your procrastination today. I appreciate it.

  52. I love "quietly take over the world." And congrats on getting the word count out--it's always so much harder in the summer, even if it's too hot to be outside.

    Happy Blog Blitz Day!

    1. Thanks, Connie. My word count always suffers in the summer.

  53. Haha, good for your daughter.

    Looks to me like you've struck a marvelous balance. You're the streamline queen!

    Happy Blitz Day!!

  54. Haha, I'll do the dishes to avoid chores on the phone.
    Happy Blitz Day!

    1. Doing the dishes is a big sacrifice. Thanks for the blitz, Marlene.

  55. I love this quote-brilliant! When I avoid writing or art-I want to clean and cook?!
    So, strange...I still have some skeletons in the closet to clean or write about.

    You rock! Happy Blitz Day~

    1. Thanks, Ella, for being part of my blitz. Cleaning means I really want to procrastinate.

  56. That's an awesome idea for an award. Happy blitz day! :)

    1. I'll pass that on, Emma. My daughter received something like that from her middle school teachers too.

  57. That looks like a great read and I like that superlative title. Happy Blitz Day.

    1. Thanks, Medeia for the blitz visit. it's been great.

  58. Happy Blog Blitz Day to you! By the way, I love your daughter's 'Most Likely'! Enjoy your day. Eva

    1. Thanks for the blitz visit, Eva. I'll pass your compliment onto my daughter.

  59. I'm stunned by the number and variety of your books! So, so glad to blitz you today and meet another fantasy writer. (And to get all those great tips on how to procrastinate.)

    1. Thanks for the blitz visit, Barb. I probably have more tips on procrastinating.

  60. Happy Blitz Day! How impressive that you work through your excusses. I don't always do that, but I try. I love your daughter's supertalive.

    1. I don't always do that either Toi. Thanks for the blitz

  61. I am a weirdo who loves humidity haha, so far this summer's been pretty dry for me in NY! happy blitz!

    1. I love humidity too, Beth. Thanks for the blitz visit.

  62. Happy Blitz Day! And I'm glad that your excuses didn't really slow you down.

    1. Thanks for the blitz visit, Samantha. My excuses are slowing me down some.

  63. A solid 2+ hours here to mow and trim my beast of a yard. No pool here though. :( Keep working on that draft. Few things feel as good as wrapping up that first draft--no matter how messy it is.

    1. About two hours for me too, Jeff, if I can't rope one of the kids into helping. You're so right about that first draft. Thanks for visiting me on blitz day.

  64. Ooh girl. You know I am a good procrastinator! Actually the procrastination has been more of the 'i'm sick so I can't write' variety, but yesterday I still got in about 2,500 words! I think tonight I'll sit and write while my husband plays video games. We'll see.
    Happy Blitz Day! :)

  65. I haven't heard of The Bone Tree, I may have to add that to my wish list on Amazon - you can never have too many books! I experienced something similar with a book I've been waiting for (almost a year). I waited, almost two weeks in fact, which might be a record and it became my treat for finishing a final edit! Good luck with your draft. I hope you continue to fit words in around your schedule. Happy Blitz Day. I hope you have a great time!

  66. Happy Blitz Day. It hit 100 here, but the humidity was low so no rain. Just hot. We will have to watch your daughter. Sounds talented. ;)

  67. I can even procrastinate procrastination, lol. I avoided writing blog post by finally finishing the two (three) books I've been reading. Got one review posted, will write the second review as soon as I'm finished here. No, I don't normally read 3 at a time: one was a short story anthology, one was a novel I promised a review for, the last is Game of Thrones (it follows real closely the series), and Mr Martin does not need my review.

    Its cool to sometimes watch something silly. Get out of your own head a bit and remember there is some fun in the world. Best time spent with a little one! I hope you feel free to write this weekend, now that the chores are done and you've gotten a 500 word start. Best wishes.

    It rained here the last couple days. So totally needed. I loved the guilt free break from yard work :)

  68. Time with family is never a waste. Happy blitz day!

  69. Happy BLITZ Day!!
    I think this week was all about the procrastination. Dentist appointment, shopping, laundry, writing my newsletter, it all stopped me from writing in my WIP. Bad me. Maybe next week with be better. I hope it gets better for you! :)

  70. Such a lovely gong for your daughter! You must be so proud! And I just love Greg Iles. Hard to put down for sure. :-)

  71. I'm always fighting the urge to procrastinate. Most times I win, but sometimes I don't. I did get some writing done this week, but not as much as I'd hoped to. Happy Blog Blitz Day to you! Eva

  72. I have been procrastinating editing my first draft this week as well. Can't say it's the weather though, as it's winter here. Happy Blitz Day.

  73. Happy Blitz Day for yesterday!

    I'm a bit late due to being in shock... I was blitzed too! :)


  74. For me, it'd be easier to answer what I don't procrastinate doing! Funny superlative your daughter got. I hope when she's supreme ruler of the world that she'll be kind. I'm blitzing a late and a dollar short.
    Life & Faith in Caneyhead

  75. Oh my goodness, I wish I had your energy! No grass here, but still lots of yard work to do. :(

    I am procrastinating right now. :)

    Happy Blitz day (yesterday)!

  76. Hi, Susan,
    Despite being in procrastination station, it seems your time has been well spent.

  77. Glad you got some words in and had time with your youngest son.

  78. Happy very belated blitz! I like the idea of freeing up more time for the wip -- I've got to do this so I can focus on edits!
